Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1977: Chen Wanru’s life experience, a tiger father without a dog

After the incident, Chen Wanru sent someone there immediately, and now he has obtained a lot of information.

I just don't know the specific meaning of the above, Hu Xinting should represent the above.

Chen Wanru unreservedly gave her the information, and within a few hours, what was behind the scenes was exposed.

But the implications are very wide, it needs to be done slowly, and it needs to be warned.

A few days later, the large army went up.

Showed the attitude to the world.

After Chen Wanru calmed down, she couldn't help but think of Zhang Feng, the man who made her dream.

As long as you know where Zhang Feng is, Chen Wanru's heart will be very stable.

He is there!

Except for him and work, nothing else was thought of.

She has no other relatives. The old beggar picked her up when he first went abroad. She was trafficked abroad.

But she escaped, facing a strange and chaotic place, she escaped again, had it not been for Gusu, she would have died.

After returning to China, she couldn't find her family. She only knew that her home was in a big mountain. Gusu helped her find her for several years, but there was no news, which means that her family did not come out to find her, or even report the crime.

From then on, she understood that she had been forgotten, and no longer thought about this question. It was no longer important to her who her parents were.

She has a master and a younger brother, and her life is very good, although very busy.

The loneliness deep in my heart was filled by Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng played family and love in her heart.

As for the master, she is a recreated person.

This is the destiny. She changed after she escaped from the trafficker. If she could live, her life would be extraordinary.

Because she does not believe in fate, it can be changed.

Fate is not fair to anyone, and can only change it by himself.

\"This guy is taking Sharapova with him. It's okay. I can't do it! \" Chen Wanru drank beauty tea and said to herself.

Yes, Sharapova's strength is the strongest among Zhang Feng's women. Only she can train with Zhang Feng in such an environment.

And who can replace her, Chen Wanru?

Or Yunqian.

Zhuo Chaoyun?

Or Hu Xinting?

No one, every woman is a top-notch existence.

Thinking of this, Chen Wan couldn't help but admire Zhang Feng, so many powerful women could be subdued by him.

This is Zhang Feng.

Her man.

It is impossible for her to marry and have children like ordinary women in this life, and then to live her life.

Maybe she won't have children in the future!

At least I don't have that thought yet, but if Zhang Feng wants her to give birth to one, there is no problem at all.

Thinking about it, she suddenly wanted to go back for a meal with the urge to go downstairs and drove back. Her car was still that motorcycle, so cool.

The compound where Yun Qian is located has become their home. Although there are still many uncertain factors, as long as Zhang Feng is here, this is their home.

Approaching noon, at eleven o'clock, Yun Qian was preparing meals at home.

Haohao was playing in the yard. This compound was very safe. There were guards at the door. Three people worked in shifts for 24 hours.

Their food was provided by the owner of the yard.

Haohao is safe to play in the yard.

When Chen Wanru came back, the guard at the door saluted her. Chen Wanru nodded and said: "Thank you!"

Then walked in.

The guard did not speak and stood straight.

For them, this is a good treatment, why do you say that?

Those who live here are high-ranking officials and nobles. This is a very good resource, and there are high salaries.

So they are happy to come, of course this is an order.

\"Wan as a godmother~\"

Haohao Chen Wanru came in, put down the things in his hand and rushed up, then climbed up to Chen Wanru and let her hold it.

\"Haohao, behaved today!\" Chen Wanru said with a smile.

Hao Hao said: "Kiss me, I will be good!"



Haohao likes these godmothers holding them the most, because every godmother is beautiful and clean and smells good.

Boy, this is the pinnacle of your life!

If Zhang Feng saw it, he would think so.

It took me many times for your father to get his life back.

Chen Wanru carried him in, and Yun Qian came out.

\"Wanru is back, have you eaten yet?\" Yun Qian asked.

\"Nothing!\" Chen Wanru said.

Yun Qian said: "I will prepare a roasted eggplant!"

Chen Wanru smiled.

Burning eggplant is her favorite dish, and Yun Qian's craftsmanship is unique.

You can't taste it anywhere outside.

After more than ten minutes, five dishes and one soup were ready, very delicate.

Yun Qian brought the lunch box, and prepared half of the vegetables and most of the food for Hao Hao to take out to the guards.

The guards have come to change shifts, there are two people.

Haohao took it out, every meal was like this, he took it.

Then they started to eat.

\"Zhang Feng is still training in the mountains, he has turned black a lot!\"

Chen Wanru was talking while eating.

Emiko has gone to kindergarten, and now it's a summer class with full care. She moved to the kindergarten and watched the children 24 hours a day.

\"That was very hard. I don’t know if there is food in the mountains. Last time you said that they have no logistics support. I guess there is no salt in the mountains!

Yun Qian looked worried.

\"Don't worry, these men will not die from starvation, and Sharapova is here, she can take care of Zhang Feng!\" Chen Wanru said.

\"Yes, I feel more relieved with her!\" Yun Qian said.

\"Yeah, none of us are as good as Sharapova. It would be nice to have her here!\"

\"It’s just that she has worked hard, so this place is still very sultry!\"

\"Fortunately, the temperature in the mountains is very cool, and they are training in the water, not heatstroke, and recently they bought a lot of things in villages dozens of kilometers away, they can't be hungry!\ "

\"This is the best!\" Yun Qian was completely relieved.

No matter where Zhang Feng goes, it will affect everyone's nerves, and Chen Wanru's intelligence has played a big role.

\"Haohao, do you miss dad?\"

Hao Hao swallowed a bite of rice and said: \"Yes!\"

\"Your father is training, he wants to be a very powerful person!\"

\"Then can he beat a monster?\"

\"No, he still can't fight, so he has to train, he has to become stronger, so that he can beat the monster!\"

\"I want to become stronger, I want to fight monsters with my dad!\"

\"Okay, eat more!\"


The three were eating, and Hao Hao had a lot of appetite, two bowls of rice, and vegetables.

There is still fruit an hour after the meal.

So he is now very strong and can work against five or six year olds.

The tiger father has no dogs.

The whole family has a good education concept, so can the children out of the family be worse?

Haohao's starting point was on everyone's shoulders, Zhang Feng's, Yun Qian's, Chen Wanru's, Zhuo Chaoyun's, and even Sharapova's, as well as the old beggar and grandfather Zhang Dashan's.

There are still a lot less Hell from Huangquan Team.

His starting point is already a height that no one in the world can reach.

So what will his future look like?

He is Zhang Feng's son. Will he follow Zhang Feng's path?

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