Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1978: Back to the basics, research results

The old beggar doesn't have the habit of taking a lunch break. After lunch, he goes to Zhang Dashan and General Wan for tea.

Their yard is very good. The whole yard is full of flowers and plants. The pavilion in the middle of the yard is very shady.

Above the pavilion is a shelf full of grapes, and no sunlight can get down.

There are two artificial streams running by the side. The water is drawn from springs in the mountains. When making tea, you can get water by bending over.

Very clean.

\"Gusu, you have a good idea. Zhang Feng is going to come back. Don’t be outside. He needs to cultivate his mind to make a breakthrough. Then, add our dragon warrior's research to him to reshape his body. The achievement will be detached!\"

This is what General Wan said.

The old beggar has already said his thoughts just now.

Gusu nodded and looked at Zhang Dashan and said, "Dashan, what do you think?"

The person most qualified to decide Zhang Feng's future direction is him.

\"It is to be like this, but how to cultivate the mind? This is the key!\" Zhang Dashan said.

The two of them were silent, neither of them were experts in this area, and to adapt to Zhang Feng's mind cultivation method, a very advanced kind was needed.

A psychiatrist? forget it.

Generally, psychologists treat people who are not groaning.

Senior psychiatrist is to treat the kind of people who are troubled by too much money.

But Zhang Feng needs to return to the basics.

\"I know a place!\" General Wan said.

The two looked at him curiously.

General Wan said: "Wuji View!"

The two nodded, and Zhang Dashan said: \"Let him have a look at that time!\"

The old beggar said: \"The way is natural, return to the basics!\"

The two laughed without speaking.


Two hours later, the old beggar came out of the yard, which made him relax a lot.

Go to Wuji View?

The old beggars knew a little bit about it. Most people only know that Wuji is just an ordinary Taoist temple, and at most there are a few Taoist priests. What they don't know is that Wuji views are divided into foresight and vipassana.

Vipassana is not known by outsiders, here is the real Taoism.

But even in Vipassana, most people want to enter it.

For Wuji View, old beggars are ordinary people.

Non-ordinary people are insiders.

If the old beggar wants to get in, he needs some doorways.

There is a doorway to enter.

There is a way to go.

The same reason.

But now the old beggar hasn't even thought about it, so let Zhang Feng go by himself.

He went back to 01 first, and after returning there, the assistant said that Professor Rowan had made progress in the research of the heart project.

The old beggar was startled and overjoyed.

He has been following this research for a long time. Professor Luo Wen and several biologists and medical scientists have teamed up to study this for nearly a year.

Is there a breakthrough now?

The old beggar is very happy, as long as this part of the heart is solved, many problems can be solved.

There is another study worth mentioning, that is, the old beggar gathered several Chinese medicine doctors to study human immunity.

Why should Chinese medicine come? No western medicine, old beggars have ideas.

In a simple way, Chinese medicine does not make people sick. Western medicine treats patients when they are sick.

Some people say that Chinese and Western medicine are combined?

Fuck off.

Do you use Western medicine standards to measure Chinese medicine?

In this, the old beggar is very clear.


In the afternoon, Yun Qian took Haohao to see her grandmother in the hospital. Her nanny was placed in the military hospital where the resources were better.

Regarding the contribution of Grandma Yun in her life, she can enjoy the resources in the military hospital.

Although grandma's condition has been controlled, she still needs a tube to maintain it.

Because grandma is already old, all organs of the body have failed.

Currently able to speak and think clearly.

Yun Qian comes here once a day, and then stays till evening.

Don't let Haohao stay in the hospital for too long.

She was called by the doctor as soon as she sat down, and took Haohao to the doctor's office. Haohao sat there and waited without crying or making trouble.

\"Miss Yunqian, a very bad news!\"

The doctor just said this.

Yun Qian choked, tears came out silently, she forced her sorrow and said: "Doctor, but you say it's okay!"

\"At most one month, if there is no miracle, if the patient needs to extend his life, he can only spend it in the ICU!\" said the doctor.

\"I see, thank you doctor!\"

Yun Qian stood up, his body swayed, and almost fell. The doctor hurried over to support her.

\"Miss Yunqian, what's wrong with you?\"

\"I'm okay, okay!\"

\"Then you sit for a while!\"

The doctor went and brought her a glass of water.

\"Thank you doctor!\"

\"Please adjust it!\"

The doctor said and went out.

Yun Qian cried with her baby, Haohao wiped her tears: "Mom, why are you crying?"

\"Because we won't see grandma soon!\" Yun Qian said.

\"Why can't I see it? Is it sick? Isn't the doctor able to cure Grandma Rent?\"

Haohao's speech is very sophisticated.

\"No, Grandma Zu is not optimistic!\"

Hao Hao seemed to understand, this is the way Yun Qian and Zhang Feng educate. He wouldn't say what renting grandma would go to far places, or the sky, etc.

Face reality.

\"Then what shall we do?\" Haohao asked.

\"Stay with Grandma Rent!\"

\"it is good!\"

The two went to the ward, and the old man was still sleeping on the bed, and no one came in.

Her perception is very low.

Miracles, there are many miracles in medicine, which come from human miracles.

Does any miracle happen?

In the hospital expert group, several doctors are discussing a new round of treatment options for the Yun family patient.

\"The heart, the most important thing is that the heart has already failed. It relies on a machine to beat, but this accelerates the damage of the heart. If there is no good plan, there will be no surgery!\"

\"It would be great if it can be activated, ha ha, unfortunately not!\"

\"It seems that we must accept reality!\"

\"The order was placed above!\"

\"We have tried our best, what can we do!\"

Everyone was silent. In modern medicine, the patient had already declared his funeral.

Finally the group leader said: \"It depends on the situation!\"

\"Dean Ma, let's discuss how to explain to the above and how to explain to the family!\"

Professor Ma, Ma Rentao, a high-ranking colonel, is also an associate dean.

Dean Ma said: "We have to discuss how to explain to ourselves, so we can reflect on it!"


Half an hour later, Dean Ma returned to his office, and the assistant came. He said that there was a call just now, and he would call back after the meeting. As for the other party, he didn't say who it was.

The assistant showed him the caller number.

It was a phone number without any rules, but Dean Ma became serious and called the number back after asking the assistant to go out.

\"I am Ma Rentao!\"

\"I’m Gusu, someone will come to you soon!\"

Then he hung up the phone.

Ma Rentao froze there, Gusu? Is that Mr. Gusu?

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