Super Study God

Chapter 1005: 5 people gather together!

Suzaku's face sank a little bit more. The strongest Zerg and the strongest Mu are here. The situation is already very clear, and there is no chance of success for the Yu.

Coupled with the three Orcs, there are six of them, none of them have reached Jiu Pin Tian Zun Realm. On the opposite side, there are two such existences, and the numbers are still dominant. They simply cannot win.

At this time, the dog emperor laughed and said, "Everyone is a member of the five ethnic groups. Most of them met for the first time today. If you know each other, what is the matter, sit down and discuss slowly."

This dog emperor should be a smooth man.

The elder Shenmu slowly set his eyes on the dog emperor, "You are not qualified to speak to me, just go away!"

"You!" When the dog king heard it, his lungs were suddenly exploding. When was he in a high position treated like this?


Elder Shenmu said nothing, and directly suppressed the past with the momentum to Gouhuang.

The dog emperor's complexion changed instantly, and like the pig emperor, he subconsciously stepped back a few steps.

"Shenmu, you are all seniors. Is it really good to bully the younger in this way?"

At this time, another voice sounded. Immediately, an old man in a green robe appeared in front of the dog emperor without warning, just blocking the momentum exuded from Shenmu, and the dog embarrassed himself.

The man was dressed in a blue robe, of medium build, with a high hair bun and a childish face, and there was a dusty temperament all over him, and he was not angry.

"Master!" The Emperor Tiger Dog Emperor Pig Emperor saw this person, they were all happy, and quickly met.

"Lin Zun is also here?" Zong Zun Qing Yangzi was surprised when he saw this person, and then he laughed, "Let's work together now, and today's ending will definitely be very successful!"

It turned out that this man was actually the Lin Zun of the Orc, and the master of the pig emperor and others. The real name is Li Tianlin, the strongest of the Nine Grades of the Tian Zun Jing, and the elder of the Mu clan Shenmu, the chief of the Zerg clan Qing Yangzi, and the Yu clan emperor Zhu Yu , Are characters of the same generation.

Suzaku's heart was a little loose, and the appearance of this predecessor could indeed save some defeats in the badminton camp.

"What are you doing together? The four races are gathering today, but are you still behind the scale race?" Elder Shenmu said, turning to look in one direction. "Since the friends of scale race come, why don't you come out and meet?" What about?"

The sound rolled out, and the tiles on the temple were shaking.

"The clan is also here?"

Suzaku was shocked and felt his liver tremble, and today's affairs have been completely out of his control.

Not only the Zerg, but also the Mu, and not only the Mu, but today, the five tribes have gathered together in this posture.

Only listening to the elder Shenmu's voice fell, two shadows appeared one after another, turning into light and shadow, floating towards the square.

After landing, he appeared to be a pair of men and women, and he looked like a sixty or seventy year old, like an old couple.

"I don't know how to call it?" Shenmu asked.

The old man arched his hand and said, "Xiao Jingxuan, the scale family, have seen you, this is Uchiko, Chen Jieyu!"

Before and after, in front of this little Yutian Hall, there were actually twenty masters of Heavenly Realm, which was really lively. The emperor Suzaku didn't know what to do for a while.

The Zerg Qingyang Zi said, "I heard that after the death of the Dragon Sect on the scales, there was a fifth disciple of the Cultivation Demon List-a disciple who swallowed the gods and pythons. It must be your lord, thank you!

This Qingyangzi, speaking so politely, wanted to come. Xiao Jingxuan, who appeared later, must also be the same generation as them.

That Xiao Jingxuan was also a cold-arrogant person, but he arched his hand at Qingyangzi, it was a gift.

At this time, the elder Mumu Shenmu turned to the emperor Suzaku and looked at it. "Today, the five clan are gathered together. It is a rare event in a thousand years. Everyone is here. Are we still talking about the business?"

Suzaku giggled in his heart, and he should come after all.

"I don't know what the predecessor said, what's the matter?" Suzaku asked stupidly. Although knowing that stupidity is not useful, at least it can be delayed for a few seconds. Maybe you can think of a way in these few seconds. What?

"Little girl pretends to be stupid!" Elder Shenmu frowned, and then said, "Wanquelin has been occupied by your feathers for so many years. Is it time to change the owner?"

The words are plain, but normal people can hear the threat in the words.

Suzaku took a deep breath. "Seniors really do not understand this. Wanque Lin is the heritage of my family. Why do you want to seize it? Why change the owner?"

"Humph!" Elder Shenmu snorted coldly, "Wanque Lin is in your feathers' hands, but your feathers haven't grown in the slightest, it's just a violent disaster. Since your feathers don't know how to use them, just let them out for everyone. Isn’t it better to seek welfare?"

To put it bluntly, I just want to grab you, what can you do?

At this time, Qingyang Zi, the chief of the Zerg, said, "Little nephew, waste is a sin. Your feather clan has already sinned a lot. Now this big universe is becoming more and more difficult for me and other demon repairers. There are plenty of demon powers in the Wanque Forest, and there are countless relics of the ancients. It is the treasure that the first people left to our five tribes. It is impossible for you to swallow the feathers alone."

What this says is not to be skinless. Listening to the ears of Suzaku and others is already out of anger.

"Predecessors are bad at saying this. Since it is my feathers, how to deal with them is all about the feathers of the feathers, so don't bother all the seniors!" Suzaku said with respect to the fire.

Elder Shenmu said, "Little nephew, the five clan is a It is the business of the Yu clan, that is everyone's business, you say that you are disturbing the hearts of the five clan!"

"Young people don't dare to have that meaning!" Suzaku said quickly when he heard that the old man was going to wear himself a high hat.

"In terms of seniority, I am your elder. You dare to talk back to your elders. What else are you afraid of?" Qingyang said.

Suzaku's face was black, and he was already a little angry.

"Two, why bother a girl's family?" Lin Zun Li Tianlin said at this time, "You are going around the bend, it is better to say that you want to rob someone's Wanque Lin?"

Qingyangzi and Elder Shenmu have crossed a black line on their foreheads. What big truths are they talking about, can they still play well?

"Lin Zun's words are bad!" Elder Shenmu shook his head and turned, "Although I don't know what benefits the Clan has granted you, the Orc, but please ask Lin Zun to think about it, it's worth it!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bomb was dropped in Suzaku's heart. This is to make it clear that the hearts of allies are being shaken! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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