Super Study God

Chapter 1006: May 1 battle!

This sentence is very useful, Li Tianlin did not refute him, apparently thinking in his heart.

Yeah, you have to consider whether it's worth it, for the small promises made by the Yu clan, and the Chongmu II clan, and not to say that their winning rate is not big, even if they can win, they will also offend the Chongmu. Two families, in exchange for two major enemies.

Conversely, if you partner with the Chongmu two clan and take down the feather clan in one fell swoop, then you don’t have to worry about any enemies anymore. Unilateral crushing, the loss is also small, and you can still divide the stolen goods after doing it, and it must be better than the feather clan. Give them more.

This account, no matter how it is calculated, is a loss to help the Yu clan.

"Seniors don't bother, the Orcs have promised to be my feather allies!" At this time, Suzaku said, trying to seal the Orc's retreat.

But the reality seems a bit skinny, Li Tianlin said, "My orcs should not intervene in this matter, but the Emperor Yu asked for it and had to come. In fact, the five races are all compatriots. Why should we sit down with each other, Wouldn't it be better to discuss the solution with the gentleness?"

After listening to this, Suzaku was already deeply disappointed in his heart. There is no doubt that the Orc is shrinking.

Although it is not stated clearly, there are some things that need not be stated clearly. The situation today is here. It is impossible for the Orcs to needlessly add two more powerful enemies for the benefit of the Yu Clan. If they talk, I can help you negotiate, But if you want to do it, the orcs may not be able to accompany you.

"Hahaha..." Elder Shenmu laughed. The so-called time-conscious person was Junjie. He could see the situation clearly and survive better in this world.

All for the benefit.

The three pig emperors naturally have nothing to say, Lin Zun is their master. Although they haven't appeared in the world for a long time, what they say is also a sacred word in the orc!

Suzaku and the elders of Tiansu are at heart at the moment, and the orcs really want to do nothing. The three of them are left, facing a group of jackals and hungry tigers, there is no chance of winning at all.

"Sit down and talk? Ha ha!" The Zerg Qingyangzi looked at the Xiao Jingxuan couple who had not spoken. "Brother, what do you two think?"

These words were thrown to the Xiao Jingxuan couple. They are undoubtedly asking about the attitude of the scale clan. Everyone has expressed their views. This scale clan is the only difference. The attitude of the scale clan is very important.

Suzaku and others have raised a glimmer of hope in their hearts. If these two predecessors can get ahead of the feathers, there may be room for improvement.

Just now Li Tianlin did not say anything to death, I am afraid that he is also waiting for the scale clan's attitude. If the scale clan can make a statement, the orc may also continue to stand on the side of the feather clan. In this way, the three clan's joint force is enough to fight the insect clan. contend.

Therefore, the attitude of the scales is very important.

At this time, Xiao Jingxuan finally said, "Dings of the scales are dying, they are incomparable. However, when the five races were scattered, the emperor Ye Shenhuang asked him to order the scales to guard the land of the immortal land and balance the four forces. There is a negative Ye Shenhuang's entrustment. Neither I nor I would like to see this scene today, but the general trend cannot be recovered by both of us..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Jingxuan paused, and the old woman Chen Jieyu next to her said, "No matter how you fight, the Yu clan can't be cut off!"

To say this, the attitude of the two is also very obvious. You can grab things, but you must not kill people, and you cannot let the Yu clan break the lineage.

The two Suzaku heard that their hearts had fallen to the bottom of the valley. Among the four races, the orc had no effect, and the scales were on the sidelines. The remaining two were strong enemies. How can the three of them cope?

Six Zerg, five Mu, and two strongest men in the highest realm of heaven, how could the three of them be able to withstand the enemy?

"Little girl, can you hear me?" Elder Shenmu looked at Suzaku with a smile on his face, "Speak out the way to open Wanquelin soon, everything is easy to say."

"Wanque Lin is my family's heritage-inhibited place. Please don't let your seniors be tough." Suzaku also stubbornly stubbornly went back with a word.

Elder Shenmu frowned, "What are you talking about?"

The atmosphere froze in an instant, and the sword was drawn.

"Forgive your juniors for their rudeness, what you did, undoubtedly rob, not a gentleman!" Suzaku is not polite anymore, and is ready to tear his face.

This is equivalent to slamming the Insects of the Insects in front of them to take the plunder. Should we turn over?

At this time, Qingyang Zidao said, "The niece and niece are wrong. I should be a family among the five ethnic groups. How can I say that my belongings are robbed, only borrowed, I just want to borrow ten thousand Quelin, are nieces and nieces going against our old men?"

This is really arrogant. Suzaku really wanted to go up and smoke him a few big mouths, but she couldn't.

"Wanque Lin is not my own Wanque Lin, it's my feather clan's Wanque Lin, please forgive the juniors for not being able to make the call!" Suzaku said.

"Huh!" Elder Shenmu snorted coldly, "Then find someone who can make the decision, Zhu Yu? Let him come out and talk!"

The voice has a very strong momentum, it is completely a lesson to teach the younger generation.

"Ye, the Yu clan, are also rude. Zhu Yu and the old man are willing to shrink their heads and tortoises, letting you a baby come out to preside over, and Tess also looks down on me waiting..." Qing Yangzi also said beside him.

Speaking of them, the Chongmu two clan are a bit depressed, and now they have offended the feather clan. For Wanquelin, they are determined to win, there is no retreat. At least when the Wanquelin space is active, the two clan have sent people to pass through the space crack Enter, but it has been so many days, and the entrance to the Wanquelin space has not yet been opened. Helplessly, they can only choose to attack.

After dragging on for a day, Zhu Yu may break through the heavenly realm, and the Yu clan may have a chance to make a comeback, so they must grab time.

Suzaku said, "I'm really sorry, the father and emperor are in retreat and can't see the guests. If you want to see your father, why not retreat for a while and come back later!"

After a am afraid the daylily is cold! How could they agree?

Elder Shenmu yelled, "Bold Zhu Yu, everyone is here today, and everyone is here, but he can't avoid it. He should be so contemptuous of neglecting me, what should I do?"

"Hie nephew daughter, tell him to come out quickly, otherwise, if you turn your face up, no one will look good!" Qing Yangzi said next to each other, the two sang one harmony, aggressive.

The air was almost frozen, and eyes focused on Suzaku. Elder Tian Su's face was soaked with sweat. Suzaku's decision will determine the survival of the Yu clan.

"May a battle!"

For a long time, Suzaku raised his head and spit out three words in his mouth, completely looking dead at home.

When everyone heard, she almost thought she had heard it wrong. With such a huge disparity, she still wanted to fight?

Really thought that with the power of her three feathers, could it be better than the dozen or so masters of the Celestial Realm? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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