Super Study God

Chapter 1015: 5 groups share the Wanquelin!

"Okay, let's go, where did it come from, where to go back, don't do anything else for me." Su Hang waved at the crowd impatiently.

However, everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. No one dared to get up and leave. Obviously, it was really frightened by Suhang.

"Have you not heard of it? God Vener let Er wait." At this time, Haotian stood up and yelled at the people kneeling on the ground.


Haotian's forcible pretends that no one seems to be taking care of it. At this time, Xiao Jingxuan of the scale clan raised his head, with tears in his eyes, looking at Su Hang.

"Sacred Venerable, the five races have been divided for many years, and each has its own politics, so that people's hearts are disorganized, and now it is even more fratricidal. Today, fortunately, the Venerable, only the ministers and other parties have come to an awakening, and the night of regret."

He was very excited and sincere. Su Hang looked at the old man and didn't know what he wanted to say. I didn't know if it was a painful cry or a real emotional cry.

"The five races can't be without a master for a day, and there can be no godless emperor in the universe for a day. Now the gods return. They ask the gods to respect the building of the imperial palace and rule the five races. "

After finishing talking, Xiao Jingxuan bowed to the ground with five bodies.

"Chen waited for the dogs and horses to be the name of the **** revered Pangu."

Xiao Jingxuan worshipped, and all the people of the five tribes worshipped one after another. Hao Tian next to him saw this situation and scratched his head. This was when he was loyal. How could I lose Haotian? I followed the hurriedly quickly.

Su Hang looked around, but his head was two big.

"Wait, let's get up." Su Hang said helplessly.


Everyone looked up at Su Hang with tears in their eyes.

These mass actors are acting too much!

"I let you all get up." Su Hang added a tone.

I felt that Su Hang was a little angry, and everyone looked at each other and looked at each other. Then they stood up one by one.

Su Hang took a deep breath and still had a few words to say, "Your thoughts, I understand, but I am happy and unwilling to be bound by this. What God is Pangu, after so many years, I still talk about him What? It’s 100,000 years, there is no God’s Palace, isn’t it good? I don’t have to worry about it. Ye Shenhuang’s dismissal of the five races must have his reason. If it is not necessary in the future, I won’t control Seoul. Wait, what happened to the five families before, as long as they don’t cause trouble."

"Divine Venerable!" Everyone is like you can't look like this, it seems to want to persuade Su Hang.

Everyone was only promised, and they were not sure whether Su Hang really did not have this idea, or pretended not to have this idea.

After all, in ancient China, every time the dynasty changed and the emperor was about to ascend the throne, he still persuaded him to talk about it.

What is persuasion? It is to persuade you to go further and ascend to the throne as an emperor. This must be done by the ministers of culture and martial arts. The ascending throne has to be refused again and again. In the end, it is forced to be helpless.

To be honest, this matter is quite false, even hypocritical, but not all people.

Therefore, when you look at Su Air, you can't understand the real thoughts of Su Air. Neither advance nor retreat.

"Er wait for you!" Haotian stood up. He followed Su Hang for a long time, and he had a thorough understanding of Su Hang. He knew that Su Hang really didn't have that idea for a while. Respect the idea, don’t force it, wait. If you really have that thought, you might as well develop by yourself. Strengthening the five families will come when you are useful!"

"Chen et al."

Everyone led the order, at this time Haotian, even a spokesman for Su Hang.

"Shen Zun, the minister has something to say!" At this time, Zhu Yu spoke.

Su Hang looked at him and motioned for him to speak.

Zhu Yu seemed to have made a huge decision. He gritted his teeth and said, "I used to be short-sighted, and my brothers were right. Wanquelin has been in the hands of the feathers for many years, but the feathers have no achievements. Continue, only It was a violent disaster, so the minister decided..."

"Father Emperor?" Suzaku seemed to realize that Zhu Yu wanted to say something, and quickly shouted.

Zhu Yu glanced at her, gestured to her to be restless, and then looked at Su Hang, respectfully said, "Repetitive thoughts, today's situation, the culprit is all from Wanquelin, and God is here today. , Chen Chen is willing to hand over Wanquelin and share it with the five races!"

"Well?" Zhu Yu made such a decision, but it made Su Hang stunned for a while, quite unexpected.

Others are even more shocked, and they can't even believe that this is true.

Special code, the big guy has been busy working for a long time, and the life and death are dead, you don’t hand it over, and the special code has received a few whips from the god, but honestly, he gave it to him.

After returning to God, everyone rejoiced in it, and there was also abdomen.

If the feather tribe surrenders Wanquelin and shares it with the five tribes, with the infinite fairy power of the Wanquelin space and countless ancient archeological species, it is absolutely beneficial for the growth of the five tribes.

It's just that Zhu Yu only said this at this time, and some people's minds collapsed, especially Mu Tianen of the Mu clan and Ye Qingyang of the Zerg clan. Why did you say it early? After a beating, did the skill fall back?

When you say this at this time, God Sovereign takes a look at you, what about us? All bad guys.

Although there are ideas in every heart, in general, it is still very happy. At least this trip did not come in vain, nor was it beaten in vain!

"Have you thought about it? Wanque Lin is your feather clan's forbidden land. Are you willing to let it out? Don't negotiate with the clan?" Su Hang asked Zhu I hope he is not a momentary fever .

Zhu Yudao said, "The ministers have thought about it again and again, all the five tribes belong to the deity, and the things of the Yu tribe are the things of the deity, and so should the Wanquelin, which should not be owned by my feather tribe!"

Su Hang looked at Zhuque and others, and all had the same expression as Zhu Yu.

"It's okay, it's okay, so it's also a great joy!" Then, Suhang turned to the people of the five tribes, "I wait and listen, Yu Zunyiyi, willing to surrender Wanquelin, share with Er, etc. Waiting, but..."

Speaking of this, Su Hang paused, "There can be healthy competition among the five races, but there is no recurring incident. When you wait in Wanquelin, you must not destroy the environment. The five races supervise each other. Irregularities, despite reporting to me..."

Everyone listened to the Hadith and dared not break it halfway.

Su Hang said that he did not want everyone to have trouble after entering Wanquelin because of the division of interests. Moreover, if too many people were flooded in at once, the damage to Wanquelin would definitely be huge and sustainable development That is the last word, and Su Air must let them understand this. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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