Super Study God

Chapter 1016: Are you here to be funny?

Don't ignore the future because of the immediate benefits.


After listening to the Hadith, the people of the five tribes each received the law and left.

Different from the mood when he came, when he left, all of them were sad and sad. I must have regretted my trip today. Stealing the chicken will not eclipse the rice. Although they were finally taken out, they also paid for it. Very heavy price.

From now on, there is no longer a blue sky above the head, but an existence that is absolutely feared by them.

When dispersing the crowd, Mu Tianen refused to leave, saying that he wanted to stay beside Su Hang and serve the atonement.

Su Hang is not sure what he thinks. However, Su Hang will naturally not agree to his request.

What do you want to do with such a little boy? Do you have to beat him ten times a day?

However, Mu Tianen still didn't leave. Although he couldn't rely on the Su Hang, he did rely on the feathers. To be precise, he wanted to enter the Wanquelin as early as possible.

After all, he was beaten back to the original form by Su Hang, and his skill fell to even the congenital realm, and he did not have a face when he returned to the Mu clan.

In view of this, Ye Qingyang, the Zerg chieftain who had already planned to leave, had no choice but to leave the Yuzu. On the spot, the four elders, such as the ant department, the real ant, the Fengbei Siniang, were temporarily appointed as the patriarch, and he himself was also with Mu Tian. Like the grace, stayed with the feathers.

Obviously, I also want to enter Wanquelin and restore my skills earlier, so that I can continue to pretend.


At night, Su Hang remained in the Yu Palace. Although the Yu Palace was destroyed during the day's battle, it did not affect the Yu people's enthusiasm for receiving Su Hang again.

If it is not Su Hang today, I am afraid that the Yu clan has already suffered a great deal. Now only a few palaces have been destroyed, and it can be repaired in a few days. Compared with this, this is nothing.

At night, Su Hang sat on the bed, thinking about the day.

It’s really lucky to think about it. This time, if you didn’t have the magic weapon to control these people, today you really don’t know how to end it.

I have to say that some people are so cheap that if they hurt him, he will be afraid of you.

Therefore, Su Hang understands that the so-called majesty is fisted with fists. To be honest, this time, he must have convinced the bigwigs of the five races!

I'm afraid I won't forget today's lesson in this life. I just hope that they won't be beaten for three days and go to the house to expose the tiles.

Speaking of which, it is this feather duster who made the greatest contribution today.

Su Hang took the feather duster out again and gently flicked the feathers on it.

This thing looks ordinary, and the name is only a feather duster, but the ability is extraordinary.

This is an upgrade gift from the system. When he first got it, he was indeed stunned. But when he knew the ability of this feather duster, he was left with only surprises.

This feather duster's ability is very simple. It is used exclusively for family law. What is family law? When you were young, you made a mistake. If your parents want to hit you, they will ask you to get something.

The one that **** on your **** is family law.

Don’t look at Su Hang’s powerful skills, even the masters of Tianzunjing can say that they can fight, and also give Mu Tianen the old man who is a little ass, and it scares so many masters of the five families. The same as quail.

But only Su Hang knew that there was still a limit to the use of this feather duster.

First of all, it is impossible to fight above Heavenly Dao Realm. It is beyond the existence of rules. The rules of the feather duster can't restrain the monks of Heaven Dao Realm.

Secondly, the so-called family law must be exercised by parents. What is meant by parents? The other party has to kneel in front of you and admit your status.

Otherwise, even if the other party is weak and does not recognize your parental status, you can’t use the rules to beat him if you have this feather duster.

Once the rules are applied, no matter how powerful the opponent is, they will be suppressed by family law, and Suhang can punish him any way he wants.

Of course, there is one more important point of sin. Although this thing can punish people, it cannot beat people to death.


In short, in addition to these restrictions, this feather duster is still very strong. At least, Su Hang, like a weak chicken, has used it to fool so many masters of the five families.

This time I hurt these people, and I felt a shadow in my heart. I'm afraid I won't dare make it again.



At this time, Haotian shouted while pushing the door and came in. When he saw Su Hang holding the horrible feather duster in his hand, Haotian's neck shrank, almost there was no pause, just stepped into the door The feet immediately retracted back again, and the door was closed!

The rapid response was almost jaw-dropping, and Suhang was a bit overwhelmed.

"What the hell, come in and talk!" Su Hang shouted.

"Sacred Venerable is inconvenient today, disciple will come again tomorrow to please please!"

Haotian's voice came from outside, and Su Hang felt Haotian's footsteps moving away quickly.

"Please family law!"

A nightmarish voice came from the house.

Haotian was about to leave quickly. As soon as he heard this voice, he couldn’t help but tremble. Then, he felt a flower in front of him, and appeared in the Su Hang house next second, kneeling on one knee in front of Su Hang’s bed. .

When I looked up, I saw Su Hang holding up the feather duster, and Haotian called a urine.

"Holy Venerable, injustice!" Hao Tian screamed quickly when he thought Su Hang was going to hit him.

Su Hang gave him a blank look, "Are you specially here to be funny? What are you running?"

Hao Tian raised his head and smiled embarrassingly at Su Hang. His eyes fell on the feather duster in Su Hang's hands. The meaning was very clear. We are afraid of being punished by your family!

That can cry all those of the five clan, Haotian doesn’t think that he can compare with those tough guys, this fine-skinned meat, he doesn’t want to suffer so many times .

Su Hang put away the feather duster and gave Haotian a white glance, "Get up, what are you doing with me?"

Seeing that Su Hang had put away his family law, Haotian felt much less pressure. He quickly patted his **** and got up, flatteringly said, "Shen Zun, when we were in Wanquelin, did you not say that you should pass on disciples to practice demon exercises? What?"

"Still thinking about it?" Su Hang looked up at him. "That was a very special period. I will talk casually, don't take it seriously!"

"Holy Venerable, you can't do this!" Haotian bitterly grimaced, "Jun no joke, if Venerable Venerable promised a disciple, will you complete the disciple?"

Su Hang sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at him funny, "What's so good about Taiko Kung Fu? You are all in Heaven, why do you have to learn it?" (To be continued.)


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