Super Study God

Chapter 1017: Magic bird eggs!

Hao Tian froze for a moment, thinking for a while, and said, "The disciples see that the five-family exercises are indeed powerful. If the disciples can learn and learn from each other, they must be beneficial to cultivation!"

Su Hang listened to him earnestly, thinking for a while, and said, "It's rare that you are so good at learning once. If you don't agree with you, it seems that I am not good enough. What kind of people do you want to learn?"

"Which race can you choose?" Hao Tian asked with some joy.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "You can choose one of the three tribes, the Yu, Mu, and Zerg!"

Among the five races, Su Hang only has the exercises of these three races. The exercises of the two groups of insects are all obtained from Feng Danniang and others in Wanquelin.

Haotian listened and hesitated.

Su Hangdao said, "This ancient ancient demon cultivation method is to attract souls into the body first. If you want to learn that group of exercises, you have to find the life souls of that group first. Different life souls have different talents. I won’t find it for you, I have to rely on yourself!"

Hao Tian listened, and was even more embarrassed. After listening to Su Hang's words, he wanted to learn Feng Danniang's ant talent in his heart. After all, he and Feng Danniang fisted against each other. He had a deep understanding of the powerful talent.

However, when it comes to letting him go to find the soul of life, he has to give up again. After all, those things are rare in the Zerg and are not easy to find.

As for the talent of the wood clan, he hadn't seen it, and he couldn't talk about choices.

"That disciple still chooses the feather race!" Haotian hesitated for a long time and finally made a decision.

"That's all right, you go to find the foetal egg of a bird, and I will pass on your feathers. It is best to ask the Emperor Yu to ask them, you don't know how to do it, don't find a junk, this life Once the soul is refined, it is difficult to change it again!" Su Hang waved his hand at Haotian.

At this time, Haotian smiled, "No need, before coming here, the disciple had already found Yu Zun and asked him to give the disciple a good egg!"

With that, Hao Tian's big sleeve waved, a fist the size of a golden bird egg appeared in his hand.

"Yohe, it seems that you are still prepared!" Su Hang gave Haotian an unexpected look. This guy, who had already prepared the thing, just hesitated for so long.

Hao Tiangan laughed, holding the golden egg with both hands, and sent it to Suhang.

Su Hang picked it up and looked at it, looking up at Haotian, "What kind of egg is this?"

Hao Tiandao said, "Yun Zun let his disciples enter the incubation garden for selection. This egg was placed in Shangsanpin's Demon District. When the disciples saw that it was very expensive, they even chose to come out!"

"I'm asking you, what kind of egg is this!" Su Hang heard him say something useless and reminded him again.

"The earth demon list ranks 49th, phantom bird!" Hao Tian said, quite proud.

"Magic bird, haven't you heard of it?" Su Hang froze for a moment, and there was no such bird in memory.

However, Su Hang is not surprising. The world is so big that he doesn’t know much, and it’s normal if he hasn’t heard of it!

"The disciples have never heard of it, but Yu Zun said that this is a bird that exists only in fantasy, so it is also called a fantasy bird. The disciple thinks that the existence on the earth demon list must be extremely capable. !" Haotian smiled.

Su Hang gave Haotian a surprised look, pulled out the system and scanned it. Soon, the golden egg information appeared.


Items: poultry eggs.

Introduction: The eggs of the magic bird, fantasy bird, and the demon list are ranked 49, and they are passed down as birds that can be imagined by the human race.

Talent: Indefinite, the power of the phantom bird is fantasy, and the talents born are determined by the fantasy of the soul-cultivator when refining the soul...


After reading this piece of information, Su Hang was a little surprised. Looking at this introduction, he turned out to have whatever ability he wanted.

As long as you dream of that ability in your heart while practicing soul, it is possible to successfully acquire that ability.

This is a bit against the sky, no wonder they can be on the ground monster list, but the ranking is a bit low, it seems that this fantasy success rate is not very good.

Su Hang said to Hao Tian. Hao Tian was overjoyed to know that Su Hang knew so much. He was overjoyed. He came for whatever he wanted. Sure enough, he did not make a mistake.

At least, once the monster beast that can be on the earth demon list becomes a life soul, it means that the practitioner has a great chance to enter the heavenly realm.

Although Haotian is a master of Tianzun Realm, but he can't find the creatures in the sky monster list, the earth monster list is already very good.

Maybe, you can also imagine yourself a talent on the list of monsters.

Haotian couldn't help but feel complacent. Now that everything is in place, only Su Hang is the shareholder.

Su Hang looked up at Haotian, "You didn't risk my name, coerce Yu Zun!"

The incubation park of the Yu nationality, such an important place, how to let Haotian go in by himself, and choose at will, where is there so random.

"Dare not dare!" Hao Tian quickly said.

In fact, he really took the name of Su Hang. After all, he followed Su Hang all the way. He also claimed to be a disciple. Zhu Yu naturally asked Zhu Yu when he had an unusual relationship with Su Hang. Where did Zhu Yu go? Sorry to refuse.

Wanquelin has given up, what is an egg worth? Besides, although I don’t know what Haotian is doing with this thing, it’s useless for foreigners.

So, Haotian succeeded in this way, this guy is very proficient in this skill.

Su Hang knew his character, but did not care about him, even if this matter passed.

"Shen Zun, can you pass the disciples' exercises?" Hao Tian knelt down in front of Su Hang with a sincere attitude.

I can't wait.

At this time, Su Hang was hesitant. "Not This badminton practice, without the permission of the badminton, I will pass it on to you privately, but it is not appropriate, or you Wait a minute, I'll find an opportunity to discuss with Yu Zun."

"Uh?" Haotian almost sat down on the ground without listening.

Where is this, when the key is off the chain, is this not to tease yourself?

He looked up and looked at Su Hang with some bitterness, "Shen Zun, these small things, you don't need to discuss with Yu Zun. The disciple thinks, it is better not to let Yu Zun know this matter, lest he think about it more, and, the whole The five races are all respected by you. Once your old man speaks, can he still have half a word?"

Flattering, he came up again, and touted Su Hang a little.

"Okay, don't say it, sit here, I will first tell you the method of refining soul!" Su Hang interrupted him helplessly.

Hao Tian was overjoyed and sat down cross-legged in a hurry.

This method of refining souls is simple to say, but it is not difficult to do it, because you must refining the soul of the beast, introduce it into the body, and integrate it into your own soul, so that you can get the talent of the monster. (To be continued.)

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