Super Study God

Chapter 1038: Ouch, mountain god!

Poor mountain!

A huge mountain range on the border of no successor country, here is a natural barrier between the no successor state and the sea.

Although I don’t know how the name Poongshan came from, it doesn’t seem to be poor here, because there are so many beasts, and it’s not a place where people live.

Although no successor can be reborn after death, but if the body is eaten and wiped out by the beast after death, it must be reincarnated.

Therefore, no one wants to live in such a dangerous place.

However, when the two of Su Hang came to the poor mountain, there was a lot of vocals between the clouds and the mist, as if many people were active.

The sounds of ding ding bang are endless, like what kind of big projects are they doing!

The two hung over the clouds, their eyes pierced through the clouds, and they only saw the dense mountains full of people, waving their **** iron picks one after another, struggling to open the mountain and cut stones.

From a distance, the sight is endless, there are crowds everywhere, some shirtless wielding **** to dig the earth, and some pick the earth and stone away.

A large amount of earth and stone was excavated and dumped by the endless stream to the beach. The project is really vast. There are more than 100,000 people. The sea breeze is mixed with the smell of mud and floats far away. The scene is quite spectacular.

"What are they doing? Reclamation? Or opening mountains?" Hao Tian's face was full of doubts.

It took a lot of effort for this country, and it attracted so many strong men, just to do this?

Su Hang was silent for a while, "It seems that it should be opening the mountain. I have only heard of Yugong moving the mountain. I didn't expect to see such a thing in this country, would I want to dig the mountain?"

Hao Tian paused and said, "I also said that I was here to repair the Great Wall, but I didn't want to dig the mountain. If there was no successor, wouldn't my brain be kicked by a donkey?"

Su Hang is also very puzzled. What would it mean for Wu Ji? Build a business? It is unlikely that this mountain is a natural barrier, what other business can have it firm?

Do you build tombs? After all, although there are special people in the no-step family, there is also a place where they need to sleep for a long time, especially those who are powerful and powerful. I will definitely not choose to find a burial post like a civilian. A good tomb, to prevent stolen graves from digging graves, disturbing long sleep.

However, even if you are building an emperor's tomb, you don't need to be so eager to catch Zhuangding everywhere? What's more, who has seen the emperor's mausoleum built on the border of the country?

"There seems to be something in this mountain!" Hao Tian said abruptly.


Su Hang listened and used his consciousness to go down to the bottom of the mountain.

Sure enough, below the mountain, Suhang felt a faint energy fluctuation.

"It's a seal, there is a seal under this mountain!" Su Hang was a little surprised. The faint energy was the fluctuation of the seal.

Hao Tian nodded slightly, his face full of doubts, "What are they digging?"

"Go down and see!" Su Hang said, pressing the head of the cloud directly and heading towards the mountain in the cloud.



Shortly after the two fell, they were discovered, and a group of soldiers dressed up rushed over, yelling loudly at the Su Hang.

The two looked back, Su Hang hadn't spoken yet, Haotian first said, "We are the land of mountain gods here, what are you waiting for here to dig?"

The words are sharp, as if to blame someone!

Su Hanghanran, this guy is really funny, and a few soldiers are also funny.

"Mountain God Land?"

A few soldiers froze for a moment.

Hao Tian waved his big sleeves, and suddenly a gust of wind rolled up, swarming the group of soldiers into the sky, and falling down with a bang, falling to the thief.

The whirlwind went up to the sky, Haotian's right hand pointed a finger into the sky, slightly cast a spell, the thundercloud rolled at once, and roared.

"Ouch, Mountain God!"

Many people working nearby saw this scene, and many people were shocked by the thunder in the air with tools in their hands.

After a while, they lost their tools and knelt down one by one.

Mother, why did you dig the mountain god!

Even those soldiers fell to their knees one after another, and their faces turned to the earth, and they offended the gods. How could this be good?

"Huh, who is it, to pretend to be a ghost here?" At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the mountains, and a white shadow quickly flew towards the hill where the two Su Hang were.

"Guo Shi is here!"

I don't know who whispered.

The man came so fast that he had arrived at the hill where the two Su Hang were. He held a stick in his hand and looked at Su Hang with cold eyes.

"Guo Shi, these are the two lords of the land! We dig the mountain lord!" Next, an old man shouted with a trembling voice.


The man immediately yelled and scared the old man's neck away.

Obviously, this man does not believe in any land god.

Su Hang took a look at this old man, known as the National Teacher. He looked like a sixty or seventy year old, with gray hair, but his face was very clean. He had a shaved face and a white and white clothes. Bag, at first glance is for people with serious cleanliness.

However, the three products of Dadao Realm, in this country without a successor, is definitely a master. However, they met the two of Suhang.

An ant, standing in front of an elephant, didn't realize the weakness of the weakest person. He apparently regarded the two Su Hang as two little monks who would make some spells.

"Where is the evil spirit? Dare to break into the forbidden land, pretend to be a ghost, and confuse people's hearts!" The man held a whisk in his hand, and the whisk flicked gently, looking at Su Hang and Hao Tian with contempt.

"He said you are a demon!" Su Hang sideways and said to Haotian.

Hao Tian sweated and arched his hand at Su Hang, "Please God to teach disciples!"

"Fuck him!"

Su Hang spit out a few words, his voice raised several decibels.

What is there to hesitate? If you meet someone who is more aggressive than you Haotian, shouldn't you take care of it?


Hao Tian was so interested, and now his right hand was leading into the


The man had no time to react, and he was instantly blackened.

The snow-white clothes instantly scorched black, revealing more scorched skin. The whole person was like a coal ball, with only two eyes flickering and black smoke all over his body.


Both of them laughed. The man changed a lot before and after. It was really funny.

This is still the mercy of Haotian's men, this guy has the intention to let this person out, otherwise, the tiredness is enough to make this person die in an instant.

Tianzun realm pretends to force it, it must be struck by thunder.

"You, you, bold, dare to humiliate the old man..."

It was cut like this by a black man, and the man was really angry and thundered. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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