Super Study God

Chapter 1039: Undead Tomb!

Up to this moment, this person had not realized the gap between him and Su Hang. The thunder of Haotian had not hurt him just now, and he only thought that Haotian's way was insufficient. Please read the most complete!

"Get over here!"

Unable to listen to his tone, Haotian's move, a strong suction, instantly attracted the man to the front.


The man was frightened and inexplicable, and he didn't feel the fear until now. In Haotian's hands, he was like a little chicken, let it be!


Falling from the air, knees first fell to the ground, kneeling directly in front of Haotian.

As soon as Haotian's momentum was revealed, he went to Mount Tai to suppress the pressure, so that the man could not lift his head.

"If you ask questions, you'll be useless!" Su Hang stood next to her in amusement, saying a word, but trying to scare the person.

"No, don't kill me!" Sure enough, the man was already terrified and shouted very simply.

Where did the two come from, how terrible was that, and the man was terrified in his heart. If he knew that these two were so fierce, he wouldn't come out and pretend to be forced.

"If you don't want to die, answer the question honestly." Hao Tian said indifferently, "What are you digging here?"


The man heard the expression on his face, and he shook his head quickly after a while, "Nothing to dig. The juniors are just a small role, and they are supervised by the order of the sovereign..."

"Oh, little character?" Su Hang smiled beside him. "Did they just call you the National Teacher?"

"Uh..." The man listened, and suddenly his face changed, and he was awkward, not knowing how to answer.

"Not honest, kill him!" Su Hang said.

"Really **** it!"

Hao Tian said a sentence, and immediately with a finger on his right hand, with a loud bang, a dry sky bomb thundered down and landed on a hill not far away.

In an instant, the mountain turned into nothingness!

Everyone was terrified, and they knelt down on the ground, shouting that Grandpa Mountain God had spared their lives, and that the state teacher was so scared that his face was so earthy. This man was so powerful that he could easily crush him.

"Oh, it seems to be a little bit biased, but it shouldn't be biased again, right?" Hao Tian said lightly.

"Seniors have spared their lives, I said, I said!" The man was so scared that he couldn't hold his soul. Where there was the kind of just like that, he quickly asked Haotian for mercy.

Haotian's face was slightly curved, and he wanted to act like this, but when he met a real man, he could not help it.

"Speak, what are you digging?" Hao Tian asked repeatedly.

The man raised his head and whispered, "Return to the senior's words, did you really dig anything?"

"Huh?" Hao Tian's eyes glared, as if to eat people.

The man hurriedly said, "I waited for the order of the lord of the kingdom to dig into the poor mountains to connect the unrestrained land to the sea and facilitate trade with other countries!"

"Ha ha!"

What this said really makes sense, but the two of Su Hang are not stupid. How could they believe him?

"Slay him, kill him!" Su Hang was very impatient, full of lies, no truth, and she didn't know the sky was thick.

Haotian heard it, and he had to start his hands. When he saw Haotian raising his hand, he almost scared out of urine, and lay directly in front of Haotian, "Forgive, forgive, I said, I said!"

I was afraid to speak slowly, and a thunder bomb came down and killed him. It was not terrible to die, but if it was bombed to death by the thunder, it would be destroyed by dust, and even if it relied on the special constitution of the unsuccessful family, don’t want to be able to regenerate.

"The last chance, if there is any cover, I will not be merciless!" Hao Tian coldly said.

The man was trembling, looked up at Haotian and Su Hang, and pointed his finger at the ground, "There is something underneath!"

Su Hang listened, wiped his face with his hands, and looked very disappointed. "Slay him!"

After holding it for a long time, it was so funny that Su Hang wanted to slap him on the face.

"No no no!" The man waved his hand quickly, "Listen to me, listen to me..."

After Su Hang and the two calmed down, the man said, "There is a tomb below, the tomb of the undead!"


Both were somewhat surprised, but did not interrupt him, waiting to listen to his following.

"Half a year ago, the sky above the poor mountain was full of sky, and the juniors and several others in the palace estimated that there was a ruin beneath the poor mountain. The juniors consulted the historical books and found that it was most likely the legendary undead cemetery. The order of the sovereign, recruiting Zhuang Ding, digging the grave of the undead, and looking for the mystery of the undead!" The man choked, finally speaking his words.

After talking, he looked at the two with a sweat, afraid that they would kill him again.

"What **** is Undead?" Su Hang asked.

He has heard the name more than once.

The man did not dare to neglect, "The undead is the ancestor of our unstepped clan, and the unstepped clan is created by the undead. However, although our unstepped clan can survive all the time, it still has to die and be reincarnated. The undead is a real immortal. If you find the grave of the undead, you may be able to unlock the real undead!"

"In other words, since the Undead is an immortal, then, how can there be a cemetery? If there is a cemetery, then it proves that he is dead. Since he is dead, how can he be the undead?" Hao Tian said coldly beside him A sentence, as if the main point was poked, "You still haven't told the truth!"


The man was also coerced by Haotian's series of questions, and he didn't know how to answer them at all.

"Senior, I'm telling the truth!" The man quickly lay on the ground and shouted loudly.

"What else do you know?" At this time, Su Hang asked.

The man shook his head, "Others, I'm afraid I have to wait for this poor mountain to be dug out to know that there is a seal under this poor mountain, and the strength of the juniors is Can't go deep, I can only move this mountain by manpower. open!"

Su Hang listened and smiled bitterly, so much effort to catch so many heroes, but only to move a mountain.

This mountain is so big, even if there are many people to move it, I am afraid I don’t know when it will be moved. The most primitive tools, the most primitive labor, plus the seal is far-reaching, I really want to dig it Come out, it would take three to five years to talk less!

Yugong moved mountains, but so.


Su Hang wants to come, should it have something to do with the ancient undead? After all, the unsuccessful tribe is the descendant of the undead tribe, and it is the undead tribe who created the unsuccessful tribe, because it is not too old to be regarded as a god.

Unfortunately, Tang Ao is not here, otherwise. He should understand some.

"Look down!" Su Hang said to Haotian.

Haotian nodded his head without saying a word, directly performed the escape technique and escaped into the earth. To be continued. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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