Super Study God

Chapter 1088: Save the King of Heaven!

Although the opponent's strength is ridiculously high, Yang Jian is much older than Liu Ruxu in terms of age. In terms of seniority, Chu Tiankuo and Sanqing Tianzun were in the same generation, and Yang Jian can be regarded as Liu Ruxu's father, calling her a girl, did not lose her.

It's just that at this moment, the girl Liu will still be very pleased.

With the cold sweat on his forehead, this guy, Su Hang, is really too big to play with, and he dare not dare to follow along.

Liu Ruxu was indifferent, and she didn't dare to get up until Su Hang let her up.

Su Hangtieqing's complexion eased slightly, turned around, and looked at the remnant branches of the apricot tree, shaking slightly in the wind, as if crying to Suhang.

Obviously, this tree is conscious, otherwise, it is impossible for the disciples to ask for fruit every time it blooms, and it is impossible to succumb to the majesty of Liu Rusu, and to give a fruit without flowering. .

"Is there any way to save it?" Su Hangdao.

Yang Jian listened and said quickly, "This tree feeds on faith. Although the branches and leaves are damaged, the roots have not been cut off. As long as the incense continues, it will recover sooner or later."

"That has to wait until when to go." Su Hang shook his head and believed in incense. It took a very, very long time.

At this time, Liu Ruxu said, "This tree is a spiritual thing. The owner wants to save it. The ordinary thing is not good. The blood of the slave-servant contains heaven, and only one place can promote its vitality."

With that said, Liu Ruxu was ready to bleed.

"Forget it." Su Hang shook his head and interrupted her. "The karma of that body, I'm afraid it can't bear it."

This woman has karma all over her, and her blood is also entangled in karma. Although this karma has no effect on her who escaped the shackles of heaven and earth, if this tree is affected by her blood, she is afraid It is immediately karma-ridden, and it does not necessarily attract condemnation.

Liu Ruxu heard the words, and the hand that he stretched out was taken back, so he didn't say much.

The blood of the master of Heavenly Dao Realm is indeed extraordinary, but, as Su Hang said, her blood has too much bad karma.

"It's okay, it's okay, the **** tree is spirited, it must not be blamed." Yang Jian hurriedly disobeyed, hoping to quickly expose this matter to avoid becoming more complicated.

My slave-in-law has broken things of others, so I can't just pat the **** like that, right?

"I have something. I don't know if I can save it." Su Hang thought about it and took a small bottle from the storage ring.

"Huh? Breath of nature?"

Su Hang opened a bottle, and Liu Ruxu felt the breath, a little surprised.

This thing was only available when the universe was first formed. Although later generations also appeared, it was only very, very, very rare.

There is still such a thing in Su Hang's hands. Liu Ruxu is unavoidably surprised. With her eyesight, she will never admit her mistakes.

The so-called living soil of the world is just the acquired soil, and the real living soil is the inborn soil, which has the power to create everything.

It can be said that such a thing can be encountered but not sought, even if it is only one, it is also a great blessing.

In the eyes of everyone, Su Hang reached out his little finger in his right hand, and into the jade bottle, his nails gently picked out a little bit of soil, flexed his fingers, and sprinkled it under the tree.

The soil spattered, dots and dots fell under the tree, and instantly changed into ten, one hundred, ten thousand, and paved a layer under the tree into the soil layer.

Almost between breathing, those ground apricot leaves, as if they were absorbed by the soil layer, quickly melted into the soil, and the soil poured into the four directions, and Su Hang and others quickly retreated and evaded.

That King Ginkgo is like being infused with huge vitality, vitality between the mustards, like an old man who just woke up, the broken branches stretched out like a stretch.

The branches grow fast, and the leaves grow quickly at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. The tree itself has been decaying after countless years, just like an old man at sunset in the west mountain, but now, it is like a second spring.

Including Yang Jian, they all looked at this scene in shock, with their mouths wide open, and they were simply surprised to be speechless.

In just a few breaths, the just broken dilapidated King Ginkgo, actually grew more than three feet tall, with lush foliage and a huge canopy, almost covering most of the entire courtyard.

There was a fragrance in the air. Everyone couldn't help but breathe deeply. Every pore in the whole body stretched out. The tree in front of him was full of vitality.

The five elements are related to each other, the native wood, the congenital soil used by Su Hang, is the most urgently needed tonic of this kind of Lingmu, and it is a special tonic.

Until the big tree stabilized, it was already a huge ginkgo nearly 20 meters high, as if it had gone through hundreds of thousands of years in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of years of auxin were released at this moment.

Under the big tree, the living soil evolved from day to day, and then from day to day to form spiritual soil, forming a two-foot square mound, shining a little light from time to time.

The disciples thought that the miracles were kneeling in front of the big tree, very pious.

Su Hang was also surprised. He only used a swell of nails as large as his fingernails. He couldn't think of such a big movement.

This is really beyond his expectations.

But in fact, this is not a surprise, you know, this is innate, such as Xu Qingmu brothers and ranking of Jianmu and the endless grass in the Demon List can all be brought back to life, not to mention the immediate What about this king ginkgo?

Although King Gingko is a descendant of the **** tree who believes in the **** tree, but the descendants are descendants, far less powerful than their ancestors. Go to the leaderboard.

However, this day King Ginkgo is also domineering enough to take advantage of this opportunity to seize most of its life from the rest of the soil and create itself to get the most benefit.

The age of this king of the ginkgo tree is not small. It is hundreds of thousands of years. Although it was born with consciousness, it has not become a demon and a god. Now it is definitely entering its old age, and was previously injured by Liu Ruxu. Even if there is a belief support, I am afraid that I won’t live long.

This time, Su Hang felt very intuitively felt the powerful ability of innate breath, there are still a lot left in the bottle, quickly plug the cap, and put it back in the storage ring.

Although this king of ginkgo suffered a sin, it was considered a blessing in disguise and a great chance.

The branches sway gently, and Su Hang can even feel that this big tree comes from the gratitude of the soul. (To be continued.)

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