Super Study God

Chapter 1089: Thanksgiving of the old tree!

"Yeah, the **** tree is blooming."

At this time, a disciple suddenly screamed. Everyone looked at it, and saw that between the large tree crowns, small flowers like stars were growing slowly.

The flowers bloom and bear fruit.

In the eyes of everyone, the flowers blossomed on the big tree, and fruit was born. The fruit grew soon, and the white light hung under the branches and leaves.


Yang Jian was completely stunned. He couldn't believe his eyes at all. This tree grew by absorbing faith. Although it has been blooming for tens of thousands of years, it has never seen its result, but it just came out at this time?

There are disciples, and the fruit hanging between the leaves is not much, just ten.

The **** tree has spirits, should he be grateful to Su Hang for his reconstruction?

Yang Jian thought that if someone asked for it, it would be difficult to bear fruit once, but now it is good, and it will be good if it doesn't bear fruit.

The disciples twitched, one by one excited.

Yang Jian looked at Su Hang, but saw Su Hang's face with some doubts, "Don't you say that you can make twelve at a time? Why only ten?"

Yang Jian was sweating, and you still asked a lot. You don’t know the search of this old tree. You usually can’t even ask for a single fruit. He’s willing to produce ten. That’s already big. Made it.

I asked the old apricot tree like this. What do you think of the old apricot tree?

"Before, did Miss Liu ask for one?" Yang Jian said weakly.

Obviously robbed, but said to beg, Yang Jian was in awe of Liu Ruxu.

That's only one, there is another one?

Su Hang paused and turned his head to look at Liu Ruxu, "You won't hide one?"

This matter is really inaccurate. The woman's mind is spicy, maybe it is forcing the old apricot tree to bear two fruits, hiding one, and the other one is used to please Suhang.

In the face of Su Hang’s doubts, Liu Ruxu called out his injustice, “The slave-servant dare not, the slave-servant took only one of its fruit. Besides, this fruit can’t get into the eyes of the slave-servant. "

This is indeed the reason. It is possible to say that someone else is here, but Liu Rusu's words, this fruit is not a fruit of faith, even if it is a fruit of faith, it is useless to her.

"Xu was asked by someone else, I don't know." Yang Jian made a round.

Soon after the establishment of the Yuxu faction, who can guarantee that no one has asked for fruit during these tens of thousands of years?

Su Hang smiled, and he just said casually, how many fruits can others bear, but can they still manage it?

"Ah, Shizu, look at it and make another one."

At this time, a disciple who pointed at the tree shouted, Su Hang looked at it, and saw a small corner of the disciple's finger, in a small corner, under the shade of a tree, a small white gleaming apricot Like a late elementary school student, it grows slowly.

"Master, this day Wang Xing is not honest." At this time, Liu Rusu said, there is a lot to punish this old tree, give it a lesson.

A black line flashed on Su Hang's forehead, and he said that someone asked for one, but the old apricot tree dared to search.

Yang Jian was also Khan Ran next to him, turning to look at Su Hang without opening, but the expression on his face was telling Su Hang to ask him what to do with these fruits.

Heavenly King Ginkgo suddenly produced so many fruits. Seeing this posture must be to thank Su Hang. Although the tree is from the Yuxu Palace, Yang Jian can’t turn a blind eye. In case of offending this old apricot tree, he will not bear fruit in the future. It can be adjusted.

How to deal with it, Su Hang has to open this mouth, Yang Jian is not good to ask.

After meeting the Soviet Union, they said, "I already have one. This fruit is useless to me. Please use it for yourself."

For Su Hang, this fruit is indeed useless, leaving Yuxu quite useful.

Besides, he saved the tree just to make up for Liu Ruxu's faults. He came and went, and there was no need for Lao Xingshu to thank him in this way.

Yang Jian did not say anything. There was no politeness with Su Hang. He flew directly on the tree, and picked those fruits three or two times. In his words, if he didn’t hurry, he might not know the next second, These fruits will be recovered by the old apricot tree.

Eleven fruits are enough to lay the foundation for eleven younger disciples. It won't take long for the Yuxu School to rise up to eleven young talents. Yuxu will carry forward and be expected.

Yang Jian was very excited and happy in the heart, but in the end, he couldn't wipe his face, and gave Su Hang another one.

Su Hang had no way to take him, he had no choice but to have his men. In this way, he also had two fruits in his hand.



"The owner is too atmospheric, and he doesn't need so much rest to save the tree."

Su Hang was afraid that Liu Ruxu would cause any more troubles, so he didn't stay any longer, admiring the scenery of Yuxu, and left.

On the way, Liu Ruxu said to Su Hang that there was a little bit of anger between her words. Perhaps, in her opinion, Su Hang used the territorial soil to save the old tree.

Su Hang looked back at her, her face was not pretty, "I don't blame you. If it weren't for damaging other people's trees, would I be able to make use of it? It would be okay at the moment, do you still blame me?" "

"The slave-servant does not dare." Liu Ruxu hurriedly bowed his head. "The slave-servant just felt that one or two of these treasures were innately conservative, and one or two of these treasures were enough to save it. It is a pity that the master used so much."

Su Hang's eyes glared, "Why, I have to ask you more before using my things?"

At that time, Su Hang just picked a little with his nails. Where did he know that the power was so great, he not only revitalized the tree, but also made such a big movement.

"The slave-servant dare not." Liu Ruxu said quickly.

Su Hang is You just say this sentence, right?

"Less trouble to me in the future," Su Hang sighed for a while, and only suffocated such a sentence.

In the past few days, I have learned to talk back, which is not a good sign. Su Hang looked at the sky in the distance and couldn't help but sigh. The most wrong thing in this life, I am afraid that he took this woman into slavery?

Speaking of them, the two are masters and servants, and their identities are prepared, but now they are busy rubbing her **** all day long.


Just when Suhang was moved, it stopped suddenly. It was already evening, and the sun star of Dixian Continent fell from the sky and disappeared under the mountain line in the distance.

Distant from the sky, the dazzling radiance looks very beautiful, as eye-catching as a miracle.

The sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk.

However, before Su Hang had time to sing a poem, he found something strange. (To be continued.)

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