Super Study God

Chapter 1090: Weird town!

I saw that the ray of light slowly turned red, from pale red to deep red, like blood, staining most of the sky.

Between heaven and earth, it seems to be reflected in blood. It is a rare wonder of heaven and earth. It looks very strange and gives people the feeling that blood will shed from the sky at any time.

The blood came quickly and went fast, but within a few breathing hours, the sky's red glow completely subsided, and the few rays of sunlight remaining on the horizon slowly converged, and the sun star was completely buried under the horizon.

"What happened just now?"

Su Hang woke up and asked Liu Rusu next to him.

It was the first time he saw such a spectacle, it looked like sunset, but the redness was too fascinating, so that the intuitively sensitive Su Hang felt a strange, even a little uneasy.

It seemed that it was not just a simple answer to the ordinary sunset glow.

Liu Ruxu settled his head and shook his head at Su Hang, "It should be just a different place, the host need not be nervous."


Su Hang paused and patted his forehead. It seemed that he was a bit nervous recently, and he felt awkward when he saw anything. He was almost persecuted.

At this time, Liu Ruxu said, "It seems that there is something hidden in that glow, but in a fleeting moment, I seem to have seen this scene somewhere, but I have not seen it in a trance, maybe it is my illusion."

"Illusion?" Su Hang froze for a moment, then looked back at Liu Ruxu, "How is it possible, with your ability, what can escape your eyes?"

Liu Ruxu listened and smiled bitterly, "The master really looks up to the slave-servants. Although the slave-servants are already in the realm of heaven, the realm of heaven also divides the realm, not to mention the higher realm above it. All over the world?"

Count what you said is reasonable.

After a short pause, Su Hang shook his head, and no longer delved into the matter. Just a touch of blood, although he was a little lingering in his mind, Liu Ruxu said that he only felt a little strange and could not see anything. , What else can he say?


Unable to control the world, Su Hang felt he was too worried about being a **** emperor.

After staying in place for a while, I saw that the sky was dark, and Su Hang did not stay any longer. The imperial envoy Xiao Kun went to Tiandu Mountain.

Xiangzhou Town, Zhongzhou.

A small town, not far from Tiandu Mountain, for Su Hang and the two, it was almost a teleportation to go back, but Su Hang did not rush back to the Dragon Palace, the sky was dark, and lived in this town for a night .

The town is not big, but it is not small.

The town was brightly lit. After the two entered the town, they saw that the surroundings were deserted. There was no chicken or barking in the large town.


Su Hang felt a little stunned. It was just at night. Why is this town so quiet?

The consciousness enveloped the entire town, and Su Hang found that there was not even one person in this town!

It’s strange, it’s really weird. I just saw the bright lights below, and thought there would be people in the town, so they would come down. I never thought that when I entered the town, I would see such a general scene.

Turning her head to look at Liu Ruxu, Liu Ruxu also shook her head, obviously she didn't find anything.

"The size of this town, there should be thousands of people to say less, should not be so deserted!" Liu Rusu said.

Intuitively, something is not right!

After turning around in the town, Su Hang came to an inn with a light inside and a lantern outside the door also lit.

Su Hang walked in. Although there was no one in this town to detect the people, but sometimes it was still true, maybe there might be something missing.

The inn is a small three-story building. The hall on the first floor is where the residents eat.

"anyone there?"

"The shopkeeper?"

There was no one at the counter and no one in the hall. Su Hang shouted a few times and saw no response.

There are a few wooden tables in the hall, and there are tableware and chopsticks on the table. There are leftovers, and some are just on the table, but no one is there.

Su Hang stepped forward and touched a bowl of egg flower soup, which was still hot, even a bit hot.

In other words, the dish was just served, and there are still people here.

At this time, it was just after night, and lights were lit everywhere. Obviously, it also proved Su Hang's inference.

This place, there are indeed people just now, but if there are people just now, there are ordinary people in this town. How can it disappear collectively in such a short time?

Su Hang probed with his consciousness and went to heaven, at least ten miles away, and no one saw it.

With a frown, Suhang feels bad!

At this time, Liu Ruxu came in from outside, and Su Hang had just asked her to look elsewhere in the town.

"Master, there is no one in this town." Liu Rusu saw Su Hang and said, "Everyone seems to disappear from the air in an instant, and no traces are left, and the incident should not exceed one column. Kungfu!"

"Do you know what's going on?" Su Hang asked. There was something strange in this matter. Liu Ruxu must have more insights than him, maybe he would know something.

Liu Rusu said, "There are no traces of fighting and destruction in the town. In such a short time, so many people can disappear from the sky, most of them should be artificial, but the slave-servant did not notice the monk's breath in the surrounding space. There is no energy fluctuation of monsters, it is indeed a bit weird!"

"Not even you?" Su Hang frowned, really doubting whether the woman was telling the truth.

The strongest in the realm of heaven, do not even have this ability?

"The slave-servant has a magic weapon, whose name is back to the realm of light, which can be traced back to the time, or a try!" Liu Rusu said.

"Don't say it early, try it soon!" Su Hang said immediately.

This woman is really, there is a magic weapon that I don’t know to quickly take it out, but I have to wait until I ask about it, wasting time.


Liu Ruxu responded with a immediately walked out of the door, waved his right hand, and a shiny silver mirror flew out into the air!


The silver light of the mirror, the dazzling light instantly enveloped the whole town, and the whole town was as bright as day.

Under the light, a lot of strange scenes appeared instantly, and on the street, there were many pedestrian ghost images, some stalls, some stalls, some hurrying, some looking at flowers, some young and old, some Men have women.

There is not only video but also sound, which looks like a virtual reality movie projected on the town.

Looking at the day, many residents have lighted the lights, the time should be at dusk!

This is the mirror, which can trace back the time. Although people cannot go back to the past, they can see what has just happened around them.

It can be said that it is also a great baby! (To be continued.)

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