Super Study God

Chapter 1112: Test 1 to test the fairy edge!

?{9bn?v:9??x??(r?a3f0?*?;?7?/???z439??:?z?80??? said that sometimes, beliefs and mentality, for a For people, it is really important. The old man believes that Su Hang gave him the elixir of elixir, and his mind is relaxed, maybe he can live for a hundred years.\r

"Shangxian..." Seeing Su Hang washing his face, Haha was ready to get out of the water, but he was a little tentative. \\r

"Something, just say it!" Su Hangdao said. \\r

Haha hesitated and said, "I don't know why. After I came here, I always felt that something was oppressing me, especially when I was sleeping at night. I was often suffocated. I don't know if I was sick. !"\\R

"Come and see!" Su Hang beckoned at Haha and called him to his side. \\r

Haha came over, stretched out a hand, and handed it to Suhang. \\r

Su Hang diagnosed his pulse and smiled, "It's no big deal!"\\r


Haha looked at Suhang suspiciously. Suhang said this, which made him feel a little uneasy, but don't you think it was a serious illness? \\r

I remember the chatter of Liu’s second family, which was terminally ill, and the bun shop Xie Auntie, also terminally ill. Although haha ​​is young, he still has an instinctive fear of death. \\r

Su Hangdao, "Relax, but the enchanting power of this space is too heavy, your mortal physique can't bear it!"\\r

Speaking of this, Su Hang paused. "But it is strange to say that although mortals are weak, their response to demon power should be far less sensitive than those of monks. When they first came, they should be uncomfortable, but it should be adapted for a day or two. Almost ready."\\r

Haha's face changed a bit, "But it's been three days, I'm not so good, why do I feel more and more serious?"\\r

This place is full of demon power, and it is not inferior to Wanquelin. It stands to reason that these demon powers do not have a great impact on ordinary people, but that monks will suffer because monks are sensitive to energy, and the world Yuanli will be suppressed by Taikoo demon power, just like Haotian, Heavenly Venerable Realm can be suppressed to Venerable Realm! \\r

Ordinary people can't sense Yuanli, even less demon power, and are rarely affected by it. Haha, this situation is indeed rare. \\r

Su Hang checked Haha again, "Maybe, your body should be more sensitive to demon power than ordinary people."\\r

"Will I?" Haha's face was full of worries. He could feel that as time passed, his discomfort did not alleviate, but became more and more serious. \\r

"It should be possible!" Su Hangdao. \\r

Su Hang does not intimidate him. If he is a demon repairer, this physique should benefit him a lot, but haha ​​is just an ordinary person who does not know how to channel demon power. This physique will only harm him. \\r


Haha listened to Su Hang's words, scared and pale, and quickly knelt in front of Su Hang, "Please also go to Immortal to save me!"\\r

Looking at the haha ​​kneeling in front of him, Su Hang smiled indifferently, "You don't have to be like this, get up, let Xiao Kun take you and go down to something!"\\r

"Well? I don't know what Shangxian wants me to fetch?" Haha looked up at Su Hang, did he promise to save himself? \\r

I can't help but feel happy, since Shang Xian opened his mouth, he must be able to save his life! \\r

Su Hang looked out of the window, "Take whatever you see, remember, you can only take one, whether you can save you, how to save you, it all depends on your chance."\\r


Haha's face was forced to let himself fetch things, but he didn't tell himself what to fetch, what should I do? \\r

I thought that Su Hang had promised to save him, but at the moment, Su Hang said, what kind of chance is needed, haha's heart is a little broken. \\r

"Go, remember that no matter what, just take the same, not much!" Su Hang finished, called Xiao Kun, grabbed Haha, and threw Xiao Kun on the back. \\r

Xiao Kun yelled happily. In the ha ha's exclamation, he jumped out and soon disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds! \\r

"If there is any immortality, it depends on your luck!" Su Hang is now in the window, looking at the sea of ​​clouds below, and murmured in his mouth. \\r

Haha this problem is actually very simple to cure. Su Hang helps him to sort out the meridians. However, Su Hang just thought that if he has such a physique, if he can't practice, it is a pity. \\r

Su Hang intentionally wants to give him some qualities, but Haha is a little older, and once he embarks on the path of spiritual practice, it is a path of no return. Should this chemistry be given to him, Su Hang’s heart Still hesitating. \\r

It’s up to God’s will to think about it, although he doesn’t have a cold for the so-called heaven! \\r



Under the clouds! \\r

Xiao Kun fell into the forest with haha. Haha fell from Xiaokun's back and fell to the ground. Looking at the surrounding giant trees, endless fallen leaves, and various strange animals and plants, the inexplicable fear in his heart. \\r

For so many days here, he knew very well that in this forest, there are dangers everywhere, and many of them are invisible dangers. \\r

Beasts, poisonous insects, everything is so horrible, if there is no small Kun beside, haha ​​I'm afraid not to step forward. \\r

Holding arms in both hands, Haha peeked around, only to feel goose bumps all over! \\r

"Tweet, Tweet!"\\r

Xiao Kun raised his head haha, and motioned haha ​​to move forward quickly to accomplish what Suhang ordered. \\r

Haha was caught off guard and hurried to stop. Obviously, I was afraid. I put an ordinary person into the primitive jungle, and it is still a dangerous primitive jungle everywhere. As long as individuals are afraid. \\r

"Senior Beast Master, me, me, what did Shangxian let me take?" Under the panic, Haha felt more blank in his mind. \\r

Su Hang did not give him any hints, he could only think of asking for help. \\r


Xiao Kun turned his face to the It seemed he didn't want to take care of haha, or was laughing at haha ​​timidly. \\r

Haha, there is no way but to go forward daringly. Fortunately, there are small kuns following, and the powerful beasts nearby are afraid to come close. \\r

Rao is so, he is also cautious, yesterday he saw a strange-looking beast in his own eyes, entangled in a grass in the forest, and soon turned into meat sauce. \\r

This is just the tip of the iceberg. After all, he only came to this place for two or three days. God knows what horror exists in this forest. \\r

Shangxian only said to let me fetch something, what would I fetch? \\r

There are so many things in this forest, there are countless stones alone, and there are dead leaves, flowers, trees, insects, small animals, only one thing, even if he only grabs a hand of air, can it be regarded as one thing? \\r

For a while, Haha was forced, and everything around him was doubtful. However, he did not know the intention of Su Hang and Xiao Kun refused to give directions. He did not know where to start. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse for a better reading experience.

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