Super Study God

Chapter 1113: Flower seeds!

Fearing that Zhong Zhong was wandering in the forest aimlessly, haha ​​looked left and right, picked up a stone for a while, hesitated and lost it, and then picked up a leaf again, hesitated and lost...

After repeated so many times, Haha didn't even know what he was doing. He just felt that what Su Hang asked him to take was related to his life, and he must not deal with it hastily.


However, Xiao Kun couldn't wait, urged by the edge of the forest, it was already lively, let it wait so, it is really a bit of a shortage.

"Fairy Beast Master, I'm here!"

When Xiao Kun urged, Haha was also anxious, thinking that it had been so long, it was not good to let Shang Xian wait for anxiety. He pulled a vine from the tree next to it, and no matter what, he hurried to Xiao Kun. .

Since I don't know what to take, I don't even hesitate to come and go. It's better to take it casually and go back to try my luck. If it doesn't work, you can only count yourself as not to have a long life, or give yourself a chance by seeking immortality!

Haha thought like this, Xiao Kun swept Haha on his back as soon as he swept his tail. Without a word, he left.



"Oh, how did you get this thing?" Su Hang was a bit sullen when he saw what Haha had fetched!

I saw haha ​​carrying a vine in his hand. The vine has the thickness of a thumb. In addition to a few leaves, there are three big white flowers hanging on it.

The flower is small, big and big, with a big mouth open, it looks like three super-large trumpet flowers!

How big is it, like a straw hat! This is the first time I saw this big trumpet flower!

Su Hang is a little helpless, if you pull the whole vine back, it's just a little bit.

As soon as Fujiko is cut off, the vitality of this trumpet flower will soon be cut off. With only these half pieces of Fujiko, it is necessary to make Haha Xiuxie lose all his life.

If you take back a stone and a dead leaf, that's okay, at least broke your fairy edge, I will clear your body to adapt to the environment here.

However, you have biased this half-life flower vine to come, I have the intention to lead you to the fairy road, how can you decide?

"Shangxian, I don't know what this thing is..." Haha was very anxious and looked up carefully at Su Hang. Obviously, he could feel that Su Hang was not satisfied with the thing he had retrieved.

Su Hang sank, as if hesitating.

Haha said angrily, "Go to Immortal, otherwise, go down and get it again?"

Haha does not know what the intention of Su Hang's move is, but he believes that there must be a reason. The most important thing is that this is related to his life. Seeing the look of Su Hang, he thought that Su Hang did not want to save him, and suddenly panicked. Now!

"No need!"

Su Hang shook his head. How could this matter of measuring the immortality come twice?

Haha face pale.

"Shangxian..." Puffed, haha ​​knelt in front of Su Hang, he would have to die if Su Hang could not save him.

Su Hang waved his hand, "Look at it, there can be flower seeds in that flower!"

"Flower seeds?"

Haha pause, flower seeds? What do you do with that thing?

Although there were doubts in his mind, Haha did not dare to ask more, and quickly picked up the three big trumpet flowers.

The first flower, whose core is rotten, was not found. The second flower was still very young, and no flower seeds were found.

Haha quickly picked up the third flower, rummaging through it, and finally took out a little red and green flower seed.

"Shangxian, look!" Haha, holding the lotus seed of the size of a lotus seed in both hands, handed it to Suhang with anticipation!

Su Hang reached out and took it, felt it, and nodded slightly, "Since that's the case, it's your character, get up, sit down by the bed!"


Haha, although he didn't know what Su Hang meant, he knew that Su Hang was definitely going to save himself. He quickly followed the instructions and went to the bed to sit down.

"Shangxian, ah..."

Haha looked up and was just about to ask what to do next. Without asking the exit, Su Hang saw a finger pointing towards his eyebrow.

On the fingertips, the flower seed flashed a hint of red light, and instantly fell into Haha's eyebrows. Haha was instantly fixed, and a pair of eyes looked straight ahead.

Su Hang’s right index finger was pointing in the middle of Haha’s eyebrows, the light was shining, a picture was flowing on his eyelids, a seed was rejuvenated, rooted and germinated, thriving and growing, and a flower vine was born, which soon covered Haha’s entire eyelid , A flower bone grows out of the leaves, grows slowly, grows.

For a long time, Suhang took back his hand and exhaled gently! On the bed, Haha has closed his eyes.

"It's also your character, the Eight Arrogant Gods' tactics have been passed on to you, how much you can do, look at yourself!" Su Hang said, turned and walked out.

Eight Araki Divine Tricks and Mu Clan exercises can also be regarded as very good. Although it is just a trumpet flower seed, Haha’s own choice depends on the chance!

With Xiao Kun in the forest below, Su Hang wants to go around and see the world well. If this place is really the legendary Cangwu Abyss, then maybe there should be some ancient remains!

"Little Kun, hasn't the woman returned yet?" Su Hang asked intentionally or unintentionally while walking in the forest!

"Tui!" Xiao Kun shouted, not knowing whether it was saying yes or not!

It should haven't come back yet, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll find myself already.

"Let's go, do you have any place to take me?" Su Hang patted Xiao Kun's head. If he had a meaningful question, he jumped directly onto Xiao Kun's back.

Su Hang’s idea was very simple. Xiao Kun, who is obviously familiar with the woman, may be familiar with this place, just like the ancient ocean at the foot of the poor mountain. Maybe there will be some good places to take him Go there.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiao Kun didn't know if he understood Su Hang's After a few calls, he took Su Hang out!



At this moment, in the outer space, the palace of Zixiao is a mess.

The three masters of Heavenly Dao Realm gathered together, and the scene was a meeting of the big brothers, which was extraordinary.

It was said that as soon as Hongyun left the space, Liu Ruxu was waiting to stare at him. Hong Yun had expected that he had not entangled with Liu Ruxu and fled directly.

The two chased and fled in this way until they reached Tianwaitian and came to Zixiao Palace. The posture was like looking for Hongjun to judge them.

It's just that the two of them are not polite, they did a big fight in the Zixiao Palace, they won't get any difference, and almost didn't tear down the Zixiao Palace.

In the end, Hong Jun finally couldn't hold back and intervened, finally letting both parties calm down.

…(To be continued.)

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