Super Study God

Chapter 1117: Haha talent!

His eyes stayed for a while, and Su Hang turned to look at the last one. The battle seemed a bit fierce. The axeman cut it off with an axe and the ground cracked. A person with only a back in the crowd raised his right hand and pointed to the sky. There seemed to be a ray of light leaping into the sky, a hole appeared in the sky, countless planets fell from the alien galactic river, and the figure of the suspected avenue smashed.

That scene completely depicts the end of the world.

The suspected blurry figure of the avenue stood on the spot without any further action, and the picture came to an abrupt stop.

I don't know what the outcome of this battle is!

After reading the murals, Su Hang couldn't hide the peace in his heart. He could almost be sure that what was depicted on this picture must be the battle against the road.

These pictures must have been engraved by those who survived the war.

"Unfortunately, there is no text!"

Su Hang couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. There are a lot of murals here, but there is no text left, and there is very little information that can give him.

"Little Kun, is this you?"

On several murals, Su Hang saw the figure of a Kun beast, and subconsciously thought of Xiao Kun.

"Tweet, tweet!"

Xiao Kun whispered, apparently responding to Su Hang, telling Su Hang that he was the one above!

Su Hang had expected it, but he was not surprised. He continued to look at the picture. He found that a young man appeared next to the place where Xiao Kun appeared on the picture. However, because of the stone carving, he could not see the appearance clearly.

"Isn't this me?" Su Hang thought about it, but shook his head again.

Although the man on the stone carving is unclear, he can still see the sword's eyebrows and stars, with sharp edges and corners, which is a good look, but he is still a little self-knowledge.

Besides, although Xiao Kun followed him now, he could not guarantee that Xiao Kun had no owner before.


Su Hang sighed, Shuai shook away those complicated thoughts, some things, he had been confusing to think deeply, only thinking more and more complicated.

Rubbing his head, Su Hang's curiosity about Taikoo reached its peak again.



In the entire Cangwu Palace, Su Hang did not find anything, of course, except for these unclear murals.

After flying around, there was no other gain. Su Hang was a little disappointed. I really don't know what happened at that time. The big Cangwu Palace didn't leave anything at all.


At the gate of the palace, Xiao Kun leaned over to Suhang, standing side by side with one person and one animal, and his figure seemed a bit lonely.


At this time, a roar came from a distance, bringing Su Hang back to reality from deep thought.

Looking through the sound, it was the direction of the tree of faith, and the sound fell from the cloud. Although it was far away and the volume was large enough, it still came.

"Oops, haha."

Hearing this voice, he knew it was Haha. Su Hang patted his head and walked around, but forgot to haha.

Was that little guy already awake?

When I left just now, I left Haha to practice there alone, but there are many fierce beasts living in this place. At this time, Su Hang woke up and was really afraid of something wrong.

You know, people in practice are the most taboo to be disturbed, and the least resistant. They have countless meridians around them, and they can be fatal if they go wrong.

It is precisely because of this that most master practitioners will choose secluded places, afraid of being disturbed by others, and some will even ask someone to guard the gate. Of course, this gatekeeper must be someone who is absolutely trustworthy, or it will be hidden behind. If you take a look, that is no longer possible.

Just now, Su Hang was just going to walk down and go back after a while. Xiao Kun took him to see the murals, and it took me so long to notice it.

This roar must be haha's voice, most probably something went wrong. Su Hang did not dare to stay any longer, and used a teleportation magical power, which instantly spanned the distance of dozens of miles and appeared at the peak of the tree of faith.

Immediately pushed the door into the room, when entering the room, Su Hang saw Haha had fallen on his back on the bed, bleeding from his nose and nose, and fell into a coma.

In an instant, Su Hang frowned, subconsciously probing out, but found no trace of the murderer, let alone find the slightest possible place.

Save people first.

Without saying a word, Su Hang approached and checked Haha's injury.

A moment later, the look on Su Hang's face eased a little, and then he felt a little crying and laughing.


Xiao Kun chased over and followed weakly next to Su Hang. He looked at Ha ha in a coma curiously, as if to ask Su Hang, what's going on.

Su Hang smiled helplessly and took some real energy into Haha, before putting him back on the bed. "Relax, it's okay, this little guy has a loud voice and stunned himself."

"Tweet?" Xiao Kun tilted his head, his eyes flashing suddenly, a little puzzled.

"He will wake up in a moment." Su Hang smiled a little without too much explanation.


Xiao Kun paused for a moment, flew to Haha, bulging his cheeks, and looked a little angry.


A stream of water sprayed from Xiao Kun's mouth and greeted Haha directly.

Su Hang didn't expect Xiao Kun to play with this, and quickly evaded subconsciously.

Icy, biting, and refreshing just right.

The blood on Haha's face was washed away by the water sprayed by Xiao Kun. At the same time, the unconscious Haha was stimulated by the cold water and woke up leisurely.

"Shang Xian?"

As soon as he was awake, he saw Su Hang standing in front of the bed. Haha quickly got up from the bed and shouted at Su Hang.

That voice, but a big one, Xiao Kun was startled, almost sitting on the ground without a butt, and Su Hang was shocked by the sound of haha, the ears were a bit This sound is too loud, as if talking to a tweeter.

"Ah? Me, why can't I hear the sound?" Haha was unaware, and immediately seemed to realize something, immediately panicked and panicked.

The sound was a few decibels louder.

The eardrum was ruptured, and of course he could not hear anything. Su Hang sweated a bit and stepped forward to grab the panicked haha. The power of the avenue split a breath of life, and he soon repaired the haha ​​cracked eardrum.

"Ah? I can hear it!"

Haha shouted miraculously, but Su Hang gave him a blank look, "The voice is lower, or you have to break it!"

At this time, Haha also noticed that his voice became particularly loud, but he tried hard to lower his voice, but still couldn't take it.

"Shangxian, here I am..." Haha's face was full of panic again, even though he thought he was whispering, and when he spoke, it was still like Hong Zhong. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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