Super Study God

Chapter 1118: Swire World!

Su Hang interrupted him, "what is not good, choose the trumpet flower, this is your talent, the talent is early, and it is normal to stop it. I passed the eight wild gods wood trick to you, you diligently cultivate, adapt Just fine!"

Haha dumb, just like having a dream, in the dream, he turned into a trumpet flower, slowly rooted and germinated from a small seed, grew into a bud, and then slowly opened again.

He was still thinking before, how could he have such a strange dream, and when he woke up, he felt a sigh of relief in his heart, and he couldn't help it.

I couldn't think of this roar. I made such a big movement and stunned myself.

Haha only knew at the moment that so many things suddenly came out of his mind, the exercises passed to him by Shangxian.

At this moment, haha ​​is like being hit by a huge pie that fell from the sky. Isn't that the way of immortality?

What his greedy grandfather struggled to find actually fell on him.

After froze for a while, Haha quickly got up from the bed and knelt excitedly in front of Su Hang, "Haha, thank you, Master!"

After that, he slammed at Su Hang for a while.

This master, but the master is called, in fact, the transfer of merit is not equal to the apprenticeship, Su Hang is just watching him fortune, willing to complete, and did not think of taking him to get started!

"Thank you, Master, for your great merits. Haha would like to follow him, to be a little boy before the saddle, and to serve tea and water!"

Haha has a lot of brains, a little self-knowledge, understand his own skills, is not enough to become a disciple of Shangxian, but, besides the bullish fairy, there are not a few children sent?

Su Hang listened to this, but was sweating in his heart. Although he was only a teenager, he looked quite old-fashioned. He seemed to speak less than thirty, and his face was full of vicissitudes.

Other children's children, that is not a carved jade? It's lovely, but look at my own home, I'm older than myself.

This is a little bit worse than business!

"Get up, your talents are beginning to come, let's get a better understanding of yourself!"

Su Hang waved his hand and said nothing more to him. With his help, Haha can only be regarded as having just passed the refining period, the next step is to melt the soul.

Now in terms of ability, I am afraid that I can only compare it with ordinary monks in the congenital realm. Perhaps it is a little worse. Although his talent is a big voice, although he can not enter the three major lists, the strength of the talent is only innate restraint. Achievement.

Petunias, big speakers!

This talent, Su Hang is really a bit haha, can only be said, really worthy of the name haha.

After this day, Hongyun still didn't come back. Su Hang searched and found no exit for this space. But helplessly, it's not a way to wait like this.

Take a rest and recall what happened in these days. Every piece and every piece made Su Hang wonder. In the past, he was curious about what happened in the ancients 100,000 years ago. Now, he is more curious. Distant Archaic Times.

However, the mentality of these two times is completely different. The last time, he was full of anticipation and full of passion. At that time, he was like a stunned young man, but he was very eager to go to the ancients and now he is curious. However, after experiencing the encounters of the ancient times, Su Hang instinctively resisted.

Because, he feels that he will be routinely irritated.

Therefore, Su Hang has been restrained and does not want to follow the routine, but a series of recent events have made him unable to restrain his curiosity, like having an invisible hand, scratching his itch.

"Go, go, just take a look, and come back with a look!"

There seemed to be a voice that tempted him constantly in the Su Hang's mind.

"Fuck, take a look at it, come back at a glance!"

Taking out the tickets for Swire World, Su Hang has already made up his mind. I only hope that this time it will not be like the last time. Last time I went to 100,000 years ago, I met Chu Tiankuo directly, and I became confused. God Emperor, this time don't touch Pangu as soon as you play, and it's better to be Pangu.

I have to say that Su Hang's intentions are very good, but this is not impossible, there is always a hunch!

"Just die if you die, and you'll die like a man."

Su Hang's teeth finally opened the ticket for Swire World.


A horrible black vortex formed in the room, unfathomable, like the mouth of a fierce beast, the endless power of time and space, as if to tear people into pieces!

In a flash, Suhang couldn't restrain himself and was sucked into the black hole directly.


Feeling that the strange little Kun rushed in, saw Su Hang being sucked away by the black hole, and also subconsciously rushed towards the black hole. However, it was too late. The black hole closed quickly, and the small Kun slammed into the void. .


Blinking his eyes and looking at the empty room, Xiao Kun's eyes were only puzzled.


"Oh shit, this is going to suffer!"

In the space tunnel, Su Hang was torn by the power of time and space. Only then did it suddenly react. That world, but there is a avenue, so he hastily sneaked past, will he not be discovered?

I'm afraid it will be discovered as soon as it appears? Can the system protect itself?

There is also a question about the timing of the opposite. In the event of the Swire War of Anti-Taoism, let's get a hair, I am afraid that it will be killed as soon as it appears!

Too rash, too rash!

Thinking of this, Su Hang regretted for a while, but how could he not hold it back? People said that curiosity killed the cat, and it was true. This nine lives is not enough to play!

Unfortunately, regret is too late! It is impossible to quit!



Time: I don't know how many years!

Location: I don't know where. UU came out from the black hole in time and space. It was surrounded by a forest, and the forest was dark!

"This is Taikoo?"

Su Hang looked around with his consciousness, and the rich demon in the air made him a little convinced that he really came to the ancient world!

It’s just, I don’t know which time period this is. After all, the entire Swire is a very broad range, from more than 150 million years ago when the world was last extinct to 65 million years ago. War, tens of millions of years, can be considered too ancient.

In this era, Nu Wa has created human beings, human beings have appeared, and they have figured out ways to practice, and gradually become the protagonist between heaven and earth. However, the power of demon is still huge, and the living environment of human beings can be said to be extremely sinister!

For future generations, this is an unknown era, and for Su Hang, this era is even more mysterious. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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