Super Study God

Chapter 1122: At the beginning of the ancient times!

Su Hang laughed, "Relax, there will be a day, as long as you have that belief, that day will not be too far!"

"Haha, Brother Su Hang, who knows me is as good as you, it seems that we are really confidants!" Yu Rong patted his butt, stood up, and smiled very happy.

I was still calling brother, and now I'm calling brother again, it seems that this relationship is really a little closer.

"Can we still meet?" Yu Rong said this, but was about to leave!

Su Hang smiled, "The green mountains will not change, the green water will last for a long time, and you will naturally see you again!"

"You have a deep voice, I like it, hee hee!" Yu Rong smiled happily, and then said goodbye to Su Hang.


This young man is really good!

Above the cliff, Su Hang watched Yu Rong leave, with a bit of approval on his face, who dare to enter the dinosaur nest to steal eggs, is really a personal thing!

Su Hang deliberately escorted him for some distance, and Su Yurong disappeared at the end of the forest before Su Hang turned away.

It’s just that he didn’t know, he said goodbye, and he would come again soon, and at that time...

Reckless is too ancient, like a mysterious epic picture, showing the tip of the iceberg in front of Su Hang, standing in the forest, Su Hang for a while, really don't know where to go!

Just now Su Hang and Yurong chatted for a while. Although Yurong had a lot of things he couldn't say clearly, but from Yurong's mouth, he still got some useful information.

In this world, human monks have acquired the methods of refining souls and demons, and they have slowly evolved from scattered training clan to large race, and the five ancient tribes have begun to take shape!

The prototype!

Yes, in this era, it was just that the five races had just begun to take shape, and some clans of different sizes and similar cultivation methods had gathered together. There was just a little concept of the five races.

However, this concept is still relatively light, and it is not only the five families.

For example, the Taiyu clan where Yurong is located is a clan under the Yu clan, and the Taiyu clan has many tribes such as the crane clan, the eagle clan, and the que clan. It can be said that the clan includes the clan, The clan includes the clan, the concept is very confusing, and the tribe where Yurong is located is only a small branch under the Taiyu clan!

Today's five tribes can only be regarded as a clan alliance, and some like-minded clans gather together to care for each other to fight against the powerful demon clan.

The Swire Fifth Clan has not really taken shape, and it is for this reason that the leaders of these alliances are mostly the leaders of some of the big clan. For example, the feather clan alliance that Yurong said is that there are some big clan such as Taiyu and Shaoyu. Clan control!

After confirming this, Suhang will know what age it is!

The five ancient tribes of the Taikoo are just beginning to take shape. In the future, the Pangu clan, who will unite the five tribes, has not even heard of it. It may shrink in a corner of the mainland, fight against monsters, and develop silently.

In other words, I did come to the Swire era, but this trip to Swire seems to have been over and not more than one and a half points, but too much, at least than 65 million years old. The battle against the world is much longer!

The five races haven't formed yet, and the Pangu clan still don't know where, let alone the unification of the five races, and later the reverse?

Pangu has not heard of it, but Nuwa Yurong still heard about it. Although Nuwa is a demon clan, she created a human race, although it is a very, very distant legend, in the information that Suhang knows That was the last time before the demise of the avenue. Although only legends were left, and even the trueness of Nüwa’s creation was not known, most human races believe in this ancestor.

Moreover, I heard that Nu Wa's descendants stayed and lived in Zhonghuangshan Nuwa Palace, but Yurong didn't know where Zhonghuangshan was, only that it was far away.

Standing on this unfamiliar land, Su Hang didn't know where to go for a moment. Before he came, he said that he would go back at a glance, but when he really got to the place, Su Hang found that the ancient world did not seem to have the horror of imagination. What danger he encountered.

Go back, or stay? After wandering in his heart, he chose the former.

It’s coming, then it’s safe. Let’s talk about it when you are in danger. It’s boring to go back to the Cangwu space.

Time has just entered the Taikoo era, the Pangu clan has not grown up, there are thousands of ethnic groups under the human race, and no real Taikoo five families have yet been formed. This is good news for Su Hang, at least he has not been cast into Taikoo At the end, otherwise, his little arms and legs can't help tossing.

Randomly picked a direction, Su Hang walked away, and did not dare to rush into the air, although it was in the early days of the ancient times, he did not dare to guarantee that there would be no master!

Not to mention the master, even if he is stared at by a powerful monster, I am afraid it is enough for him to drink a pot!

For example, what the Pterosaur King Yu Rong said, although Yu Rong said that it was the spirit demon list monster beast, but one thing Su Hang had already made clear from Yu Rong. At this time, although the three big demon lists already existed, they were the same. It is just beginning to take shape.

In the ancient continent, there are countless human races. The three big demon lists are spread among the human races. It can be said that each race is different.

The three lists truly took shape, and it should be after the unification of the world, the five ethnic groups will stand together.

At least as far as Suhang knows, there is no king of pterosaurs above the three demon lists of later generations. Listen to this name, it should belong to the dragon family.

There are many branches of the dragon family. In terms of blood lineage, the good and the bad are not the Apart from the **** dragon ranked first in the sky monster list, there are very few dragon families on the three major monster lists, because most of the dragon families Being incorporated into the concept of race, it does not occupy places on the three big demon lists. In addition, some dragons are not enough to make the list.

So, what Yu Rong said about the spirit demon list pterosaur king, Su Hang really does not know what level it is, this ancient continent, there must be strong, there must be more powerful monsters, so Su Hang still has to be careful .

After all, the road is a demon!

Looking up at the sky, Dadao didn't know if he had found him as a stowaway. I suppose there should be none. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would have intervened already!

Su Hang has always believed in the system of learning gods, but this time, facing the legendary Dadao, he still felt a little uneasy in his heart. You know, Dadao supreme, the creator of this big world, is like a professional pig farmer. There is a sheep mixed in the circle, will he not know?

Maybe it will! Su Hang thought about it for a while. If the circle is big enough and there are a lot of things to raise, the sheep will not make any big movements. Shouldn’t it be too easy to find?

Thinking about it, Suhang began to think about where to go next time, but this time there was a month.

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