Super Study God

Chapter 1123: Scarlet rooster!

Let's sway everywhere. Wherever you go, Suhang will walk aimlessly regardless of direction.

Compared to later generations, this place is really barren enough. After walking for a long time, I didn’t see any smoke. On the contrary, the monsters have seen a lot. Humans need a lot of courage to survive in such an environment. .

Hong Jun didn't know what he was doing at this time? Should I go find him? Su Hang thought this as she thought, but she quickly choked off the idea.

At this time, Hongjun was not a dragonfly, and he didn't know him at all. He just hurriedly came to the door, and if he was found to be a stowaway, wouldn't he be a netizen?

So, be careful to make Wannian ship.

For most of the day, I didn't encounter a person. What I saw was that besides the mountain, it was still a mountain. In the evening, Su Hang simply found a cave and drove away a demon living in it. He went to the cave and practiced for a while.

In the ancient world, the overwhelming enchantment is even more abundant than that of the future generations of Wanquelin, and they are constantly drilling into the human body.

Strictly speaking, Su Hang is not a demon cultivator. He builds the power of the avenue, but the power of the avenue also needs other energy to transform and condense. The demon power between heaven and earth is the most mature, the higher the level of energy, for Su For aviation, the more advantageous.

In the face of such a good opportunity for cultivation and consolidation, of course, it must be used well. Su Hang actually thought, if he can be so stable, it will be fine, and he can save a lot of his things.

However, many things are not something he can hide.

At this moment, he wanted to avoid trouble, but can he really escape?


Two nights without words!

Su Hang's practice, he forgot the time as soon as he entered, and he didn't even know how long he had passed!

Until, awakened by several beast roars!

"Boom, Boom!"

There seemed to be something slamming the stone door of the cave.

Originally, there was no door in this hole. This stone door was a large stone specially found by Suhang from the surrounding area. It directly blocked the hole to avoid being harassed by wild animals when entering.

Now that it is really handy, I have to say that Su Hang is still very prescient!

The stone was big enough that the outside beast could not come in for a while, but after all, the cave was a cave. Under the fierce attack of the outside beast, the top of the cave kept spraying dust, which made Suhang feel depressed for a while.

Grey-faced and messy, Su Hang let out a breath and was shocked, the dust on his body was shaken by him.

He got up, opened the door, and spied on it. It wasn't just one or two beasts, but a whole group of people.

A giant like an elephant, a tiger that looks like a tiger, and a dog that is not like a dog is blocking the door, and with its sharp claws, it beats the stone gate violently!

Every time is so hard, every time is so barbaric.


When the giant raised his paw again, Su Hang kicked the stone gate with a very simple foot inside the stone gate. Under the force of Su Hang, the stone gate burst out like a shell.

The poodle was unprepared, hit by the stone gate, and was smashed without suspense. With the stone gate, he drew a beautiful parabola in the air and fell into the depths of the secret forest.

The beasts also turned back, watching the poodle fall into the forest, and a tremor came from the ground.

I don't know if the big poodle is alive or dead!

Looking back, I saw a weak figure walking out of the cave. The beasts, like a ghost, shrank their necks and backed away.

Beasts are also thinking, and they know that they are scared. Although Suhang’s head is small, this way of playing scares them.

Obviously, this is not a messenger.

"Oh, you are not convinced, are you looking for a helper?"

Roughly counted, there are dozens of beasts around here, and there are dozens of beasts, there are big and small, weird and strange, and there are many kinds. Su Hang looked at it, and his eyes fell on one of the adult saber-toothed wolves.

The cave occupied by Su Hang was the den of the saber-tooth wolf. Su Hang knew it because there was a cluster of white hair above its eyes!

Before, Su Hang just drove it away without hurting his life. Unexpectedly, he was really a white-eyed wolf. In a blink of an eye, he found a group of fox friends.

The saber-tooth wolf saw Su Hang and was obviously quite scared. It was this guy who threw himself out of the cave two days ago.

Anyway, he is also a tyrant nearby. In the hands of this guy, he is like a little chicken. How can I feel cool without this bad breath today?

However, this man's appearance just now was so shocking that he couldn't help but pick up his tail!

The same goes for the remaining herds.


Su Hang was so eager to play that he suddenly stepped forward and shouted in his mouth.

The IQs of those beasts are obviously not high, and all of them were nervous, and suddenly they were so scared that they turned around and ran away!

He ran faster than anything, and suddenly jumped into the forest without a shadow, so that Su Hang had a good understanding of what is called bird and beast scattered. The white-eyed wolf, on the other hand, ran the fastest!

Su Hangle laughed happily, and the gang chickens and dogs actually wanted to find their own place. Isn't it funny to deliberately!


They all ran out, but there was one that didn’t. Suhang looked a little surprised.

His eyes fell on this thing, and he looked up and down to see the appearance. This is a chicken!

The red-haired big **** is tall, nearly two meters tall, and his legs are very strong. It looks like the foot of the tyrannosaurus that I saw last night, but it needs to be smaller. It is very powerful at first glance.

It is said that chickens are evolved from dinosaurs, which is still based on some points, after all, the appearance is so similar!

Gossip but said that this big red rooster, the other beasts who came with him all ran away, but left it alone, standing in the same place, like a okay chicken, did not mean to run!


Su Hang shouted, "Why don't you run?"

Looking at the pair of muscular giant legs, Su Hang was already thinking about whether it was better braised or better, or troublesome, to make a bowl of chicken in Su Hang’s hometown, but it tasted so good that he hadn’t eaten for a long time. After a while, I discovered new ingredients.

The red **** turned his head and glanced at Su Hang.

The small eyes, round, and a pair of cross-eyed eyes seemed very arrogant.

"Yo, or is it just an arrogant chicken?" Su Hang was a little happy, even the chicken dare to look at himself like this?


Su Hang hooked his finger at it, and didn't know if it could be understood. The IQ of animals like chickens is very low, and I was just confused to follow the group of beasts to eat here.

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