Super Study God

Chapter 1124: Sacrifice the mountain god!

Maybe it didn’t even know what the beasts were here for, and they didn’t even feel the danger from Su Hang. Su Hang saw that it kept plowing the ground with its claws, obviously it was hungry looking for something to eat, then It looks serious and stupid, and it's so funny.

What a mentally retarded chicken!

Su Hang's face could not help but bend a trace of arc, maybe, the chicken is more delicious!

However, the chicken didn't know whether it was bad ears, or he didn't want to take Su Hang at all. He turned his head and gave Su Hang a glance, and continued to bury his head in search of food.

"Really starved to death!" Su Hang was speechless for a while, ignored by a chicken, it didn't feel very good, and went straight to it, and wanted to deal with this red rooster. In later generations, I want to find such ingredients Is not easy!

Since Taikoo is here, of course you have to get some souvenirs. In these few days, a bird is coming out of your mouth!


As soon as Su Hang approached, the big **** suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Hang defensively, as if afraid that Su Hang would **** its food, he called directly to Su Hang.

Su Hang was stupid in the spot instantly, looking at the big **** like a cub-like hen in front of him, dumbfounded!

"Wang, Wang, Wang!"

The rooster opened his mouth and barked at Su Hangtong, threatening Su Hang to stay away.

A few pure and majestic dog barks almost didn't subvert Su Hang's worldview.

*, is this a chicken? How can it sound like a dog, shouldn't it be giggling? Why is Wangwangwang?

"Wang, Wang..."

The big **** seemed to be angry, and he roared at Su Hang again, and his feathers exploded!

Su Hang couldn't laugh or cry, what kind of person he encountered, what kind of thing he encountered when he met a chicken.

"Not good*, can't you want to be a dog? Okay, because of your talent, you won't kill you today!"

If you don’t learn chickens and learn to call dogs, it’s not just a chicken with mental retardation, but a chicken that doesn’t do anything right. Su Hang opened his eyes directly in his heart. It’s really big in the world.



Dark Wind Ridge, dusk!

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled into the mountain forest, and the tree shadow dragged the elders and elders on the ground, adding a little bit of vicissitudes and sorrow.

"You guys, let me go!"

Between the mountains, an angry roar broke the silence, startling a few unknown birds, and wowed and flew a shadow.

In the depression, there are several figures, an old man, with a few strong men, and a young man surrounded by these people.

The young man's hands and feet were **** with hemp rope and fell to the ground, trying to struggle, but he was helpless and could only swear at the people in front of his mouth.

"Come on, no one will come to rescue you if you break your throat!" The old man in the lead looked at the young man on the ground indifferently.

This dialogue is so familiar!

The young man looked up and looked angrily at the people in front of him, "Why? Why me?"

A strong man next to him laughed, as if he heard the most funny joke under the world, "Why are you? Rongwazi, don't blame the men who are cruel, who made you so wasteful? In the young generations of our family, Even if you are the worst, you can only blame yourself, but who else can blame?"

"Fart, fart, it's pure fart!" the young man scolded loudly. "I can make it like this, isn't it all yours?"

"It's useless to say now! You are chosen by the clan, you can only blame your life!" At this time, the old man opened his mouth and looked at the young man with a livestock-like look. Here, being a sacrifice to the mountain gods is your last contribution to the clan. Well, you seem to have only such a little value!"

"let's go!"

After the old man finished, he waved his hand and took everyone to turn.

"Asshole, come back and you all give me back!" The young man yelled at the ground.

The old man paused and looked back at the young man, "Yes, Master Shaoxian asked me to bring a message, thank you for your gift, he will be immortalized forever!"


This sentence seemed to arouse the anger in the youth's heart, bursting with blue muscles on his face, trying to burst from the ground, hoping to kill the old man, but his hands and feet were tied up, and there was nothing he could do!

Lying on the ground like this, eyes weakly watched those people disappear between the mountains and forests.

Tired of scolding, two tears shed in the corner of the eyes! The afterglow of the setting sun spattered him, as if the glory of death, the young man's face covered with soil was full of despair.

After crying, as the sky gradually darkened, the young man's face was slowly haunted by fear, trying hard to get rid of the rope, but, after working hard for a long time, it was still useless!

Desperate, really desperate, the young man's eyes, looking at the sun slowly falling on the edge of the mountain in the distance, the young man knows that when the sun is completely set, it means that his life is about to come end.

In his heart, I was afraid that he had cursed the group of people just now!


The night had just been lowered, and the sky hadn't really darkened. There was a sound suddenly behind him. A huge shadow appeared above the body, and the young men's hair instantly exploded.

"Ah! Help!"

The young man turned over hard, and the scene he saw in front of him scared him as if he had seen a ghost and shouted.


A huge black snake covered with black, is high above its three-five-story high half-snake body, spitting a letter in his mouth, with a pair of cold and poisonous eyes looking at the young man lying on the ground~www. The youth's cries echoed in the mountains, but it was just echoed. At this moment, he really just wanted to faint. However, the strong stimulation made him sober!

The black snake spit out the letter and looked at the young man in front of him. His vicious eyes seemed to have a bit of human dissatisfaction.

"Stop calling, shut up for the god!"

Strangely, the black snake uttered words from the mouth.

"Mountain, mountain, mountain god, me, I was framed by someone, please, please let me go!" The young man shuddered and couldn't speak clearly, almost to collapse.

"Oh, young man, the sacrifice must have the consciousness of the sacrifice!" The giant snake spoke again, and the voice was a little bit of a bird of prey. "You few Taiyu clan, but more and more perfunctory, saying good boy The virgins, but they all look for things like you to obscure the gods, what a reason!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The youth heard, and nodded again and again, "They are not good things, mountain god, you let me go, you let me go, I will take you to trouble them together!"

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