Super Study God

Chapter 1126: Weird chicken!


Yu Rong froze for a moment, stood up, looked at the fire in front of Su Hang, only to see a huge black thing, was roasted on a large wooden stick, the oil and water continued to fall, dripping down On the firewood, the firewood kept jumping.

Su Hang didn't know what to hold in his hand, and kept sprinkling on the dark thing, emitting a strange fragrance.


Yu Rong took a closer look, and when he distinguished clearly, he screamed in shock, his face changed greatly, and he sat on the ground.

The giant snake's head looked straight at him, and the dark thing roasted in the fire, didn't it just eat his **** snake?

Su Hang looked back at him and said, "What's it called? It's all roasted, can it still be eaten?"

"Su, Su, Brother Su Hang, you, have you roasted the mountain god?" The scene in front of him had already subverted his three views. Yu Rong was so shocked that he could hardly speak, and his tongue was straightened for a long time!

"Is it strange?" Su Hang did not return his head. "What mountain god, the mountain demon has lifted it up. Didn't you just eat its meat? How? Delicious? Do you want another one?"

After talking, Su Hang looked back at Yurong, but only saw his shocked expression.

Yu Rong swallowed, not daring to answer, and looked at the **** snake roasted by fire. This is a powerful mountain god. Their tribe must sacrifice the existence of confession every year. It was unbelievable when it was grilled on the fire.

"Why, afraid?" Su Hang smiled. "Don't you dare to steal eggs in the pterosaur king's nest? How guts? Where did you go?"

Yurong swallowed hard, clenched his teeth, and calmly raised his head, "I'm not afraid, this monster has eaten so many people, and still wants to eat me, I will eat it again, it's a return One report, what's not to dare?"

As Yu Rong stepped forward, he took the meat from Su Hang, put it directly in his mouth and chewed it again, as if to prove to Su Hang that he was really brave.

"What are you talking about?" Looking at Yurong, Su Hang froze at the moment!


Yurong had a mouthful of meat and turned his head to look at Su Hang.

"You said this monster has eaten a lot of people?" Su Hang's face was a little bluish.

Yurong nodded and swallowed the snake meat, "This monster dominates the Black Wind Ridge. He used to harass many tribes around him, and later he became a mountain god. Boys and girls give it to them in exchange for tribal tranquility. These two days are just days of confession!"

"Lying trough!"

Upon hearing this, Su Hang lost his appetite in an instant, but this thing was eaten by people. Maybe he just digested it. How could Su Hang from a civilized society eat the meat of this thing?

The inner instincts resisted. Su Hang was not as big as Yurong, and he felt nauseous in the stomach for a while.

"*Have a busy time!"

Su Hang took a sip and threw a stick of fire in his hand, quite depressed.

"Uh? Brother Su Hang, what are you?" Yu Rong looked at Su Hang unexpectedly. Didn't he still feel good just now? Why did you change your face in a blink of an eye?

Looking at the oily and fragrant snake meat, Su Hang was nausea, "You have to eat it, it's yours, but don't eat too much, I'm afraid you can't digest it!"

"Wang, Wang..."

In the grass next to it, a huge shadow popped out, and Yurong screamed in shock, and fell down on the ground!

Demon, monster beast?

Yu Rong's face was white, and he saw a big rooster with a bright red color. He ran directly to Su Hang, looking impatient.

"What are you doing together again?" Su Hang blankly glanced at the mentally retarded chicken, and looked at that look, he knew he wanted to beg for food from himself!

"Wang, Wang..."

The rooster looked at the roasting snake on the fire in front of him. If there was a fire, I'm afraid it would have been thrown directly!

"Eat, eat!"

Su Hang was too lazy to leave the snake corpse to the man and the chicken, and turned to the side to find something to eat from the storage ring, or the hygiene he brought was guaranteed.

Yurong also recovered at this time. This big brother Su Hang, who can roast the mountain demon and snake demon, must be a powerful person.

Reminiscent of the scene of meeting Su Hang that night, he returned to the tribe afterwards, and he knew that the **** of King Pterosaur he bought was simply cheated, it was not **** of Pterosaur King at all, but that merchant had specially prepared it Feces of pigs.

For this reason, he was also teased by the tribe, because the pig is a monster that is very easy to hunt, and the pig is even a curse.

Now I want to come. The big-headed dragon that night was shocked because of the big brother Su Hang, right?

I have long heard that there are some powerful human beings who can enslave powerful monsters. Presumably this big brother Su Hang is one of them!

Humans and monsters are not mutually exclusive. In terms of strength, monsters are stronger than humans and can enslave monsters and monsters. How powerful should they be?

It's ridiculous that I was still in front of a tall man before, so now it's awkward to think about it!

"Wang, Wang..." The roar of the big **** brought Yurong back to reality.

I saw the big rooster jumping beside the fire, desperately wanting to eat meat, but it was out of reach, and he was in a hurry.

"Brother Rooster, let me help you!"

Yu Rong didn't dare to neglect, he called the brother of the chicken, quickly stepped forward to help, removed the roasted snake meat from the fire, one chicken per person, and it was a fragrant dish!

This mentally retarded chicken!

Seeing this Su Hang shook his head with a wry smile, to say that this mentally retarded chicken, the appetite is really good enough, before slashing the black snake demon, Su Hang threw the black snake's Nedan Gave it.

The product was swallowed in a single bite, but it was not digested. It seemed to be a benefit. Later, Suhang refused to leave!

This thing is also very talented, then Neidan didn't know what was going to be hoarded by it, Su Hang was still afraid of it, but he didn't think that this little beast that didn't reach the realm of Demon Pill, was swallowed. Neidan, who was in the demon-baby realm, had nothing.

Archaic creatures have their own talents. Who knows what strange talents this strange chicken has? As for the posture that it seems to never be fed, Su Hang is looking for food to eat all day long, and Su Hang wondered if it should change its name.

A huge snake was soon swallowed by the man and the chicken. Of course, the vast majority of them were swallowed by the mentally retarded chicken. Yurong ate only a small part. After all, he was just an ordinary person. Man, his belly is only so big.

Because the whole body of the black snake was shattered by Su Hang, so in the end, no bone was left at all, and it was swallowed clean by the mentally disabled chicken!

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