Super Study God

Chapter 1127: Yurong's grievances!

And Su Hang can only make a few breads next to it and nibble silently.

"It's so hot, so dizzy!"

When that person finished eating a chicken, Su Hang was about to call Yu Rong and asked what was the situation today, but this little guy was flushed, as if he had just come out from the steaming room, sweating, one Sleepy face.

There was only time to greet Su Hang, fell directly beside the fire, and fell asleep.

Su Hang shook his head helplessly, and told you not to eat too much, but also eat so much. How much energy does it contain in the flesh of the monster beast in the fairy infant realm, do you know ordinary people, eat it?

It seems that he has to sleep for digestion, and Su Hang is not in a hurry. When he wakes up, he will ask.

It was really coincidental. At that time, he didn't know where to go, so he rode a mentally retarded chicken and wandered around. Suddenly he heard someone calling for help, a look, but there was a demon. I thought that this victim would be Yurong, who had only met two days ago.

The fate is so fateful, Su Hang also feels magical, just two days later, actually met again!

"Wang, Wang!"

The mentally retarded chicken rushed to Suhang again, really dissatisfied with his desire.

Su Hang was speechless and tossed half a piece of bread in his hand, knowing that the goods were in love with the stutter.

*, it's a bottomless hole. Su Hang regretted bringing this guy. If you don't order a family, who can raise this foodie.

Sure enough, Su Hang threw the bread, the mentally retarded chicken flew over immediately, in order to eat a bit, I'm afraid you can kill your life.

"You can be considered the best among the chickens!" Su Hang said, ignoring him, and came to Yurong. Looking at this little guy, Su Hang's face appeared a little strange.

"this is……"

Su Hang felt a little surprised when he sensed the turbulence in Yurong's body.

Has this little guy succeeded in casting souls?

Su Hang could feel the fluctuations in his life and soul, but the fluctuations were so weak that he had just ignored them.

Think about it, Yurong seems to have said that in these two days there was a grand event among their family, and the elders will help these juniors to build their souls. Presumably this is the reason.

It's just that the soul of life is too weak. If it weren't for eating a few pieces of meat, the power of the snake demon would arouse his breath, and Suhang wouldn't care.

Pulling out the system and scanning it, the information obtained made Su Hang's face twitch slightly. Obviously, the result seemed to be a bit different from what he expected.

Looking at Yu Rong in his deep sleep, Su Hang's brows were lightly wrinkled. I really don't know what happened to the little guy who had been separated from him for these two days!


The night is cool, the roar of birds and beasts in the mountains and forests, Su Hang sitting alone in front of the fire, this ancient world seems not as terrible as he thought.

Well-spoken strong guys have been here for a few days now, but they have seen some weak ones that cannot be weaker. He has never seen a truly powerful existence.


This night, a surprisingly calm past.

In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth, bringing vitality to the mountains and forests, and stirring the eyes of the dreamers.

"Follow me, chuckle!"

"Wang Wang Wang!"


"Wang, Wang, Wang!"

"I lost your sister, cluck!"


Yurong woke up from his sleep, rubbing his sorrowful eyes, the fire in front of him was still burning, only heard a noise coming from his ear.

In the distance, Su Hang was grabbing the neck of the big rooster, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Brother Su Hang, what are you?" Yu Rong walked over, just like waking up from a hangover.

Su Hang let go of the mentally retarded chicken and said helplessly, "This chicken is unreasonable, I will teach it*!"

"Teach it*?" Yu Rong froze for a moment.

Su Hang smiled and waved at Yu Rong, beckoning him to come to his side, "Do you have any virtuous chicken here?"

"Huh?" Yurong stunned, glancing at the big cock, and said, "It's about the same, but not so big, this is the biggest chicken I've ever seen!"


"Your chickens here, learn dog barking?" Su Hang's forehead is full of black lines, this is the best chicken I have ever seen!

"Dog?" Yu Rong froze again.

"I said, wouldn't you never see a dog?" Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing. This world is really crazy enough. Just a few days later, the three views have to be subverted!

Yu Rong smiled, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

Su Hang had nothing to say, patted the only one beside him, and asked Yurong to sit down.

Prior to this, Yurong could still be comfortable in front of the Soviet Airways, but now that he knows the skills of the Soviet Airways, he is cramped.

"Yesterday, what's going on?" Su Hang asked at this time.

After listening to Su Hang's question, Yu Rong buried his head, but did not answer. He could see it. His heart was terrified, and he wanted to cry!

He wiped his eyes and brought a water mark. He tried very hard to calm his mood, but he couldn't do it at all.

His head was buried in his lap, his shoulders shook, and he sobbed.

Su Hang took a deep breath, reached out and patted his back, comforting, "The man has tears and does not flick. What is your courage to steal eggs from the pterosaur nest? What is wrong, even if you say it! "

For a while, Yu Rong finally seemed to calm his mood, secretly wiped away tears, raised his head, and smiled.

In that smile, it was obviously wronged.

After repeated inquiries by Su Hang, Yu Rong finally opened the conversation box and confided in Su Hang.

These two days are the clan meeting of their an annual event, because on these two days, the elders of the clan will help the younger juniors to build life and soul, this point, Yurong is I told Su Hang, and the reason why Yurong risked his life to steal dinosaur eggs was for this reason, in order to get a powerful talent.

However, for Yurong's tribe, the annual tribal event is also a very important event.

That is to worship the mountain god.

The so-called mountain **** is the **** snake demon roasted by Su Hang!

If humans and monsters are completely opposite in this era, why do humans know that they are monsters, and they should respect them as gods and sacrifice them?

The reason is very simple. Humans are really too weak. There are more than a dozen tribes of Taiyu in the vicinity of Heifengling, but they are all weak and pitiful. The strongest humans are only trained to the realm of demon, equivalent to the monks of later generations. Jindan realm.

Of course, the monks of this era, because they cultivated the essence of demon power, are better than the monks of the same state in later generations, but they are only so.

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