Super Study God

Chapter 1139: King, mighty!

"All disciples, protect the Fa!"

Jiuyangzi drank aloud, and the words fell. Almost all the disciples quickly divided into seven columns, arranged behind the seven people in a seven-star trend, sitting cross-legged, with their hands pressed back and forth. Perfused out, conducted one by one, and injected into those seven people!

The seven men were enchanted, and their pale face soon recovered a little. Zijinling once again shined. The original bell-shaped shield, which may collapse at almost any time, quickly became stable again.

Seeing this, the giant ape could not help sneering. A huge hairy face almost came to the people on the top of the mountain. His huge eyes looked coldly at the turtles in these urns.

"Old things, haven't you heard the words of the deity? Hand over the people, maybe, you, Ziyang Mountain, can still keep the inheritance for thousands of years." The giant ape snapped.

With all his strength and hard support, Jiuyangzi shook his white beard and looked up to the giant ape that was so courageous and frightening, "The Great Ape King, she doesn’t want to go with you, why bother you? Fighting hard?"


The giant ape took a sip and glared at Jiuyangzi. "You put your mother's stinky fart, you are hiding her, and you are not allowed to meet me. How do you know that she would not go with me?" Hurry up and hand over the people to me, otherwise, today you will flatten Ziyang Mountain to the ground."

Jiuyangzi had a bitter black face. After a while, there was a bit of anger on his face. "Great Ape King, don't you want to deceive people too much."

"How to bully you?" The giant ape sneered, and the stick in his hand hit the bell-shaped shield casually again.


The giant earthquake was the end of a strong crossbow, and the shield was immediately smashed with several cracks, which did not collapse, and it recovered after a few sloshing, but the entire shield was much thinner.

And looking at those disciples, all of them were pale, some were even shocked to vomit blood, and some even fainted directly.

"Oh, it's unbearable." The great ape sneered, full of ridicule.

Nine Yangzi looked around and saw that the disciples were damaged like this, but also anxious, "Great Ape King, really think I have no one in Ziyang?"

"What else is there? Just make it out, I know that you humans have not experienced despair, and you just won't recognize the reality." The ape sneered.


Jiuyangzi was completely angry, "Jiuyang, a disciple of the nine generations at Ziyang Mountain, please call the ancestor the holy weapon."

"Where is Zhentian Gong!"

Jiuyangzi snorted, and then saw a white light and shadow shot from the nearly collapsed hall at the rear, turned into a streamer, and quickly fell into Jiuyangzi's hand.

The light dissipated, showing the deity, which turned out to be a gorgeous jade bow.

"Brother Ape."

At this time, a bullhead black man came to the sky, his eyes fell on the jade bow in the hands of Jiuyangzi through the shield, "I heard that Wanquezong sent Patriarch Ziyang Zhenren, and there are two great treasures, one is Zijinling 1. The first one is Zhentian Gong. This Zhentian bow is remarkable. At that time, Ziyang real person used it to shoot many big demon."

"In the opinion of the younger sister, let's stop talking nonsense with these guys, let the younger sister break through this barrier, and make a quick decision, so as not to have extra trouble."

Next to it, there was another person, but a woman, wearing a leather skirt, even enchanting, and not afraid of seeing anything like the light below.

The two of them are obviously with the giant ape, and the three brothers and sisters are commensurate with each other.

The great ape heard it, but his face was full of contempt, "Unfortunately, with a bow and no arrow, even if Ziyang reincarnates, how can it bear me?"


At this time, under the extreme anger of Jiuyang, the bow was completed, and suddenly, a green arrow appeared on the bow string.


Without saying anything, when the bowstring was loosened, the arrow shot out instantly, enveloping the mighty power, and shot directly at the head of the giant ape.

The woman and the bull-headed man were both startled, and flashed away in an instant. Obviously, in their hearts, these big demons, Zhentian Gong still has some prestige.


The arrow was indeed immense, but the great ape did not seem to escape, just stood there, letting the arrow shoot on his forehead.


The arrow hit the forehead of the great ape, a spark with lightning, the head of the great ape tilted back, but quickly back again.

The arrows have disappeared.


Seeing this, Jiuyang suddenly changed color, and quickly shot three arrows, each of which was infinitely powerful, but unfortunately, it fell on the giant ape as if it was tickling, and it did not seem to cause the slightest effect on the giant ape. hurt.

"Master, mighty!"

"Master, mighty!"


The monsters roared and shouted in unison, the momentum was almost against the sky, the mountains shook and the world was dark.

"Old stuff."

The giant ape had fangs, although Jiuyang's arrows did not cause him any harm, but after all, it would still hurt.

How can he not be angry when he is provoked repeatedly by a ant?

"Originally, I still want to save you some face, but I have changed my mind now. Ziyang Mountain, Wanquezong, IX died, and history will remember this day."

The great ape was full of anger, and with such a sentence, the big stick in his hand was raised high.

"Leave me to death."

The great ape roared, and in the cheering of the cheers of many small beasts, struggling with great force, a stick smashed towards Ziyang Mountain.

The situation is as strong as the Taishan Mountain, and the world is as if it is about to be collapsed by this stick. Obviously, before this, the great ape had left his hand. If he had exerted his full strength, I am afraid that the Ziyang Mountain would have already gone. Existed.


All the disciples on the mountain were already scared and stupid. In the face of the shock, all the faces were ashamed.

Jiuyang, as well as several other elders who are too great, are also desperate. Since the ancestor Ziyang opened the ancestors, he has inherited Is it really IX to die? Could Wanquezong be destroyed in the hands of their generation?

The big stick has been smashed down, and Zijinling has already been crumbling. Where could he still be able to carry this blow?

It is almost conceivable that with this stick down, the entire Ziyang School might be smashed into ruins.

This great ape king is really too tyrannical and too powerful, and he has tried his best to make the whole mountain of Ziyang impossible to match it.

Sin debt, Sin debt!

Jiuyang and others sighed in their hearts. They closed their eyes in despair, wishing to live and die with Zongmen.

One second, two seconds...

As time passed, seconds and seconds passed, Jiuyang and others saw no movement and did not feel the big stick fall.

What's going on?

Did Great Ape King suddenly change his mind? Muttering in his heart, Jiuyang and others opened his eyes hesitantly. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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