Super Study God

Chapter 1140: Is the savior coming?

I saw the giant stick of the great ape king, suspended in mid-air, and I never saw it fall, as if it had been cast by a person.

Zi Jinling's shield had already shattered, and the disciples fell to the ground. This must be the situation. Why did it suddenly stop?

When I looked closely, I saw that there was a figure standing under the big stick. It was not that the stick didn't fall down, but that it was held up by the man with one hand.

"this is?"

This scene shocked everyone, but someone caught the great ape king?


Deadly quiet, so quiet that I could only hear the wind on the top of the mountain.

Including those monsters shouting and cheering, it is also messy in the wind at the moment. Anyone who is a little bit of a cultivation person can see the figure that is hanging in the sky and holding the giant ape king stick with one hand. .

In that scene, it was like a person holding a fly swatter to beat a mosquito. When the beat went on, the mosquito was not killed. Instead, the mosquito swattered the fly swatter. How could it not be shocking?

Including Jiuyang and others, they couldn't believe their eyes for a while, and they couldn't believe it was true.

It took a long time to react, and the savior is here!

In a white dress, the posture is stern, so just hang in the air, with one hand behind him, the other hand is like supporting the blue sky, holding the stick to death so that it can't fall down. the power of?

Although it is only a back view, it brings infinite security to everyone in Ziyang Mountain.

It seems that this figure is stronger than Zijinling.

The momentum is enough to shake the momentum of the mountains and rivers. All eyes are gathered on the back. Compared with the great ape, although small, the momentum is not weak.

At this moment, the giant ape also froze for a moment, and then frowned, his blow under anger had completely ignored the others, and he just wanted to solve the annoying group of people on the mountain. Unexpectedly, the stick hit In general, it can't be beaten.

A closer look, it was held by a white man who appeared suddenly.

Standing close to the stick, he looked at the suddenly appearing white man, "Who is the one who came, and signed up, Ben Wang Bang will not kill the unknown ghost!"

The attitude is very arrogant, the voice is high, and the arrogant big ape king has not put the person in front of him in his eyes.

"Su Hang."

The man in white was standing with one hand behind him, standing in the air, looking at the giant ape in front of him with no expression on his face.

This man was Su Hang. He was just looking at some liveliness from afar, but now he had to shoot. If he never stopped, he was afraid that Ziyang Mountain would be wiped out.

"Su Hang?" The giant ape uttered his teeth, "I haven't heard of it."

There was a bit of ridicule in the speech, and then said, "Are you trying to take the place of the Wanquezong? If so, this king advises you to hide far away, and don't take your own life because of these irrelevant guys. ."

"You wicked beast, the skill is not high, but the tone is not small." Su Hang heard the words, but snorted coldly.

"what did you say?"

The great ape heard this, but his eyes were full of anger. Such a humble human being who actually called him a noble demon clan as a beast is just like a civilian who scolded the noble tortoise and grandson. It is a shame.

The great ape is so hostile, how can he hear such scolding?

"It doesn't matter what you say, what matters is that you hear it." Su Hang said indifferently.

It’s really angry. It’s clearly to pick things up. It’s really an urge to breathe a nose. “Give you one last chance, kneel in front of this king, and beg this king to spare you.”

His eyes were burning, as if he had swallowed Su Hang.

"If, I said no?" Su Hang asked, looking up without fear.

"Unless, you want to die!" A fierce smile appeared on the giant ape's face.

"It really doesn't change his temperament!" Su Hang listened, but shook his head indifferently.

"Bold!" The light from the eyes of the giant ape exploded. "Little humans, relying on some skills, dare to insult the king. If you don't frustrate you today, why would the king be in these three thousand miles? Jiang based on?"

"Say you a few words, and I'm not happy to listen. Just because of your temper, it will explode at a point. How much can you do in the future?" Su Hang sneered.

"I think you are really looking for death!" The giant ape has a bad temper. Wherever you hear these words, the stick in your hand goes directly to the ground with a pestle.


The ground was shocked, and the stick was stuck on the ground. The great ape king released his hand. His hands were like applause, and he slapped directly towards Su Hang.


Hands clasped together, making a loud noise, the space seemed to be distorted by that powerful force.


Seeing the big ape Wang Xun's thunder and lightning, the man disappeared in the air and didn't see him avoiding it. Obviously he was caught by the big ape king.

If you take a picture like this, you can't make it into puree?

In the terrified eyes of everyone, the palm of the Great Ape King full of ape hair is like a giant mountain with five fingers, and his right hand is clenched into a fist.

"Ji Jie..." Holding his fist, the Great Ape King grinned, "The ants are ants, noisy, why not be noisy? In the face of absolute power, you should be able to feel your insignificance?"

"Just if you left with consciousness, this king can still blame the past, but unfortunately, it is too late. You choose to go on this dead end yourself. You can't blame others. You can only blame you for not provoke the strong and should not be arrogant!"

Big Ape King said one word at a time to his fist, and none of the words resounded through the thunder, which made people tremble.

Everyone in Wanquezong's face was pale at the moment. As soon as Su Hang appeared, they caught the stick of the great ape king. They thought that the meteor was coming. Big Ape King slapped to death.

That’s I'm afraid that person just has some magic weapon, so I can barely take the stick of the great ape king!

Hero, when I played, I didn't even see it from the front, I was so dead!

Anyway, Wanquezong is showing you this love!

Alas, there are so many stupid hangers. You just say you pretend to be forced. If you go to a place where you can’t install well, you must go to the big ape king. Isn’t this what you are looking for?

What is the Great Ape King? That is the first demon king of Huaijiang in thousands of miles, can you be compared with such a sudden boy?

It would be foolish to dare to yell in front of Big Ape King.

At this moment, the people of Ziyang Mountain, together with those demon kings and demon, are thinking in their hearts.

Over, this time, Wanquezong still can not escape the end of the faction.

Jiuyangzi held Zhentian bow and smiled very sorrowfully, Ziyang maidenly, IX died, I am a sinner! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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