Super Study God

Chapter 1141: Giant talent?

"The mighty king!"

The nearby big demon and little demon shouted in unison, thunderous.

This world is so cruel, power is supreme, the strong is the supreme, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can control the life, and the weak are only worthy to become the turkey dogs under the strong.

Great Ape King let go of his hand and nothing in his palm, but he was not surprised. The pinch just seemed casual, but in fact, he used his 10% of the demon power. He has that confidence. With his power, Even if the other party is a master of Demon Realm, it will be squeezed into powder!

"Old Man Jiuyang, is this your reliance? But it seems that it's just a joke!" The Great Ape King turned to Jiuyang and others, and the words were full of irony!

Looking at these people, the expression is like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Joke? Why don't I find it funny?" Just then, a voice came from the void.


The big ape king's smile suddenly froze, looking back, a figure came out of the void behind him, not who is Su Hang?


Jiuyang et al.'s eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it at all. He was still alive? Wasn't he slapped by the big ape king?

"How can it be?"

At this time, the most shocking, I am afraid that it is the Great Ape King. How strong is his blow, only he knows it, and, the most shocking is that he did not even notice how the Soviet airlines escaped.

"Just looking at the outbreak of the second disease there, it's really funny." Su Hang walked out of the void and said lightly.


Big Ape King felt like he was underestimated again, and he was so angry that he lifted his stick and smashed it to Suhang.

This great ape, also a barbarian, Suhang couldn't help but shook his head, his figure flashed, and he avoided it.

He thought he could meet an opponent and fight well. He didn't stretch his muscles for a few days. He felt uncomfortable.

But I didn't expect that when encountering such a stubborn, empty realm of the realm, Dao Fa magical powers did not see him, but instead used only a brute force, Suhang took him speechless.

"Are you bigger than you? Then I will compare with you."

Su Hang evaded the attack of the giant ape at will, changed his body and displayed his magical power, and his body exploded like an explosion.

What kind of talent is this?

Everyone looked at Su Hang's soaring body. Almost in a flash, he had already surpassed Ziyang Mountain, surpassed the Great Ape King, and could not stop growing up.

Giant talent?

In the feathers, it is possible to produce giant talented birds, it seems that there are very few!

Giant talents, among the many talents of the human race, are not outstanding, because the larger the body, the larger the goal, the greater the body weight, the greater the power required to control, although he can make the opponent feel great Oppression, but also a burden.

Unless, like the Great Ape King, the flesh is refined to the pinnacle of existence, otherwise, in real combat, the giant body will only be controlled everywhere, and the greater the giant, the more severe this restriction will be.

Therefore, among the many talents of the human race, the talent of giantization can only be regarded as an alternative, but not as a superpower.


Ha ha! I'm afraid I don't know the difference between supernatural powers and talents.

In the blink of an eye, Su Hang has turned into a towering giant, standing between the heavens and the earth. The huge body turned out to be much higher than Ziyang Mountain.

This scene made all the people present, including those demons, completely stunned. The monsters that were close to each other kept away from hiding and were terrified.

"How? Is it big enough?"

Originally, the mountain-like body of the Great Ape King was already large enough. At this moment, Su Hang’s body was much larger than the Great Ape King. The Great Ape King stood in front of Su Hang, completely like a The three-year-old child, standing in front of an adult strong man, Su Hang even had to squat down to talk to him.

The Ziyang Mountain behind him is completely like a stool to Suhang. If it is not someone on the top of the mountain, I am afraid that he is already sitting on it.

Those on the top of the mountain are almost negligible.

Is this a talent for giantization? It's hard to imagine that a person can actually become so large.

Where did this master come from? All the people in Ziyang Mountain, as well as the Tau Demon King and the Banshee King, were staring at this giant as if from an ancient age.

The Great Ape King looked up and looked at such a huge Su Hang, which was also frightened by the momentum of Su Hang. He could not help swallowing his throat and rolled his mouth.

However, what kind of character is the Great Ape King? When he is strong, he will be strong, and he will be thousands of miles in the Huai River Basin. Where can he look down? Although the power of Su Hang is strong, it just inspired his battle. meaning.

Seeing that Su Hang bowed his head, the big ape king said nothing, picked up the stick, and pulled it directly towards Su Hang's face.


King Ape heard a cold snort, and immediately felt that the stick in his hand was being pinched by someone. He looked up and saw that his stick had been held by Su Hang.

With a fierce tug, he tried to pull the stick back, but the Great Ape King found out that the stick was like being clamped by a vise, no matter how hard he exerted force, it was hard to move.

"not good!"

It was not until this moment that the great ape king was aware of the horror of humanity in front of him, and he was proud of the power. In front of this man, there was no slight advantage at all.

In a flash, King Ape woke up without any sticks and turned to escape.

This is the law of If you can play, you can play, but you can run, but no matter what, life is the most important thing.


Su Hang didn't expect that this big ape king would run so simply, he had to beat him to death, and when he fled, he didn't even need a stick.

When Su Hang came back, the Great Ape King had taken a step, and ran a few miles away. The monster that assisted the battle below did not know how much he was trampled to death.

"I haven't done it yet, what are you running? Stay intimate."

Su Hang was speechless, compressing time and space, and the distance of a few kilometers that Great Ape King escaped was compressed to within close proximity. Su Hang reached out and grabbed in the compressed space, and put it on the shoulder of Great Ape King.


The King of the Apes was inexplicably frightened and roared loudly, trying to escape quickly. However, he found that the surrounding space did not know what was going on. He stepped a few miles away, but fell to the ground but not a few feet. It seemed that he felt that he had run far away, but, looking back, he was still on the edge of Ziyang Mountain. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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