Super Study God

Chapter 1147: Wa Wa?

Su Hang said indifferently, "I believe you should also be aware. The world is not cracked. Before the catastrophe, there was still a lifetime. A battle of the gods made a gap in the sky. Countless stars fell in the galaxy. The Wa family poured out the power of the whole family, refining the colorful **** stones to fill the gap."

"After the Nuwa's make up the sky, there are still surplus of colorful stones. These **** stones are scattered in all continents and seas. Some of them are found by high people and refined into treasures. Some are not found in the world. On the banks of the Huai Shui River, after the World Tribulation, he survived to this day and gave birth to a demon...

"On the banks of the Huai Shui River? Me?" After listening to the Su Hang story, the Great Ape King swallowed his saliva, a little unbelievable.

Could this predecessor say that he is himself?

Su Hang turned to look at him, nodded slightly, "Yes, you're right, you are the monster fetus born from the Nuwa's make-up stone, so I said, you were born naturally, without father and mother Strictly speaking, Nüwa is your mother, and they made you."


The big ape king is dumb and talking in his mouth, as if he dare not believe everything Suhang said. This is like telling you that you are not your father’s son, but your father’s father is paying for it. The same.

At this time, Jiuyang came over and said in amazement, "Seniors said, I'm really unheard of, World Extinguishment? The Seniors knew so clearly, could the Seniors come from the ancient gods before the Worlds?"

Why do you know so clearly? Su Hang smiled bitterly and didn't answer him. Where would he know? In fact, he referred to some rumors, all of which were a bit true and false, and the true and false were mixed.

Anyway, what happened in the last century is true or false. Who can verify it, he is only responsible for pretending.

Although Su Hang didn't answer, but with such a bit of grin, he convinced Jiuyang that this predecessor was probably the ancient **** before the world opened.

The so-called heaven and earth here are not open, that is, after the demise of the last century avenue, the time when all beings were silent, and then there was a big explosion of life before this century existed.

It is now in the early days of the Taikoo period. In terms of time, it is the beginning of the outbreak of life. It is not far away from that period of history. So, although I don’t know the demise of the avenue, some monks who are highly advanced still vaguely know the previous The existence of Ji.

The existence of that era, in the impression of these monks, belonged to the ancient **** before the opening of heaven and earth.

At this time, the excited Big Ape King kneeled to Su Hang again, "Senior, do you say that Nuwa is my mother?"

Obviously, I still don't believe it, and I want to confirm with Su Airways.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "Nuwa's should still exist in this era, but whether they will recognize you or not, then I don't know."

The great ape king was stagnate.

Jiuyang Dao said, "As far as the younger generation knows, the Nuwa family lives in Zhonghuang Mountain, and it has a great reputation among the human race and the demon race. However, there are very few Nuwa people who live in this world. To."

"Zhonghuang Mountain?"

Su Hang pondered for a while, he had already heard some information about Nuwa's retreat in Huangshan.

"Where is Zhonghuang Mountain?" Before Su Hang asked, the big ape king asked it out as he could not bear it.

Since Su Hang has said this, Nuwa is the mother of the great ape king, so with the temper of the great ape king, it must be clear.

Jiuyang heard the words and smiled bitterly, but shook his head, "That is the legendary mountain, it is said to be in the east, but how far is it, and the younger generation has not been there, and they dare not make rash statements."


Big Ape King listened and stood up abruptly. He was an impatient man, obviously unable to keep up with the commotion in his heart, and moved his thoughts to find Zhonghuang Mountain.

However, I suddenly realized that there is now a master of Su Hang face to face, Su Hang did not speak, where would he dare to leave?

"Senior, I..." The Great Ape King stopped talking.

Su Hang waved his hand, "I know what you think, don't worry, I also want to go to Zhonghuangshan to visit the Nuwa family. When the time comes, you will follow me."


After hearing this, King Ape would dare to say more, and think about it. I don’t know how far away I am from the East, and how many masters are strong. If I can get the same path with this predecessor, it must be a lot easier. How much trouble does it save?

Not to mention that in the mind of the great ape king, Su Hang is an ancient **** of the last century, knowing many things about him, and, having seen the power of Su Hang, Su Hang's command, why dare he not listen?

Forced to press the commotion in the heart, under the instruction of Suhang, the Great Ape King left Ziyang Mountain, went back to settle down the demon crowd, stayed for a few days, and then talked about the matter of seeking Zhonghuang Mountain.


After the Great Ape King left, Jiuyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Senior demon magic is deep, but just let him leave like that, I'm afraid..."

Heaven and earth are benevolent, and the road is a demon. Under such a world, seeing bravery for such a thing is a joke, but today it actually happened.

In Jiuyang’s heart, he admired the suddenly appearing senior, and at the same time, he also had infinite doubts in his heart. I thought that this senior might be some kind of ancestor of the Wanque ancestor, otherwise, how could it be What happened to Wanquezong for no reason?

Su Hang knew what he meant. He must have been afraid that the Great Ape King would change his mind. In case of a comeback, he would be afraid of another disaster.

For Jiuyang, it would be better to destroy the Great Ape King to prevent future troubles. This will be a benefit for the future development of Wanquezong, even for the human race. thing.

However, when Su Hang heard this, he frowned, his eyes flashing lightly, "How can I do things, it is not your turn to give you instructions."

Jiuyang heard the words, and suddenly his breath was stagnant, he quickly bowed his head, "Seniors forgive sins, Jiuyang has nothing to do with it."

In this world, the strong is the most important person. Where dare he whisper in front of Su Hang and control the behavior of Su Hang? This is a person who is enough to crush him like an ant.

Su Hang stood up, in the final analysis, in the heart of Su Hang, there is not much boundary between man and demon. As a human race, he does not discriminate against the demon race. He is a **** emperor, and the **** emperor ruled all beings. Equality, because the other party is a demon, you can't help but talk about it and kill it.

Although the Ziyang Mountain suffered heavy losses, the root cause is not the root cause of the planting of the Wanque ancestors. Everything has its own cause, and the planting of its evil causes will have its own consequences. To bear.

And Su Hang, just mediate for a moment, to put it bluntly, the existence of Wanquezong is related to his fart. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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