Super Study God

Chapter 1148: This is a bit embarrassing!

He only saw that the Taiko tribe had a difficult life, and he only helped each other. At this time, he has a different state of mind, and he will not easily kill his heart.

Not to force people by force, let the other party kneel willingly in front of you and bow to you, this is the true highest state.

Beside, Jiuyang had a terrible cold sweat. Although the predecessor was young, the majesty exuded from this body shocked him immensely.

After glancing at Jiuyang, Su Hang sneered in his heart. I'm afraid you still don't know what character this big ape king will be in the future.

The superpowers of the Heavenly Dao Realm, even after the war against the Dao, still survive, and they will become the evil **** of the cholera and Huai River in the next era.

As early as when he saw the great real body of King Ape, Su Hang had recognized his origins. Because he was not sure, he also used the system to check the information of King Ape. The result was unpredictable. King Ape is the Archaic Demon Ape he met in the future, but it hasn't grown up yet, and I'm afraid it has only just been out a few years.

"Senior and my sect have monstrous virtues, but the junior does not know where the senior came from?" Jiuyang laughed a little and quickly opened the subject.

Su Hang did not answer, but called Yurong to come.

Yu Rong had stood on the side for a long time. Seeing Su Hang's call, he quickly came over, his face full of excitement.

Jiuyang looked at Yurong, with some doubts on his face, not knowing what Su Hang meant.

Su Hang said to Jiuyang Road, "I came to Ziyang Mountain this time, in fact, I have something to ask for."

"What did your predecessors tell you, Wanquezong will go up and down, and will go all out, and say nothing!" Jiuyang heard the words and immediately said.

Although after this great catastrophe, the Wanque Sect is no longer the original, but the Soviet Union has great gratitude to the Wanque Sect. If it is not the Soviet Airways, the Wanque Sect may no longer exist. It must be done to repay the best.

"It's not that serious!" Su Hang shook his head, reached out and patted Yurong, and pulled him in front of him. "My little brother, who wants to go under the door of Wanquezong, doesn't know if Guizong would like to stay! "


Jiuyang froze for a moment and turned his eyes to Yurong. "This, this little brother!"

Whatever Jiuyang said, he is also an expert in the realm of the Tao, naturally seeing Yurong through at a glance!

This little guy, the life and soul of his body, is really weak and pitiful. Before that, he was still wondering how this millennium would follow the strong side of Su Hang. Now he is even a bit incomprehensible.

I thought this young man concealed his strength. After all, how could there be a weak man beside the senior man? Take a closer look. This is obviously a little monk who has just refined his soul.

How could such a little monk have friendship with a strong man like Senior Su?

Moreover, this little monk, obviously has an expert like Senior Su beside him, why should he worship Wanquezong? Isn’t this funny?

However, Jiuyang didn't dare to ask more about the majesty of the Soviet airline, but looked at Yurong in surprise. "This little brother seems to have a teacher?"

Yu Rong listened, his expression awkward, "Junior, junior..."

"Little brother don't have to be nervous!" Jiuyang smiled a little on his face. "I think you have a weak breath. You should be the first to become a demon, but the breath is faint, but I don't know what kind of **** bird life soul?"

Jiuyang thought that although this young man was weak, he was able to make friends with such big figures as Su Hang. He was afraid that his life and soul would not be inferior. If he could attract such a disciple with the potential to get started, he would have a future rise in Wanquezong. , Some very helpful.

The most important thing is to be able to make friends with powerful people like Suhang!

However, I didn't expect this problem, but it made Yurong embarrassed.

Yu Rong scratched his head and really didn’t know how to answer it. It took a while to take a deep breath. "Returning to Senior Senior Jiuyang, juniors, juniors are indeed the first step in cultivation, but, but, my life soul is , A bird!"

"What?" Jiuyang froze for a moment, and his ears stood up, as if he didn't hear clearly.

"It's a, a queer, a house queer!" Yu Rong had to repeat with a blush, which was really shameful.

"Family queer?" Jiuyang heard this, and the expression on his face became wonderful. He stared at Yurong in this way, and his face flickered, very strange.

The house sparrow, also known as the sparrow, is the weakest soul recognized by the feathers!

This kind of life soul has a very low probability of condensing talent, and it is very weak, and it is so weak that it is even stronger than that bird. Anyone can pick a bird as life soul?

"Little brother, aren't you kidding me?" Jiuyang asked hardly, even if you catch a chicken as a fate, it's better than a bird!

Yu Rong listened, scratched his head, and looked over to Su Hang, which was a bit embarrassing.

Obviously, this question from Jiuyang made Yurong feel inferior.

"You've heard it right, my little brother is counted, and his fate has been determined, it is indeed a bird." Su Hang opened his mouth and said to Jiuyang, "What? Jiuyang really despise my little brother. The soul is low, unwilling to earn income?"

"Dare not."

After listening, Jiuyang shook his head quickly and smiled a little on his face. "Since it was introduced by Senior Su, how can I not accept it from my Wanquezong? I am surprised that this little brother's skeleton is a natural material for spiritual practice. Who said The soul of life is weak, but the acquired efforts are more important than the talents. If you can enter the door of the Wanque Sect, it is the blessing that I have learned from the generations of the Wanque Sect. The juniors will do their best to train him to become a talent. ."

This kind of flattery is really a hit on the bar. Su Hang heard that he had to sigh with emotion.

If he had some shot to save Wanquezong, with Yurong's talent, he wanted to worship Wanquezong, I was afraid that it would be a joke, if he was not there, he would be beaten down went.

This world, no matter where it goes, is to use strength and fists to talk.

In fact, for Jiuyang, it doesn’t matter what Yurong’s talent is. The important thing is that this person was introduced by Su Hang. He must bear this love and be able to take advantage of such a strong man. To make a good deal is what he dreamed of.

Su Hang beckoned to Yurong, "Jiuyang real person promised to accept you, but he couldn't come to apprentice."

Yurong was overjoyed, and quickly stepped forward and fell down to bow down. For him, a small person like him can enter the door of Wanquezong, and still worship under the door of Jiuyang Zhenren. Dare to think about it.

Seeing Yurong want to bow down, however, Jiuyang hurriedly supported him.

"Real person?"

Yurong looked up at Jiuyang, could it be that this real person wanted to repent? To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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