Super Study God

Chapter 1162: My name is Lin Xuan!

"Friends are a good way!" The man ignored Su Hang's strangeness, but instead greeted Su Hang with a smile.

Su Hang only looked at him with a scrutiny, and did not answer.

The man's eyes swept over Yuan Xiaotian and others, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he didn't know if he saw anything.

In the end, the man pointed at Su Sudao, "Can I sit here?"

Su Hang didn't answer, but Yuan Xiaotian and the others next to him had black faces, a table and four seats. They were sitting alone and three demon. They were just sitting. This person was fine. They wanted to come and insert a seat. Who do you want to let you give? Where is the seat?

"Stay aside!"

Just let Yuan Xiaotian succeed in his prestige, Niu Yao thought, even if he waited in line, it was his turn? He didn't wait for Su Hang and others to speak.

The man listened, not moving, but stretched out one hand and patted on the shoulder of the bull demon!


Niu Yao immediately wanted to use the question to play, shook his majesty, scolded, and stood up.

However, when the bull demon greeted the man's gaze, the whole person immediately froze, as if to see what a terrible thing, the bull demon shuddered all over his body, and his face was instantly white!

"Friend, can you please?" The man smiled like a spring breeze at the bull demon.


The bull demon's eyes were dull, and he was still grumpy just now, and he obediently aside.

In this scene, Yuan Xiaotian and Fox Girl were both amazed. When did the bull demon's temper become so good to talk?

The man Shi Shiran sat down in the bull demon's seat and didn't mean to treat himself as an outsider.

"Damn, do you dare to yawn my old cow?"

I just sat down and didn't speak, but the bull demon next to him was blown up. The old cow seemed to have just woken up from a dream. Seeing that this man was swaggering to occupy his seat, I don't know if I was secretly calculated. , Immediately raised his fist, to teach this man in front of him!

The man was not in a hurry, lifting light weight, and seeing that the fist of the bull demon was about to hit him, and he didn't even blink his eyelids.

"Soar, stop!"

Su Hang drank and stopped a bullish demon.

Soaring into the sky, it was the name Su Hang gave Niu Yao. Before, Niu Demon saw that Big Ape King got the name given by Su Hang.

But this guy's requirements are quite high. The general name is not necessary. It must be as domineering as the Great Ape King. The Great Ape King is called Yuan Xiaotian, and he must have that momentum.

Su Hang said that you simply call Niu Chongtian, arrogant, so bullying, this is a tease of him, but I did not expect to be in his mind, Niu Chongtian is just Niu Chongtian, seems to be more cattle than Xiaotian!

Su Hang was speechless about the stubborn goods. If at that time you were awesome, would you have to call it awesome!

As for the fox girl, although she didn't speak, Su Hang didn't pay for it. She also gave her a name, called Hu Mei Niang. This name is much more normal!

It’s convenient to have a surname, otherwise it’s embarrassing to call it hello!

This is the biggest difference between human society and demon society!

Niu Chongtian's words to Su Hang were obedience. At this time, Su Hang stopped and quickly closed his hands. Despite the fire in his heart, he strongly suppressed himself and stood angrily behind Su Hang, glaring at the man!

As if to say, if it wasn't for the seniors to protect you, I could break your head with one punch!

Next to them, Yuan Xiaotian and Hu Meiniang were all cautious on their faces at the moment, Niu Chongtian was impulsive, but they were really looking at them next to him. This suddenly emerged guy is not an ordinary character.

Su Hang is more cautious, this person should have some spiritual talents, just immediately confuse Niu Chongtian, this skill is not low.

Niu Chongtian probably didn't even know that if the young man wanted to kill him just a few seconds, he was enough to kill him hundreds of times.

Of course, perhaps Niu Chongtian also has a serious reason, but this young man's ability can't be underestimated!

Spiritual talent? Su Hang's magical powers on the spiritual side are somewhat involved. The simplest thing is the dream-making technique of sleep madness, which can create a daydream for you for nothing and hit the enemy from the spiritual level.

Of course, Su Hang believed that he was not afraid of this kind of talent, because he had Panhuang Yuxi in his body and was immune to mental attacks.

At least until now, Su Hang has encountered many mental attacks, illusion attacks, momentum crushing, etc., Panhuang Yuxi can provide him with the best defense.

"Looking at Your Excellency is also very human, I don't know how to call it?" Su Hang paused and asked a question to the suddenly emerging young man.

The young man listened, with a mysterious smile on his face, "We should have seen it!"

"Have you seen it?"

As soon as he heard the young man's words, Su Hang's eyebrows were twisted, and he thought I was a future generation. How could you ever see me?

But when I looked closely at this person, I felt a bit familiar with Meiyu, but I couldn't remember where I was familiar.

"My name is Lin Xuan!"

Without waiting for Su Hang to ask again, the young man had already reported his name!

Su Hang listened and couldn't help shaking his head. Now he can surely not know this person because he didn't have the name Lin Xuan in his memory.

"It doesn't matter if you can't think of it, you will remember it sooner or later!" The young man smiled!

"Oh, another person who wants to have a relationship with his predecessors!" Niu Chongtian gave a contemptuous smile next to him, obviously he was quite indifferent to the practice of this young man.

A few of them wanted to have a relationship with Su Hang, and they were both teachers and godfathers. Unfortunately, Su Hang didn’t accept it. In Niu Chongtian’s opinion, this young man must be such a What understanding do you think seniors are so easy to fool?

Although he said it in a low voice, everyone listened to Niu Chongtian's words in his ears. The young man obviously heard it, but he didn't care.

At this time, Su Hang had some curiosity about this young man, "You said you know me, do you know my name?"

"Test me?"

The young man smiled and made a move to Su Hang, earning enough money, only to say, "I have no other skills, but on the basis of this derivation, I am afraid that no one can yet The enemy passed me..."

"Don't talk about those that are useless, I said before, now I'm talking about arithmetic, since you can count so well, the seniors are taboo, hurry up and say it!" Niu Chongtian interrupted uncomfortably beside him, and he was not used to this kind of pretense. Yes, did you pay royalties? Have you paid royalties?

Lin Xuan ignored him. He only looked at Su Hang up and down, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

As soon as these words came out, not only Su Hang, but also the three demon Yuan Xiaotian beside him was shocked. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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