Super Study God

Chapter 1163: You will never die again!

How could this guy who suddenly appeared know the name of Senior Su? This is not scientific!

"How is it possible?" The bull demon even stunned his chin, which was beaten!

Lin Xuan laughed, "It seems that I was right, I said we know each other!"

Su Hang frowned, this man is a bit evil!

"Friend, your spiritual talent is really extraordinary. If I am not wrong, you should check my memory and wait for me to know the name of Senior Su?" At this time, Hu Mei Niang, who had not spoken, spoke up. .

In a word, the person in the dream awakened. It seemed that Hu Mei Niang broke the mystery. This person is a spiritual talent. Some spiritual abilities can detect the information or memory of the opponent. This is not impossible.

Although Su Hang is confident that he has Panhuang Yuxi's body protection and is immune to spiritual abilities, Yuan Xiaotian and others are not. If this person can view Yuan Xiaotian's memory, it seems that it is not difficult to know his name.

Su Hang looked at Lin Xuan in surprise and saw that he was content with himself, and he didn't panic at all because the lies were broken.

"It turned out to be a liar, hehe, on this point, he came out and cheated, what garlic!" Niu Chongtian whispered beside him again, he was very unhappy with this person!

Lin Xuan still didn't take it seriously, his eyes fell on Su Hang, the **** mysteriously said, "I not only know that you are called Su Hang, but also know..."

"What else do you know?"

Su Hang was a little calm. Even Yuan Xiaotian and the others only knew his name. Others didn't know anything. What else can this person know, knowing that he is a future generation, and does not belong to this world?

Lin Xuan grinned, "If you want to continue eastbound, I'm afraid I will die soon!"




Yuan Xiaotian and a few of them, as soon as they heard Lin Xuan's words, they immediately exploded, and they stood up with a moment of anger, glaring at Lin Xuan!

His body showed a strong posture, and there was a posture that he would dry up if he didn't agree. It scared everyone around him to almost urinate pants. Qianhe and others only discovered at this time that these people were so terrifying. Horrible monsters.

Su Hang frowned at the moment, but because he couldn't find out the depth of this person, he waved his hand and stopped the three monsters who were almost gone.

His eyes fell on Lin Xuan, who was still calm, and he slowly said, "Lin Xuan? Are you surnamed Lin?"

Lin Xuan nodded slightly, "Did you remember anything?"

Su Hang shook his head, "Your surname is rare, why haven't I heard of it?"

This is an ancient world. Humans have just proliferated. Soon, there are many surnames, many of them don’t even know the name. Suddenly, a surname Lin appears, and Su Hang can’t help thinking, just like his Su Same surname, is there a surname Lin in this world? Is there a surname Lin?

Of course, Soviet Airways is not familiar with this world. I haven’t seen it before, and I dare not guarantee it. I just expressed a little doubt.

"The world knows that there are countless surnames. Isn't your surname too rare?"

Sure enough, Lin Xuan returned to Su Hang.

Su Hang did not insist on this issue, "You just said, I will die soon, why is there such a word?"

What Lin Xuan said just now made Su Hang feel a little unhappy.

Lin Xuan laughed, "Did I just say that my derivation technique is unparalleled in the world, I have calculated it, if you insist on going east, I am afraid that the tribulation will not be lost!"

Su Hang's eyebrows twisted into one, this person's words seemed to run the train full of mouth, but it gave people a feeling of having to believe.

This may be the ability of spiritual talent. Unconsciously confusing others' thoughts. This person is not simple.

"Why is there no longer any disaster?" Su Hang asked!

Lin Xuan just smiled mysteriously without a word!

Su Hangdao, "Why, can't you tell?"

"There is a saying, Tianji must not be leaked!" Lin Xuan shook his head and looked straight at Su Hang. "If I am not wrong, you go eastward, are you looking for Nuwa?"

"If you know, why do you ask?" Su Hang took a deep breath, "Do you know where Nu Wa is?"

"Of course I know!" Lin Xuan smiled.

Su Hangdao, "Oh, I would like to hear more!"

"Zhonghuang Mountain!" Lin Xuan spit out three words.


Who doesn't know Zhonghuang Mountain? Su Hang felt deceived. "Where is Zhonghuangshan?"

Lin Xuan paused and said, "Shaoyu City is 356,000 miles east. There is a huge mountain range, including the three emperors Taihuang, Zhonghuang, and Shaohuang. Among the clouds, it is Zhonghuangshan. Where you are, you can see it!"

It seemed as if it was really the case. Su Hang listened and looked at this man with some surprise. He said for a long time, "If you do not want me to go east, why did you tell me where Zhonghuang Mountain is located."

Yeah, if you say that I will continue to go east, it will be irreversible, meaning that I will not go east? But now you take the initiative to say the address of Zhonghuangshan. Isn't it clear that you will let me go eastward, a little contradictory!

Lin Xuan laughed, "Because I know you, I won't let you go, you will definitely go, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and prefer to travel in the mountains, hehe, so, I will tell you simply, but there is a sentence, I I have to remind you!"

"Hmm?" Su Hang raised his brow gently.

Lin Xuan smiled away and suddenly became very serious. "Some things can't be touched, don't try to touch them, or you will be afraid of your life!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Hang's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Huh, worry about yourself first!"

"Criticisms, death!"

"I think you are your life!"

Yuan Xiaotian and several of them were instantly ignited, and they dared to say such things to Senior Su, and they were almost dead!

I have endured this person for a long time. At this moment, I don’t care about anything else. I have to teach Lin Xuan. Since you can count that way, don’t you know whether you will have a **** disaster today?


Su Hang shouted and stopped Yuan Xiaotian again.

"Senior, he..." Yuan Xiaotian was a little puzzled. This man's words were so presumptuous. Why did Senior Su not let them teach him.

Su Hang raised his hand to stop. Originally, he thought that this person was talking nonsense and came to find something for himself, but what he said behind it made Su Hang feel more like a reminder in good faith.

Regardless of the motive of this person, Su Hang did not want to start with him, because he did not find out the depth of this person, and he did not clearly show hostility, in case the real acquaintance had ever met, then It's a bit shameful! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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