Super Study God

Chapter 1164: Lin Xuan's rules!

"Who dares to be brazen here?"

Just as Su Hang was about to say something to Lin Xuan, a cold drink came from outside the pub.

Immediately, a group of people poured in, led by a young man in his early thirties.

This man with a mustache, dressed in fur fur, graceful and luxurious, is quite extraordinary, followed by more than a dozen people behind him, all holding swords, they are here to find a fight!

"Young Master Shaoyun?"

Seeing this person, the crowd watched and no one shouted, and a group of people bowed down.

"Meet Master Shaoyun!"

All the people met in unison, including the Qianhe real people, they were all respectful, and they dared not raise their heads on the ground!

From this, this person's identity is obvious, is the son of today's Shaoyu clan chief, the young son Shaoyun!

The master behind the Dashi Tavern, such a transcendent presence, actually appeared in this slum-like outer city, which is really rare.

"Bold, I waited to see Master Shaoyun, and did not kneel?" A shout came from the side, and I saw an old man standing behind that Shaoyun Master, glaring at Su Hang and others.

Isn't that the old man who used to guard the stone outside the door?

The young man looked around, his eyes fell on Su Hang and others, and his momentum was high!

When everyone saw him, he knelt down, but these people didn't kneel. They were really arrogant, and the young man's heart was also angry, but he was suppressed very well, and his face was a little irony.

Everyone behind them looked at Su Hang and others with bad intentions, and waited for the young man's order, they swarmed up and took down these rebellions!

Su Hang hadn't spoken yet. Lin Xuan first looked at the young man Shaoyun and smiled lightly, "It is said that the patriarch of the Shaoyu clan has three sons, namely grand son Shaofeng, second son Shaoyun, and third son Shaoyu, It is said that the eldest son has the best wind skills, the best talent, and the most important feather clan chiefs, and the third son has less rain, because the youngest son is the most favored, only the second son Shaoyun, the early death of the mother, the most unfavorable, Your Excellency Is it Shaoyun son?"

Mother, is this man too sick? This is one of the three grandsons of Shao Yun and Shao Yu. You dare to ridicule in this way.

what is it today? How has this world become so crazy?


The old man had a lot of dog-leg talent, and after listening to Lin Xuan's words, he didn't wait for his son Shao Yun to react. He immediately stood up and guarded, pointing at Lin Xuan and screaming, "What are you, dare to ridicule Young Master so much, come , Kill this lunatic."

The voice fell, and the two strong men with steel forks sprang out from behind, and immediately pressed towards Lin Xuan.

"Ha ha!"

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently, and looked at the two strong men. The light flashed above his eyes, and the two strong men's figure immediately swelled. Before they even walked in front of Lin Xuan, they turned around, actually Holding the steel fork directly to the old man to kill the past.

The old man was so scared that he couldn't react at all. The steel fork in their hands had been pressed down towards him without any hesitation.


The son Shaoyun snorted coldly and kicked out his fast feet.

"Boom, Boom!"

The two were hit hard, kicked and flew out, landed on the ground, and spit blood.

The two masters of the peak of the demon realm were actually kicked by two feet, and it can be seen that the young man of Shaoyun's skill is not low.

"Are you crazy?"

Young Master Shaoyun glared openly and yelled.

This scene shocked a lot of people. The two men of Shaoyun's men suddenly started acting against their own people, which is really weird.

The two men seemed to wake up in a big dream, and they looked dazed. They didn't seem to know what happened just now.

Spiritual talent. Obviously, these two people were fooled by Lin Xuan's talent. Such methods are simply terrible.

"You, what demon method did you use?" The old man retrieved his life. Although he was frightened, he was also a clear man. At a glance, he knew that Lin Xuan had moved his hands and feet, so he was right again. Lin Xuan scolded loudly.

Lin Xuan was laughing again, and he smiled a little bit evil. Instead of ignoring the old man, he turned to look at Su Hang, "Friend, I will show you a trick..."

Su Hang frowned, wondering what plane this man wanted to make.

Lin Xuan's right hand was deep in the palm of his hand, and the fingertips of his five fingers slowly gathered together, successfully attracting the attention of everyone around him. This guy, when was it, and what tricks did he play in the mood.


Seeing Su Hang also looking at his hand, Lin Xuan's mouth showed a slight arc, and the five fingers held in a ball spread like a flower, as if a bomb exploded in his hand, and there was an explosion in his mouth. Sound.

Everyone around the audience is black, this guy is playing with people.


However, the thoughts in the hearts of the people just started, which was the moment when Lin Xuan's fingers spread out, and there was an explosion sound behind them.

Looking back, I saw an unforgettable scene in their life. I saw the old dog-legged man beside the young man Shaoyun, and the whole body exploded without warning.

It was for a moment that there was no residue left, and no flesh and blood were seen.

Young Master Shaoyun ducked away subconsciously, which was not affected. However, the other few people, who were close to each other, were swept upside down by the explosion shock wave.


This scene can't help but make people's legs soft. A living person suddenly exploded in front of him. The scene was simply shocking and made people feel chilled.

Moreover, this person died so strangely, obviously, it must be Lin Xuan who did it, but none of the people on the scene saw how he It was just a gesture, moving Just talked.

The son Shaoyun was obviously frightened, his face became extremely strange, and he could kill people around him without any warning in front of him. This skill is definitely above him.

Lin Xuan Xiaolu is in the first place, everyone in the tavern is self-defeating, Qianhe and other people have got up and away, as if fearing that the next explosion will be themselves.

Yuan Xiaotian, Niu Chongtian and Hu Meiniang are all frowning at the moment. For this Lin Xuan, they no longer despise them, because, just now they didn’t even know how Lin Xuan shot, it was amazing.

Of all the taverns, it can be said to be a discerning eye, but I am afraid there is only one Su Hang.

The rules, only the power of the rules, can achieve such a murderous invisible, just this Lin Xuan, must have used the power of the rules.

The power of the rules, the Venerable Realm will be touched, but if you really want to understand the rules, you have to go to the Heavenly Realm. In this era where all beings are still foolish, like Yuan Xiaotian, I am afraid that I have never heard of the rules. And this Lin Xuan, can actually use the power of the rules, this ability is really not low. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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