Super Study God

Chapter 1171: Ziyun Temple!

A pale white aperture appeared in front of Su Hang, and the aperture became larger and larger, gradually forming an elliptical halo slightly larger than the National People's Congress, with a black paint in the middle of the halo, as if a vortex appeared out of thin air.

Yuan Xiaotian and all the monsters looked at this scene and didn't know what Su Hang was doing. When he was about to ask, he saw Su Hang stepping out and walked into the aperture, and his figure disappeared instantly.

The demon looked at each other and looked at each other. Niu Chongtian said, "What are you doing, keep up!"

After talking, Niu Chongtian took the lead and plunged into the aperture at one end. The other monsters recovered, and chased them one after another.



The picture suddenly changed, and that step was taken, as if crossing a world. The monsters only felt black and bright again, and they were already on a mountain.

Surrounded by clouds and fog, there is a small stone step in front of it, a mountain gate is connected above the stone step, and it is vaguely visible. This is a fairly large building.

"Seniors are really good means!"

The demon can't help but praise, needless to say, this must be on Chaos Mountain.

Yuan Xiaotian and others admired Su Hang's five-body investment. The distance in their eyes was so close to the horizon. In the hands of Su Hang, it was only a few miles away. The space-time barrier that was not even touched by the door. Su Hang was broken at will, and the predecessors were indeed predecessors. !

At this time, Yuan Xiaotian and others discovered that Su Hang, who had come over first, had already stood on the stone steps not far from the mountain gate and was looking up at a plaque on the palace gate.

The demon gathered together, and there were three characters on the plaque, like ghost symbols, all of which were too ancient.

"What, what, what!" Niu Chongtian looked up. His face was full of doubts, and he wanted to read the words on the plaque, but the words he didn't know were replaced with "what"!

Next to it, Su Hang heard it, but he was sweating more than three words. Dare to know none of them.

"Hang, no culture!" Next, Yuan Xiaotian sneered.

When Niu Chongtian heard it, he was suddenly unhappy, "Come here with you!"

Yuan Xiaotian heard the words and lifted his chest up at once, as if he knew the answer, he could hit Niu Chongtian's face in the next second, but when he glanced at the forehead, it was obviously a little embarrassing.

"I know, but why should I tell you? Fox girl, you come to tell him!" Yuan Xiaotian looked very proud.

Obviously, I was really guilty of death. Niu Chongtian was too lazy to laugh at him.

"You two, the eldest brother Mo said the second elder brother!" Hu Mei Niang gave the second demon a white glance, and the second demon was ashamed.

At this time, Hu Meiniang said, "This is a new character born out of demon script, which has just been circulating in the human race!"

"Mei Niang also has research on human characters?" Su Hang turned to look at Hu Mei Niang.

In later generations, this kind of script is a distant and mysterious archaic script, and now, it is just a new script that has just been born soon!

Hu Meiniang listened to Su Hang’s question and smiled, “Seniors don’t know that the human race is now gradually growing, and it is no longer the weak race before. Compared with the demon race, there is a tendency to become more popular. Such a racial culture, Still have to learn, Xiaohu often used to be in the human world..."

"Thinking is quite advanced!" Su Hang smiled. Only at this point, Hu Meiniang was stronger than Yuan Xiaotian and the two of them.

Hu Mei Niang was praised, smiled, and looked up, said, "If Xiaohu did not admit it wrong, it should be "Ziyun Guan"!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, he did not know the Taiko demon script, but for these Taiko scriptures, it is still clear, it is indeed the word "Ziyun Guan"!

Next to him, Yuan Xiaotian's ears were raised, and when he heard the words of Hu Meiniang, he also saw Su Hang nodding and affirmed that he immediately despised Niu Chongtian, "Hear no, Zi Lingguan, read more books in the future, don't always seem to have no culture!"

Niu Chongtian raised his eyebrows, what a big fire!

"It's Ziyun, not Ziling. Brother Xiaotian, you don't seem to have good ears!" Next, Hu Mei Niang teased.

Yuan Xiaotian had a stiff expression on his face, and all his eyes were thrown at him. This is so embarrassing!

There is a feeling that it is impossible to make it, but instead it is split by thunder. What does it mean that people are not difficult to dismantle, don't you understand? Yuan Xiaotian was embarrassed.

"Uh, huh, yeah, it's Ziyun, when did I say Zi Ling?" Yuan Xiaotian smiled, and the reaction was quick, he quickly diverted the topic and turned to Su Hangdao, "Senior, I'll call the door! "

After that, he jumped out directly and came to the gate of the mountain.

It was really enough to meet this group of guys. Su Hang touched his forehead and looked at the plaque, Ziyun Guan. This name is more like the name of Taoism in later generations.

Is there Taoism now at this time? Su Hang is a little puzzled. Nowadays it is the world of the demon cultivators. Strictly speaking, the demon cultivators can also be called monks, because the avenue is a demon, and the road they repair is the avenue.

However, at this time, after a demise of the avenue, everything was reshuffled, when was the concept of Dao formed, and when was Taoism born, Su Hang did not know, not even the big demon like Yuan Xiaotian Knowing what a avenue is and what a heavenly way is is just a silly practice.

In this place, Su Hang encountered some doubts about the location of a suspicious Taoist temple.

"Open the door, open the door. Grandpa is here, and I won't come out to meet you!"

Yuan Xiaotian smashed the door with a bad tone, and the tone was quite bad. If Su Hang had warned them to be civilized, I am afraid he would directly destroy this door!


For a long time, the door finally opened slowly, but from the inside, it was a brilliant child!

Why is Jinbi because the clothes that this child wears are very gorgeous, the glittering gold is eye-catching.

It looks like five or six years old, cute, white and tender.

As soon as this little baby appeared, Su Hang heard that there was a sound of swallowing behind him. Looking back, the demon kings all looked at the child in front of them, looking drooling.

This kid should be delicious! The habits of the demon are hard to change. It is inevitable to see this child's tenderness.

Follow Suhang all the way, but I haven't opened the meat in a long time!

Seeing Su Hang at first glance, the demons seemed to have satiated their greed and swallowed back their saliva. Even such a baby, even if they gave it to them, it was not enough.

However, when Suhang turned around, the wickedness could not help but show hunger and thirst.

Besides, the kid attracted everyone’s attention as soon as he appeared, but after all, he was a little baby. When he saw so many monsters, he couldn’t help but show a little cowardice! To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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