Super Study God

Chapter 1172: Ancient god?

However, just for a moment, Xiaowa returned to her composure, held her head high, took a deep breath, and an amazing momentum suddenly appeared on her body.


Although the person is small, but the energy is not small, this momentum is simply terrifying, just like the mountains and the sea, the demon seems to be blown head-on by the gust of wind, and clattering backward.

The only one in the field who could stand and resist the momentum of this little baby was Su Hang and Yuan Xiaotian.

All of a sudden, the monsters were horrified. The child turned against the sky. When he was only three or five years old, everyone thought it was an ordinary baby, but they didn't want to be so horrible.

Fortunately, this momentum is just a hand away. This little boy is obviously showing his strength. Now the goal must be achieved. Look at the demon kings, all of them are astonished. They dare to look down on them.

Su Hang and others were even more surprised, especially Yuan Xiaotian, who was the closest to the child, was just imposing. This child's skill is probably no longer under him!

The child stood in front of the stage and looked at the demon below. "The teacher said three days ago that there will be noble guests coming today. It is you who want to come. You don't know who the master is, please follow the kid!"

What this said is really clanging. All the demon put their eyes on Su Hang. They have a lot of confidence in Su Hang's ability. They just wait for Su Hang to speak.

Su Hang took a step forward and arched his hand at the child. "Under Su Hang, take the liberty to break into the treasure land. If there is any interruption, please forgive me!"

The child glanced at Su Hang proudly, and apparently regarded Su Hang as the leader, and then stood aside, "Guests please come in!"

Su Hang didn't say much, smiled indifferently, and then stepped up and walked into the door of Ziyun Temple.

Yuan Xiaotian and other monsters looked at each other and immediately followed. The child seemed to want to stop at the beginning, but looking at the monsters, they were all like evil dogs. Now!

Finally came to this chaotic mountain, can it be willingly blocked outside the door? And Senior Su led, who else could be afraid of?

Furthermore, don't you ask guests to come in? Everyone turns out to be a guest, so naturally they should come in.

A group of big demon and little demon fish came in, almost fifty or sixty, noisy and yelling, just like a devil entering the village, the peaceful Ziyun view became a vegetable market at once, and chickens and dogs jumped!

Su Hang was talking to the boy, and the noise from behind made the words unclear.

This gang of people!

Su Hang felt a little angry in his heart, turned back and looked at the gang of monsters behind, glared.

"Shut up for me!" Niu Chongtian is now the No. 1 spokesperson for Su Hang. As soon as Su Hang winks, he knows what Su Hang is thinking. He immediately roars at the throat!

The group of guys like shopping in the market immediately closed their mouths, and one by one looked at this, they dared not make any more noise.

Along with Niu Chongtian's roar, the whole Ziyun Temple was so quiet that the needle fell.

At this time, Niu Chongtian was invited to look at Su Hang, indicating that Su Hang can continue!

Su Hang shook his head, there really was no way to get this bunch of guys.

"Little brother, how do you call it?" Su Hang turned around and continued to move, asking to the boy.

This child is not low in skill, let alone speaking, it is also the realm of the venerable. Su Hang's system of learning God is temporarily out of order, and it is a bit unclear whether this child is a man or a demon!

The children are polite and polite. At first glance, they are highly educated. They are not as unqualified as these local chickens and dogs!

First, he slightly fell back, and the child said, "Dare not to ask the guest, the Master gave the name Yun Qingzi!"

Su Hang bowed his head, "At a young age, you can do this kind of cultivation. I don't know where is the holy teacher?"

Su Hang was curious in his heart. A young child has the realm of Venerable Master. Then what kind of skill should the Master have in his mouth?

Can such a young child be so well taught, I am afraid that Tianzunjing master may not be able to do it?

Previously, Su Hang had no real master in this world. It seems that there is a master in this Ziyun concept!

Yun Song'er smiled indifferently, and his small breast was quite arrogant. "The Master Master's Chaotic Master Ziyun, who was born from the end of the world, did not know if the guests had heard of it?"

"Chaotic Purple Cloud Master?"

Su Hang heard it and thought about it, but he did not have an impression. However, this baby said that when his master was born in heaven and earth, was it an ancient **** who survived in the last period?

This possibility is extremely great. Suhang did not dare to shake his mind when thinking about it. He secretly reminded him a few times, so that Yuan Xiaotian and several of them restrained this group of demon kings so as not to cause any unprovokable existence.

These days, Su Hang is really a bit swelled. After all, I haven’t even encountered a decent master. I really thought that there are no strong men in this world. It seems that I am sitting on the well and looking at the sky. This is too old. Just a glimpse, how can you see the whole picture?

Yelang is arrogant, I am afraid he is talking about himself. Su Hang smiled bitterly in his heart. This world is not without masters, but masters did not let him see it.

The ancient gods of the last century could survive the last demise of the avenue. I am afraid that their strength is not low. A small Venerable Realm of Suhang, in the presence of such a dare, dare not trust it.

"I'm ignorant, but I haven't heard the commander's name!" Su Hang shook his head, looking a little embarrassed.

The child didn't say much, and then went with Su Hang, followed only by the three demon Yuan Xiaotian. As for the other demon crowds, they all stayed in place. Su Hang was afraid that they would cause trouble and wouldn't let them in.

After walking for a while, Suhang suddenly felt a little strange Yunqing brother, why don't you see anyone else in this view? "

After traveling so far, no one encountered it. Su Hang inevitably felt strange. This view of Ziyun was also too clean.

Yun Qing listened and replied, "Master respects his elders who like cleanliness. There are not many disciples in the view. There are three other brothers and sisters besides the children. At this time, they are all being repaired. Later, the children will recommend to the guests! "

Su Hang listened, bowed his head slightly, and the layman, there are some quirks, like cleanliness, almost common problems, there is nothing strange.

While wondering which layman in Chaos Ziyun was watching, he followed the boy and entered a hall.

Tables and chairs were placed in the hall, and fruit and vegetable tea was placed on the table. The boy politely led a few people to sit down.

"Master respects cleanliness, so..." There was some noise outside, and the child looked at Su Hang with some embarrassment.

Su Hang nodded, turned his face to Niu Chongtian and gestured. Niu Chongtian responded and ran out quickly. After a while, the outside was silent again. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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