Super Study God

Chapter 1173: Yunyan!

"Guests are waiting here, Xiaotong goes to call Brother and Sister!" Yun Qing said, and then turned away and left the hall.

"Senior, this owner is too rude, don't take the initiative to greet, and put such a big shelf." After Yun Qing left, Yuan Xiaotian jumped on the stool and squatted, a little uncomfortable.

"Why didn't you just say?" Su Hang glanced past!

Yuan Xiaotian stayed a while and laughed dryly.

"A child is so powerful, one can imagine how strong the master in this view is. Brother Yuan, you should converge, don't offend seniors!" Next, Hu Mei Niang said.

These words are exactly what Su Hang wanted to say.

Yuan Xiaotian jumped off the stool and still had some anger. "I was not worth it for Senior Su. He said that Senior Su was a distinguished guest. He knew that Senior Su was coming, but he didn't take the initiative to greet him. Didn’t you hear that, the child just said to ask his brother and sister, but mention his master, is this not a big deal yet?"

"Okay, don't talk about it, sit down with me!"

Su Hang interrupted Yuan Xiaotian. He had self-knowledge and was different from later generations of Su Shenhuang. Now, he is just an ordinary Venerable Realm monk, without any background, any identity, and later generations of people respect him Three points, but now, no one knows you, why sell your face?

If you can be invited in and entertained with good tea and water, you should be content. If someone else doesn’t want to give you a face and wants to drive you out, you mustn’t roll your tail.

In the final analysis, Yuan Xiaotian and several of them really looked at Su Hang too high, and really regarded Su Hang as invincible!

Chaos Ziyun Master, I do not know what kind of person, Master, Master, is it human race?

"Present guests come here, they are far away, and hope to forgive sins!"

At this time, a clear voice came from outside the hall. Immediately, a young woman dressed in white walked in from outside.

It looked like in his twenties, with a beautiful face and fluttering white clothes, just like the fairy who came down from the painting, with a pleasant smile on her face, and at first glance is a lively and outgoing woman!

Su Hang quickly got up and arched her hand at the woman, "Dare not dare!"

Yuan Xiaotian and Hu Mei Niang also got up quickly. The two looked at each other, and they saw the caution in the other's eyes. This woman is also a person whose level is not lower than them.

Venerable Realm is another Venerable Realm!

Su Hang was surprised when she sensed the woman's approximate realm, but it soon became relieved. The little baby in Yunqing was in the respectable realm. The woman is older and the realm's realm is not surprising!

"Little girl Yun Yan, the third disciple under Master's seat, I don't know what to call the guests?" The woman in white motioned to Su Hang to sit down, and she sat down opposite Su Hang.

"Under Su Air!" Su Hang arched his hand. "The two next to them are Su's companions. They took the liberty to visit today. If there are any inconveniences, please forgive me!"

Yun Yan smiled, "Master respects his old man. He said three days ago that there will be a VIP from Sur who will visit today. I still don't believe that there is no surname of Su in this world. I don't want to really come today. It must be you!"

Su Hang smiled, "I don't know how to respect my teacher..."

As soon as the words began, Yun Yan waved his hand and interrupted Su Hang's words, "Master is still in retreat, and he can't come out to meet the guests for the time being, but Master has already told me to wait for a good life to entertain the guests..."

After Suhang heard this, it was not good to say anything anymore. It is a blessing that people are willing to entertain you. What more can you ask for? Don't take yourself too personal!

"I don't know where the guests come from? Did you come to Chaos Mountain? Is it the old man of my master?"

Yunyan, there are really a lot of questions. As soon as I hula asked, Suhang didn't know how to parry.

"We came from the Taiyu tribe in the West. This trip was to find the Nuwa Clan in Zhonghuang Mountain. As for Chaotic Mountain, I just passed by. I heard that there are seniors living in the mountain, so I stopped by to visit!" Su Hangdao.

"Oh, that's what it is!" Yun Yan heard it, and there was a slight smile on her face, "Nonghuangshan Nuwa, that's the Holy Mountain blessed land, what are you doing in Zhonghuangshan..."

"Huh? Does the girl know where Zhonghuang Mountain is?" Su Hang did not answer, but asked instead, listening to the woman's tone, she might know something!

Yun Yan shook his head gently, "but it was to disappoint the guests. After worshipping the teacher, the little girl has been staying on Chaos Mountain for many years. For Zhonghuang Mountain, she just heard about it!"


Su Hang opened his mouth and seemed a bit disappointed.


When Su Hang was disappointed, Yun Yan suddenly turned his head, "My Master certainly knows that it is just that his old man is not convenient to come out to meet the guests now. However, my master and second brother should also know that, otherwise, the guests are here Sit down a little bit, Yunyan will invite the two brothers to come here!"

After finishing the speech, not waiting for Su Hang to say more, Yun Yan got up and left.

"Eh, why did you leave again? I haven't got any tea. What child did I just ask him to give me some water!" Seeing Yunyan leaving, Yuan Xiaotian hurriedly stopped her.

Yun Yan was a bit embarrassed.

Su Hang was even more embarrassed. "Sorry, my friend is used to wildness and lacks discipline..."

Yun Yangan laughed, expressed understanding, and then said to Yuan Xiaotian, "Guest is my younger brother, I just asked him to go to the backyard to pick pears for the guests. It should be back soon!"

"What pear, don't eat pear, hurry and get some water!" Yuan Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian!" Su Hang shouted calmly, very unhappy.

Yuan Xiaotian saw that Su Hang was He could only quickly bury his head and converged the tyranny!

At this time, Yun Yan smiled and said, "There are several pear trees on this mountain. The master named Hunyuan Pear is not only delicious, but can also grow and cultivate. The guests will sit down and come soon!"

After that, Yun Yan left, and Su Hang left them three in the room.

Su Hang glanced back at Yuan Xiaotian, "You said that I hate you so much, I really shouldn't have brought you this time!"

"Senior!" Hearing Su Hang's words, Yuan Xiaotian seemed to be injured. "Look at these guys, Tess also underestimates us. First, a baby with no hair, and now a woman, say a few words. Let's go, take what we do, according to our temper, we have to set off his broken place!"

"Shut up!" Su Hang's voice increased by a decibel. "Can't control you anymore, do you? You really want to be thrown out, you are happy!"

"Afraid of anything, don't we have so many brothers outside? Besides, there are predecessors, and we're still afraid of his chaotic Ziyun Master's failure, whether he is a master or a servant. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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