Super Study God

Chapter 1174: So weird!

Su Hang rubbed his head, for this guy, really speechless!

After a while, the little boy Yunqing came back, holding a fruit bowl, and really picked a few pears!

Several people in Su Hang didn't have time to finish eating the pear. The boy shook his head and said to see if his brother had come.

"Is there such a receptionist?" Yuan Xiaotian was even more uncomfortable now. "How do I feel something is wrong?"

Just then, a young figure came in from the entrance of the hall.

"In Xiayunya, I've seen VIPs!"

What came in was a young man in a white shirt. He was handsome and handsome, and he looked like he was in his twenties.

Su Hang also got up and saluted, looked behind Yunya, but saw no one else. It seemed that he was the only one who came here.

Unsurprisingly, it is another Venerable Realm!

I just don't know if this Yunya is a brother or a brother.

"Brother Master still has some things to do, let me take a look at the VIP first!" This Yun Yazi is also kind-hearted, but between the eyebrows, there is obviously a bit of pride!

It turned out to be a second brother, but where is the second brother so thin?

Su Hang vomited in his heart.

"I heard that the guests are looking for Zhonghuang Mountain?" Yun Yazi asked Su Hang as soon as he sat down.

Su Hang listened and nodded slightly, "Yes, there is indeed this idea!"

"Then I don't know what the guests do in Zhonghuangshan?" Yun Yazi asked.

Su Hangdao said, "I heard that the Nuwa family is the ancestor of the human race. Su Mou admired and went to the pilgrimage!"

"Oh?" Yunya listened, surprised, and said, "So, are you a human race?"

Su Hang nodded slightly, thinking you are really smart, this is all guessed by you!

"Since you are a human race, why mix with these demon clan demon kings?" Yun Yazi asked.

"Why? Mixing with us, is it a bad face?" Yuan Xiaotian heard it, and immediately became unhappy, eyes widened!

"Dare not dare!" Yun Yazi didn't seem to expect Yuan Xiaotian to be so irritable, he quickly waved his hand.

Su Hang couldn't help crying and laughing, and opened the topic, saying, "Brother Yunya, do you know where Zhonghuang Mountain is?"

Yun Yan just said that her second brother should know that now when the second brother meets, he naturally has to ask.

The second senior brother smiled lightly, "I certainly know, I don't tell you that my master, Master Chaoyun Ziyun, is a regular visitor of the Wa Palace. Even if the contemporary Patriarch Nuwa sees my master, he must be a junior. I was fortunate to have been there a few times with Master, and naturally I knew it."

Between the words, with a lot of ostentation, Yuan Xiaotian and Hu Mei Niang can hardly hear it!

Su Hang doesn't care, young people, love to show off, that's normal. It's normal to go to a high-end hotel to eat, post a selfie and put a circle of friends.

"Can you show me a way down?" Su Hang asked.

Brother II listened, but hesitated a bit. If there was something inexplicable, Su Hang couldn't help but wonder.

Brother II said, "Zhonghuang Mountain is the ancestral vein of the God Mountain. Although I know where it is, I dare not reveal it to others. Otherwise, I will let the Master know, and I will be expelled from the Master!"

Su Hanghan!

"It's really admiration, so I just thought..." Su Hang also wanted to fight for it. Finally, there was news of Nu Wa's, he didn't want to miss it, otherwise, when he went through such a blind search, when would it take Find the right place?

Now that this person knows, Su Hang believes that he can pull out what he knows from his mouth.

That’s the reason, Brother Two, who had a deep routine, waved his hand and interrupted Su Hang’s words, “My master respects the magical powers, maybe I’m listening to you and I talk now, I really dare not say that, I’ll go find my family Brother Yun Cangzi is coming, he is the most favored in front of the Master, and has the courage, maybe he can give you the answer!"

After talking, regardless of the eyes of several people, Yun Yazi got up and walked away!

"Tut a fart, who is the special code?"

As soon as Brother 2 left, Yuan Xiaotian almost didn't make a spit.

"Xiaotian!" Su Hang warned Yuan Xiaotian.

Yuan Xiaotian stopped doing it, "Senior, look at this one after the other, and say two words and then change people. I haven’t come out yet, and say that we are noble customers, what kind of noble customers are you? Who are we? Alright?"

It can be seen that Yuan Xiaotian has been suppressed for a long time.

Su Hang frowned lightly, thinking, maybe it was the quirk of his predecessors.

"Senior, did you find anything wrong?" At this time, Hu Meiniang, who had not spoken, suddenly came to Suhang with such a word.

Su Hang listened, frowning gently, but did not answer Hu Meiniang's words.

"Something is wrong, I feel that something is wrong for a long time. It is so reasonable that the host here is so slow!" Yuan Xiaotian patted the table and his temper came up, as if to turn the whole hall over.

"Brother Yuan!" Hu Meiniang gave Yuan Xiaotian a helpless look, and then lowered her voice, said, "One thing, I think it's weird, we have seen three people since we entered, but from these three people, I But I only smelled the breath of one person, not right, it should be the breath of a demon!"

Yuan Xiaotian heard it, and didn't understand it, "Sister, what are you talking about? Who is it, demon, I know your nose is smart, but isn't it three?"

It seems that Yuan Xiaotian is very difficult to understand, Hu Mei Niang gave up treatment to him and turned to Suhang to look over.

Su Hang pondered for a while, "I also find it strange that these three people have different genders and ages, but this one's cultivation is..."

Speaking of this Su Hang paused, "Although there are gains and losses, but the Yunqing, Yunyan, Yunya, three people, the skills are almost the same..."

Hu Mei Niang listened and nodded. She couldn't see the realm of the three people clearly, but Su Hang could see clearly. At this time, she heard Su Hang's remarks, and she was more sure of her guess.

"What are you talking about?" Yuan Xiaotian's face was threatened!

Hu Meiniang looked at Yuan Xiaotian's hopeful expression, and she really hated iron and steel, "Brother Yuan, we have been in for a while, have you ever seen these three people appear at the same time?"

"No, what's wrong?" Yuan Xiaotian thought about it and replied.

Khan, Hu Meiniang touched her forehead, feeling a little speechless, "Where was Yun Qing when Yun Yan came in? When Yun Yan came in, where was Yun Yan..."

Yuan Xiaotian scratched his head, "When Yunyan came in, didn't Yunqing pick the fruit? Yunya came in, Yunyan... Well, Xu prepared for us lunch at noon!" Please search for this site." Or enter the URL:

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