Super Study God

Chapter 1176: 1 move defeats you!

Beside, Hu Mei Niang listened to this, but couldn't help but want to laugh!

Yun Cang said quickly, "Guests should be afraid that they can't find Zhonghuang Mountain. In fact, otherwise, I know where Zhonghuang Mountain is not far from here..."


"Okay, don't say it, can't you see that you have exposed the stuffing? When will you install it?" At this time, Hu Mei Niang finally couldn't help speaking!

Yun Cang froze for a moment, and turned to Hu Mei Niang, "Why do guests say this?"

"You said that I should call you Yun Qing? Or Yun Ya? Or Yun Yan? Or Yun Cang?" Hu Mei Niang asked in a pointed way.

Hearing this, Yuan Xiaotian, who was next to him, was just a forehead, knowing that at this time, he really realized something.

"Humph!" Yun Cang was a little angry at this moment. "Nonsense! I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"Don't you understand? I'll explain it to you!" Hu Mei Niang said coldly, "From the youngest child, Yun Qing, to Yun Yan, to Yun Ya, and finally to you, from beginning to end, It’s all just one person. Your Excellency is really good. One person adorns the four corners and plays us around. I waited, but I almost got caught on you!"

Yun Cang listened, his face twitching.

Su Hang shook his head next to him, "Yun Cang Taoist, why do we offend you? Why should I tease me and wait?"

Yun Cang frowned casually, "Why do you follow nonsense? I don't know what you are talking about, since you don't believe me, please help yourself!"

After that, Yun Cang got up and left!

"Stop, who will let you go!" Yuan Xiaotian was depressed now that he had lost such a big ugliness. Where would he let Yun Cang leave, immediately lifted the stick and stopped in front of Yun Cang.

Yun Cang took a step back, apparently panicking, "What? Want to do something with me?"

"Play a fight!" Yuan Xiaotian raised an eyebrow.

From Yun Cang's perspective to Su Hang, however, Su Hang didn't seem to want to stop it at all.

"Master is about to leave, there is a word first, let me wait for a good life to entertain the guests, but I don't think the guests are so rude, I don't care about it, I leave at a speed, otherwise the master comes back, and I can't wait to go. Now!" Yun Cang snorted coldly.

"Don't bluff any more. In this view, I guess you are the only one?" Hu Mei Niang sneered. "Brother Yuan, you and I joined forces to take him down!"

"Sister He Lao hands on!" Yuan Xiaotian also sneered and snarled, and the big stick pulled towards Yun Cang directly.


The force is heavy, and the stick hasn't been smashed, the hall can no longer bear the huge coercion, almost collapse!


Yun Cang chuckled and snorted. The entire palace instantly became larger. It was originally only a few dozen squares. It expanded to several miles in an instant. Being in the middle, it gave people an illusion, as if they had suddenly become smaller!

Originally narrowed the fighting space, and suddenly became spacious, Yuan Xiaotian's majestic stick, it was about to hit Yun Cang's body, Yun Cang gently moved aside, as if moved a thousand eight hundred Thousands of miles, Yuan Xiaotian's stick seemed to be separated from the sky, and was clearly close, but in any case it could not fall on Yun Cang.

"go with!"

Yun Cang snorted and punched out with a light blow.


Obviously far apart, but as close as possible, this punch was sturdy on Yuan Xiaotian's chest!

With a loud bang, Yuan Xiaotian was instantly blown away!

"How can it be?"

The first move was frustrated, Yuan Xiaotian was willing to believe? Obviously he was already guarding, how could he still keep it? The punch just now, obviously so slow, how could it be so fast?

There was a trace of blood coming out of the corner of his mouth, apparently he was injured, but the eyes were full of warfare, but he boasted Haikou to Hu Mei Niang, how could he lose this face.

"Stop it!"

At this time, Su Hang's voice, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, sounded in Yuan Xiaotian's mind. Yuan Xiaotian, who had already been stunned by anger, his **** eyes quickly restored to Qingming!

This monkey has too much anger, and then stirs up the anger, but it's not easy to clean up!

"You are not his opponent, retreat!" Su Hang said to Yuan Xiaotian. This man is in control of the two abilities of time and space, and he is extraordinary, but it is not that Yuan Xiaotian can do it with such brute force.

Yuan Xiaotian was a little bit dissatisfied, but when Su Hang spoke, he did not dare to support him. In the battle just now, he estimated that if he did not fight with his life, he could not compete with Yun Cang!

"Hum, carving insect skills, and dare to chaos in Chaoshan Mountain. What I learned is not as good as my teacher. If you wait for this, I want to see my master. It's ridiculous!" Yun Cang sneered at this moment.

What this said is really wild.

"Find a fight!"

As soon as Yuan Xiaotian heard it, he was about to explode and the stick was copied, and he still managed to get the Su Hang warning. He just wanted to fight for his life so that he could get back the scene and face.

However, just about to do it, Yuan Xiaotian saw a figure appearing in front of him. At first glance, it was Su Hang.

Yuan Xiaotian glared at Yun Cang, and a very cold light burst out of his eyes. Senior Su shot, and then watch you drag.

"Time, space, can initially control the two forces, it seems that you are not waiting for leisure." Su Hang stood not far from Yun Cang, said to Yun Cang indifferently.

Yun Cang vaguely guarded, apparently dared not take Su Hang and Yuan Xiaotian and so on.

"Now that you know that I am able to master these two talents, you should know its strength, and should you fight?" Yun Cangli Neilie, when he said this, his heart was actually a bit confusing, because the Soviet airlines just broke through the mountains. The enchantment entered the mountain is enough to prove the extraordinary of this person.

With a smile on Su Hang’s face, “Unfortunately, the power of time and space, I also have some involvement. Since you are so confident, why not let us compare?”


Yun Cang froze in his heart, "Comparing? How do you want to compare?"

Su Hang stretched out a Yun Cang looked at Su Hang with some doubt.

"One move!" Su Hang said. "After one move, if you can still stand, then I will lose."

It's crazy, and the two next to Yuan Xiaotian really admire the five-body cast. The senior is the senior, and only the senior dare to say such things.


This was despised. Yun Cang listened to Su Hang, and the expression on his face was stagnant, "Well, I compare with you. If you lose, take these demon kings with you and leave!"

"Okay, as you wish!" Su Hang agreed without thinking, "So if you lose, what will you do?"


Yun Cang listened, frowned slightly, and immediately held his chest, saying, "If I lose, the Master will pursue it later, I will give you a good word..." Please search "" for this site or enter Website:

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