Super Study God

Chapter 1177: Cricket shakes the tree!

"You don't have sincerity!" Su Hang heard that, and then he said, "Something useful!"

What's the use of such a promise? This is like you betting your life with me, you won, I gave you my life, I won, but only if I have never bet, can it be fair?

Yun Cang shook his skin, "What do you want?"

Su Hang paused for a moment, but Yun Cang's words asked him to stop him. What can he do with Yun Cang? What's in this person's worth?

"If you lose, you have to be Senior Su's brother and let him drive!" At this time, Yuan Xiaotian said next to him.

What do I want to do with such a younger brother? Su Hang's face shook.

Yun Cang listened, and his expression on his face was a little weird, but he quickly settled down.

"it is good!"

Yun Cang agreed in a bit, but he didn't believe that the man in front of him was so powerful that he couldn't even hide his tricks?

Before the words fell, Yun Cang preempted himself, rose into the air, and pointed at Suhang directly.

Space solidifies!

Su Hang instantly felt that the surrounding space became very thick, and then solidified like freezing, making the body difficult to move!

Su Hang is familiar with this trick. The space in the space department's ability is solidified. This Yun Cang can use the space department's ability to such a point, it is already amazing!

Solidifying the space, then the space should be broken, which is the most common way to use the ability of the space department.

A space was compressed, and Yun Cang instantly came to Suhang, pointing at Suhang's brow.

At this moment, Yun Cang's face is very confident. He believes that his space is solid enough to trap Su Hang. As long as Su Hang breaks free, he can break the space. The power of space breakage, even if he can't kill this person, He was seriously injured!

This man is really arrogant, just one move, want to beat me? ridiculous!

Close, close!

The fingers were getting closer and closer, and it was about to point on the solidified space. Yun Cang's eyes became extremely hot.

However, at this moment, he found that Su Hang, imprisoned by the force of space, actually moved.

I saw Su Hang slowly raised his right hand, relaxed, as if the solidified space had no effect on him.


A snap finger, Su Hang leisurely snapped a snap finger!

Everything around, like the picture played in the movie, suddenly slow, slow, and suddenly paused.


The surroundings were surprisingly quiet. All the pictures and all the movements were frozen. Even the small molecules in the surrounding air stopped their activities in an instant.

Yun Cang's body was suspended in the air, and his fingers were almost on Su Hang's eyebrows. His expression on his face was completely frozen. Su Hang could even see a little pride in his face!

What's wrong?

Next to them, Yuan Xiaotian and Hu Meiniang were completely stunned when they saw this scene. They only saw Yun Cang pointing at Su Hang Point with a fierce force, and then the picture was frozen.

Su Hang stretched out a hand, grabbed Yun Cang's arm, and pressed down gently. Yun Cang fell down to the ground violently, without making any sound.



Another snapping finger, the time and space imprisonment was lifted, and at that moment, the already frozen picture started to move again.

"Look at how you resist my finger!"

Yun Cang was still confident in his heart, and it was necessary to break the space around Suhang with one finger. However, suddenly, the screen changed, why did a wall suddenly appear in front of him?

"not good!"

Yun Cang didn't feel well. His body was flying towards the wall in a weird posture at a very fast speed, and he was about to hit it.

If this falls, you must not cry.

Almost only in a moment, it was too late to respond to Yun Cang, only to make room for the ability to make this tiny distance slightly larger, but it was only slightly larger.

He may not know that there is a saying that the higher you stand, the more pain you fall.


Pain, Zhennima's pain!

Yun Cang felt that his entire head was dizzy, as if another 10 million birds were circling in the head.

What wall is this and why is it so hard? With your own body strength, if you hit it like this, even a thick wall can break it?

But this wall turned out to be a hole!

For a while, Yun Cang woke up from the dizziness and touched the wall. Where is the wall, clearly the ground.

Looking up, I only saw one pair of feet standing in front of myself, looking up along those feet, and only saw the smiling face of Su Hang.

"Time? You used the power of time!" The defeat was really weird. Yun Cang thought a little, and then he understood what was inside.

"Good knowledge!"

Su Hang smiled indifferently and squatted in front of Yun Cang. "Time? Space? You are indeed very good, but you still have a gap to show off this ability in front of me!"


Yun Cang's face is full of unbelievable, "The power of time is so powerful, the power of anti-bite is so strong, how can you use this power?"

"Time pause? Are you using time pause?"

"How is this possible? Time suspension means fighting against the wheel of time. Even if I try my best, I can't do it. How can you do it?"

As if being subverted, Yun Cang said to himself, as if he had suffered a major blow.

"Dare to fight with the predecessors, it's really a cockroach to shake the tree, not self-confident, admit defeat, devil!"

Nearby, seeing Yun Cang lying on the ground, Yuan Xiaotian was so addicted that he couldn't help but sneer.


These words fell in my ears, and ordinary people couldn't bear it, let alone Yun Cang.

"Who said I lost?" Yun Cang raised his head and looked at Su Hang. "After you said, if I can stand up, even if you lose, I will win, if I lose, if I Stand up now and lose, it's you!"

Yun Cang was very proud and had to admit that Su Hang was very strong. He was so strong that he didn’t have the strength to fight back. However, this man was too brainless to make such a gamble with him. As long as he didn't kill himself in one move, why would he stand up again?

You know, when they signed the contract just now, Su Hang's original saying was, if Yun Cang can still stand after a move, even Yun Cang wins.

Although Yun Cang was injured, it was only a minor injury. One move was over. It was too easy to stand up at this time.

"Despicable, you scorn!"

Upon hearing Yun Cang's words, Yuan Xiaotian was angry, "I will break your leg and see how you stand up."

After talking, the irritable Yuan Xiaotian was about to move forward with the stick.

"The bet was set by you. After one move, I can still stand up. You lost. Why? You can't afford to lose and want to regret it?" Yun Cang's voice suddenly increased by a few decibels. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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