Super Study God

Chapter 1204: Taihuang Mountain!

"Youren, don't kneel, call your uncle!" As soon as I entered the pavilion, the pig-girl shouted at the glutton that followed.

"Ah? Mother?"

The gluttonous face was forced, and the scene just now let him fall into the mist and the fog, now the old lady actually let herself kneel to this person, also called uncle?

Say we are not here to find a place? This change is too fast, right? Gluttonously in situ, there was no reaction for a while.

"What a **** mother, kneel down!" Pig-in-law's face was cold and he yelled at the gluttonous.

The gluttons did not dare to say much, and quickly fell to their knees.

"Then, what, gluttony, bye bye, bye bye uncle!" gluttonous scalp hardened and gave Su Hang a heavy head.

Just a few days ago, the man in front of him not only fed himself, but also almost burned himself to death, and now, somehow, he became his uncle. Where is this?

However, at this time, the gluttons no longer dared to have a little bit of hatred in their hearts. They had just seen the power of Su Hang, but the Dao Demon Emperor, who was more powerful than his father, was even trampled by Su Hang. Such an existence, he can only look up.

Thinking about that day, he was even quite fortunate that Su Hang could spare his life, which is already a special kindness.

"Bump, what kind of system is it?" The pigwoman displeased the counties and asked the gluttons to worship again.

Su Hang hurriedly stopped, "Wait, what the **** do you mean? How can I become his uncle?"

Su Hang couldn't understand it, he was so confused that he was terrified.

I’ve heard of those who like to be fathers and fathers, but I’ve heard of those who like to be uncles, not to mention such a nephew, Su Hang is not happy at all!

There was a smile on the face of the pig-in-law, "Brother Su, you are a confused person. Didn't you ask me before? Is there any righteousness with you? As early as 30,000 years ago, I saved your wife, I She also became a sister with her. Counting it, you are my brother-in-law, and I am not an exaggeration to call your uncle!"

"My wife?" Su Hang froze, "What are you talking about?"

The brother Su's voice almost made people cry. Su Hang was totally blind. Hearing the pig's words completely subverted his cognition.

What is this about?

"Don't you remember?" Pig-woman frowned gently, as if with a strange look.

"You say my wife? Who is her surname? Where is it now?" Su Hang immediately asked, when he was in Zhonghuangshan, he felt that the old woman's words were confusing, and now he is like this. At first glance, he seemed a little clear.

Pig-woman looked at Su Hang for a while, then shook her head, "I said yesterday that I was in trouble for you. She had passed on the book to me, so that I should not hurt you. Now, it seems that she is too worried, you are so powerful, no It’s a pleasure to hurt me, and she doesn’t let me tell you about her..."

"What about the letter?" Su Hang immediately asked, since there is a book, there should be handwriting. Through the handwriting, should there be some clues?

The pig-woman shook her head. "It's a book of gods, there's nothing to believe."

Su Hang set off a storm in his heart, right? Was he still having a wife in Taikoo? Is this possible?


The first thought in Su Hang's mind was Ao Xue, but it was impossible to think about it. Ao Xue was trapped in the tomb of Panhuang Tomb, how could it appear in this ancient age?

Or is it something else? Xue Xuan? Su Rong? Qin poetry?

They are not their own wives now. Even if it is possible in the future, how could they appear in this era? It's wrong. It's tens of thousands of years before listening to the meaning of the pig-in-law.

what the **** is it?

Who brought it by yourself? Accidentally crossed his head? Or did you find another one in a more distant era? Or is it that these people are joining together to form a group and fooling themselves?

If you think about it carefully, you shouldn't find it anymore. After all, the only wife who is still waiting in Panhuangzuo, waiting for 100,000 years, how can you betray your heart?

It must be said that they are fooling themselves in groups, which is really too fooling, what meaning do they fooling themselves? And this acting is too good!

Su Hang has one head and two big heads. Who can tell me what is going on?

"Where is she, take me to go!" Su Hang said to the pig mother immediately.

Suddenly, such a sentence shocked the pig mother. The scene where the Soviet airlines just killed Dao Jie is still in sight. It can be said that the current Soviet airlines are really not angry, even the pig mother It was also shocked to look pale for a while!

"I, I don't know where she is, don't embarrass me!" Pig-in-law called a terrified, I haven't felt this way for a long time, and I smiled **** my face, "Brother Su, she I don’t want to see you now, it’s definitely her difficulty. She said it’s not time to meet, why are you impatient and so on..."



Taihuang Mountain.

Chaos clarified that among the trillion mountains and vast forests, there are the Three Gods Mountain, the Three Emperors, the Middle Emperor and the Young Emperor!

In the emperor's place of the Nuwa clan, he said nothing, but now he said Taihuangshan, the head of the three mountains.

Taihuang Mountain exists in the enchantment, the mountains are green and green, like immortals like gods, majestic and magnificent, but more majestic than that of the Five Mountains and Three Mountains.

A deity makes a mountain, not its altitude! However, this Taihuang Mountain is an exception. The first mountain is famous, and then the fairy is favored!

This is not true, it should be said to be a demon!

Today's Taihuang Shenshan is entrenched by a hidden demon, who has been famous for tens of thousands of years, and has deep skills and no one can count on it!

At the foot of the mountain, there is a grass!

Before the by the creek!

An old man was sitting by the creek, wearing a hat, holding a bamboo fishing rod in his hand, closing his eyes and taking a nap. The fish basket beside was empty, but I didn't know how long he had been sitting here, the bait on the fish hook I am afraid that the fish in the stream have been eaten clean, but he is completely unaware.

"Fireworks will go green in February, and the hearts of young people will be endless, and they will spend their time in the water. Where can we find beautiful flowers?"

Suddenly, a pleasant singing sound awakened the old man from a sound sleep. The old man pulled a bit and almost did not roll into the stream.

"Who bothers me to clear my dreams?" The old man frowned rather displeased.

Opening her eyes open and looking towards the place where the sound came, she only saw a young man in white, slowly turning out from behind the mountain col.

The old man frowned, but this is Taihuang Mountain, Taihuang Mountain protected by enchantment, how can outsiders come in?

The young man approached, with a smile on his face, singing a song in his mouth, as if he was very cheerful and chic. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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