Super Study God

Chapter 1205: Heavenly machine!

Under the watch of the old man, the young man walked to the creek and sat down beside the old man. "So fishing, I don't know when it will be?"

"Who is your lord?" The old man looked at the young man who didn't know where he came from.

"Taihuang Peak in Taihuang Mountain, Taihuang Peak is under the heavenly plane, the devil and demon are fishing, and they are in the red fish basket."

The young man smiled indifferently, "Tianji Zi, the first in the Demon Emperor List, has entered the peak of the Demon Emperor Realm for more than 200,000 years, and has hidden Taihuang Mountain, and he is ingenious and unpredictable. Count my origin?"

After that, the young man looked at the old man quite comfortably!

It turned out that this old man turned out to be the first place in the Demon Emperor List.

The young man told the origin of the old man in one bit, apparently prepared.

The old man glanced at the young man, a pair of turbid eyes became increasingly turbid, and the two pupils seemed to turn into a vortex of a black hole, and in a moment, the clarity was restored, and the shock in the eyes flashed by.

But soon the calm was restored, "Your Excellency is very human, I wonder if I came to Taihuangshan.

The young man smiled lightly, "You count again!"

"Tianjizi has no real name, such as Chaos today, let alone Tianji!" The old man shook his head, "Say what you have, please leave, and don't disturb my fish!"

"Dao San is dead!" A few words popped out of the young man's mouth.

"Um! Huh?"

Tian Jizi was still listless at first, and suddenly wanted to be electrified, staring at the young people with a pair of eyes, "What are you saying? Dao 3? Dao is dead?"

"It's true!"

The young people looked at Tianjizi lightly, beckoning what they said was absolutely true.

"It's impossible!" Tian Jizi waved his hand directly. "With the power of Dao, who can kill him in this world? Even if it's old..."

Speaking of which, Tian Jizi seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked at the young man next to him, "Can it be your Excellency?"

"I? How is it possible?" The young man smiled, extended a finger, and swept the sky, a circular light curtain appeared above the stream.

The light curtain presents the scene where Dao was killed by Suhang.

Across the screen, you can feel the terrifying power of that foot. After watching it, Tianjizi was shocked!

Dao Jie is dead, Dao Jie is really dead!

"Who is this person?"

Looking at the young figure on the light curtain, Tianjizi felt very strange. When did such a master appear again in the world?

"I'm here today, in addition to bringing you this news, there is one more thing I want to ask you to!" At this time, the young man spoke, but did not answer Tianjizi's words.

"Oh?" Tian Jizi turned to look at the young man, "Your Excellency will not let the old rotten out of the mountain, revenge Dao robbery? Then you can make a wrong calculation, Dao robbery, do not have such a deep friendship with the old rotten!"


The young man laughed, "Isn't your Tianjizi claimed to be the best in the world? Now that someone is threatening your status, can you still sit back and watch?"

"What is the first, it's just a name, and whoever wants it is taken away, old age is not interested!" The old man laughed, a worldly man, who didn't want to be tired of the world. "It's a fight for that name, old age. It's better to doze off here and catch a fish!"

"Really?" The young man smiled softly. "So if I say, can I give you what you want?"

"Well?" Tian Jizi paused and looked at the young man in surprise. "Do you know what old age wants?"

Young people nodded slightly!

Tianjizi smiled and said, "I don't know what I want, can you know?"

"Of course I know!" The young man looked directly at Tianjizi, with a lot of confidence in his words.

Tian Jizi and the young man looked at each other and immediately paused like an electric shock. For a long time, they didn't say anything, and they didn't know what happened, as if they were touched by the words of this young man!

"Now, there is a great opportunity to be in front of you!" The young man stood up, leaned in front of Tianjizi, dropped a sentence, and immediately turned away, "You give me what I need , I'll ask you to do it or not, it's up to you!"

"If I didn't guess wrong, you might have given Dao Jie the same benefits?" Tian Jizi recovered and quickly stopped the young man.

The young man stopped and looked back at Tianjizi, "You guessed it right, but he was too unlucky to lose this benefit without that skill!"

Tianjizi stood up, seeming to have lost the calmness just now, "Why don't you do it yourself? Could you be afraid of dying in his hands!"

The young man smiled, "What you think is your business, and it is your business to go or not."

"Don't do anything that can't be done, do you think I can do it?" Tian Jizi asked, just that shocking foot, even when he saw it, he blamed him. Although he was claimed to be the first in the Demon Emperor List, it was better than the third The Dao Tribulation is not much stronger. Even Dao Tribulation died so miserably, not to mention myself?

"It's still that sentence, I have given you the chance, can you succeed, dare to go, it's up to you!" The young people are still indifferent.

Tianjizi frowned, and it was hard to believe. What chance did this young man give him, even the first Tianjizi in the Demon Emperor List lost his calmness!

Hesitate and struggle!

It didn't take long for Tianjizi to make up his mind and said, "What do you want me to do!"

The young man turned around and walked over, "I was counted, there should be a robbery in this hit, I want you to take out the whereabouts of the robbery from him!"

"That's all?" Tianjizi was a little surprised!

The young man nodded slightly, "That's all. Of course, if you have other ideas, for example, help Dao San revenge or something, it would be better!"

After talking, the young man laughed evilly, and his figure disappeared instantly.

Tianjizi stood on the for a while, froze for a while, as if everything in front of him was so unreal.

Suddenly there was some weight on his hand, and Tianjizi grabbed the fishing rod, and finally, a big yellow croaker flew out of the stream.



Chaos Mountain, a courtyard!

"Brother Su, I have something to ask you!"

After seeing Su Hang crushing the road to death, the pig-woman was so awe and awe to Su Hang that she became more interested.

"I asked you something, and you didn't say it, but now I'm asking for it again?" Su Hang looked up at her, this woman, why is it so difficult.

"People keep Chen Nuo, and I really have nothing to tell you!" Zhu Po pouted, it really looked like Su Hang had a bad cold, saying that your son is so big, it is necessary to be so Pretend? To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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