Super Study God

Chapter 1324: Extraterrestrial creatures?

Putting aside the mysterious master, the names of Hongjun and Pangu God attracted Su Hang's attention.

Those who can come into contact with this kind of existence and write this diary are certainly not ordinary people. Su Hang is a little more curious about this flowing cloud.

Continue to look down, most of the things written in the diary are some small daily things.

But from these little things, Su Hang still realized something. The old man in Liuyun's mouth was a figure who could sit on par with Hongjun Pangu.

Was there such a character in ancient times?

Su Hang is not clear, and there is no way to figure out for a while. Several diaries, with long or short writing time, are uncertain, but they almost cover the life of the flowing cloud.

How to grow into a master of Kunwu Mountain God Realm from a child who guards the mountain, and then how to merge into the impermanent heaven realm, and conspire with the Pangu family.

It can be said that just a few diaries are the shock of Liu Yun's life.

In this way, there were both blood and blood, and there was plainness. The diary turned to the last page. Suhang looked at it, and the things described above made Suhang a little calm.

Just over a hundred words, recording such a thing, Liuyun is in charge of Kunwu God Realm, Pangu Period XII 1113,572 years, Kunwu Mountain fell, revealing a black hole, black hole Connected to the extraterrestrial world, many extraterrestrial creatures emerged from the black hole, causing chaos in the world...

The last page is somewhat incomplete, but the content may still be sorted out. Looking at the description of the content, it is not like a diary, it is more like a suicide note, and it is a suicide note left in a hurry. Maybe it was finished, but it was destroyed by time, because this page is broken.

Kunlun was attacked by extraterrestrial creatures, almost destroyed, and the floating cloud lifted the entire Kunlun force to freeze the extraterrestrial creatures, but the extraterrestrial creatures were too powerful, and the power of the ice was not enough to eliminate hidden dangers. When writing this suicide note, Liuyun has decided that he will use his own flesh to suppress the extraterrestrial creatures.

Then, the diary has no content, and here comes to an abrupt stop.

Su Hang closed his diary, and his heart was tight, "Jin'er said that the Kunlun Mountain suddenly appeared in the stone statue, could it be the flesh of the **** Liuyun? Master of this diary?"

He took a breath of cold breath. If the stone statue was the Emperor of Flowing Clouds, then the space of the ice and snow that Su Jin said was the space of the creatures outside the seal?

"Not good, not good."

Thinking of this, the cold sweat came out behind Suhang, quickly put away the diary, quickly walked out of the door, called Liu Ruxu and Hongyun, and hurried to Kunlun Mountain.




The three people came to Kunlun from Tiandu Peak, but it was just a matter of time. When Kunlun Mountain was up, everything was as usual. Su Hang only saw many disciples still packing up the ruins of Zaofeng Peak.

"Brother Su, have you heard about this?" Seeing Su Hang approaching, especially with two respectable gods, Yang Jian did not dare to neglect. When he heard that Su Hang was coming, he immediately took Su Hang away. The incident.

"Senior Yang, this time it seems that something is going wrong." Su Hang sighed.

"Brother Su laughed." Yang Jian paused, thinking that Su Hang was joking with him, and smiled, and said, "This is not a big deal, it's just an ancient ruin. I didn't expect to give you such a busy person. I was shocked, I went in and looked at it, and there was nothing but ice and snow in it. Your trip, I am afraid that it will be a lively event.

Su Hang smiled bitterly, "If there is nothing, that's okay, I don't have to run this trip. Senior Yang, do you think I'll run far away just to see the excitement?"

Yang Jianxin said that might be possible, but he smiled on his mouth. Seeing Su Hang's face was serious, he quickly narrowed his smile. "Why, Brother Su, what do you know? Is there something wrong with this hole?"

"You have dug a mine." Su Hang said, "Let these disciples leave, don't make it like excavating the site."

Yang Jian sweated, "This sitting across the Forgotten Peak, a pile of rubble is blocked in front of the Yuxu Mountain Gate, which affects the appearance and does not clean up, which hinders the appearance of the school."

"The tribulation is almost coming. What kind of appearance do you care about?" Su Hang smiled bitterly. Yang Jian apparently did not hear clearly what he meant by digging a mine.

Yang Jian finally became serious, "Brother Su, what do you know?"

Su Hang didn't say a word, took the diary out and handed it to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian took a look. Where could he recognize the ancient text, looked up at Su Hang with a little puzzled, "This is the book brought back by His Majesty Long Huang?"

Su Hang said, "This book is a diary left by an ancient emperor named Liuyun from the ancient Kunwu God Realm, which records the origin of the hole..."

"Extraterrestrial creatures?"

After listening to Su Hang’s words, Yang Jian couldn’t believe it, as if he had heard the fantasy of Night of the Heavens. He had said for a long time, “But I’ve seen it, and His Majesty the Dragon Emperor has also seen it. , There is nothing at all."

The sealed extraterrestrial creatures, as well as the stone statues, used the flesh to suppress the demon Liuyun Divine Emperor, all this is really incredible for Yang Jian.

"You didn't find it, it didn't mean you didn't. Let the disciples in the door retreat. I'll take someone to the cave to take a look." Su Hang said again, he didn't want to waste time with Yang Jian on this topic, now time Urgent, he had to go to the scene to rest assured.

It is gratifying that although the suppression of the stone statue of Emperor Yunyun has been lost and the space exit has been exposed, there are no recorded extraterrestrial creatures That is to say, this place is temporarily safe .

It is not yet known whether there is a danger. After all, after so many years, Kunlun Mountain does not know how many martial arts have been replaced. Maybe some senior people have solved the hidden dangers here?

After listening to these words, Yang Jian also realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly called back the doormen and entered the hole with Su Hang.



In the snow and ice, the sun is still shining outside. Soon after entering the cave, Su Hang felt that the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and a white world appeared in front of him.

Cold, like falling into an ice cave, as strong as Su Hang, all felt goose bumps on his body instantly.

This place is too cold.

With the skill running, the cold was instantly repelled, and Su Hang immediately began to look around. I saw the surrounding snow and ice, and there were undulating snow mountains everywhere, which was completely a white ocean. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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