Super Study God

Chapter 1325: The snow is melting!

The consciousness swept through, and the entire space was unobstructed. This space is not very large. It is at most a thousand miles away, but every place is covered by ice and snow, and it is a bit cold.

What I saw was a snowy mountain with undulations. I couldn't even see a tree. There was no motley color except white.

Indeed, as Yang Jian said, there is nothing unusual. It is a common and different space. This space is not as good as the space like Wanquelin. It is too small. Moreover, the Soviet Union from this space , I can't feel the slightest energy fluctuation.

Heaven and Earth Yuanli, demon power, these energies, Su Hang didn't feel it at all, as if they were vacuumed.

This is a bit strange.

Yang Jian said, "Brother Su, look, this space is so big, except ice is snow, what is the danger? I think, we think about it more!"

Su Hangmo said nothing, and intuitively told him that this space would not be that simple.

"the host!"

At this time, Liu Ruxu stepped forward, "The ice and snow in this space seems to be melting!"

Su Hang paused and looked down. Sure enough, the snow stepped on his feet was a little wet, but it was difficult to notice if he was not careful.

Su Hang suddenly groaned in his heart, as if he had thought of something, and stretched out his right hand, and a hint of the sun appeared in his fingers.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Hang flicked his fingers, and the flame between his fingers flew out instantly, and fell into a small snow bag nearby.

The snow pack was only three to five feet tall, and it was not yet a snowy mountain. The sun was really set on it, and it immediately turned into a layer of flame to wrap the snow pile.

"What kind of ice and snow is this? It's so hard to burn real fire?"

What he saw in front of him was surprising, especially Yang Jian, who even exclaimed, to know that the real fire used by Su Hang, he can feel powerful, and that the snow pile was burned by the real fire of Su Hang’s sun, but it was just Melting slowly.

There is strangeness, if it is the puffing snow and ice, I am afraid that it will be vaporized by the real fire in an instant. The snow in front of me is obviously strange.

Fortunately, although it was harder to burn, the snow pile gradually melted away. However, as the snow pile melted, an amazing scene gradually appeared in front of Su Hang and others.

"this is?"

When the ice and snow melted to half, a black shadow appeared, and after most of the melting, the things in the snow pile finally revealed the true face of Lushan.

That's a mosquito!

Let’s call it a mosquito. This thing is black, with a body as big as a wild boar, like a big fat man, very bloated, with a big head, a big mouth, and big eyes tight. Closed tightly, like sleeping soundly, with a pair of small wings on his back, it looks really funny.


The mosquito seemed to have been scorched by the real fire of the sun, ate, and woke up at once, fluttering his wings to take off.

"Quick, kill it!"

Su Hang immediately shouted, Liu Ruxu had stepped out in one step, and instantly appeared on the head of the big-mouthed mosquito, hitting it with a punch.


The one punch of the master of Heaven Dao Realm could not be resisted by a little monster. The big-mouthed monster mosquito was directly hit on the ground. He raised his head and slammed his head and hit the ground, killing him instantly!

Liu Ruxu floated down, and Su Hang quickly hurried over to the corpse of the strange mosquito. Looking down, the whole body of the strange mosquito was collapsed by the punch of Liu Ruxu. It can be said to be sparse.

"Master, this thing is not ordinary!" Liu Rusu said.

Although this big-mouthed mosquito did not touch Liu Ruxu's fist, it was known that Liu Ruxu was a super demon in Heavenly Dao Realm. If that punch goes down, even if he is a master of Tianzun Realm, I don't even think about the flesh. Keep it, and this large-mouthed mosquito can actually leave a corpse. It is conceivable that the physical strength of this strange mosquito is afraid that it is extraordinary.

"I haven't seen such monsters before!" Yang Jian frowned beside him.

Liu Ruxu said, "If it wasn't for the thing that just woke up from the ice, I'm afraid it was not so easy to kill it!"

Su Hang pondered for a while, looked up and looked up.

Yang Jian took a breath of breath, "Will these snowdrifts and snowy mountains be all..."

Speaking of which, Yang Jian paused and felt a little scalp tingling, so he dared not go on.

This is just the smallest snowdrift. If these monsters are sealed in such snow mountains, how terrible would it be?


"These snow-capped mountains separate the consciousness, but I can feel that there are many powerful ones among them, not even below me!" At this time, Hongyun spoke.

Su Hang looked at Liu Ruxu, and Liu Ruxu also nodded. Obviously, her discovery was the same as Hong Yun.

Liu Ruxu said, "Master, these things should be frozen here, but the ice and snow in this space have begun to melt. I am afraid that these things will be out of trouble soon."

Su Hang also felt some scalp tingling, "Can you have any countermeasures?"

The two girls looked at each other and Liu Ruxu said, "The slave-servant has a piece of mysterious ice bead. If the red cloud can join forces with the slave-servant, the space here may be temporarily sealed. However, how long it can be sealed, the slave-servant can't guarantee it. "

Su Hang looked at Hongyun.

"bring it on!"

There was no ambiguity in Hongyun, and Liu Rusu was directly promised. In front of the right and wrong, Hongyun could still distinguish clearly.

"Master, please quit!" Liu Ruxu pointed at Suhangdao.

Su Hang nodded, "This is a good thing to do merit, do your best to protect the peace of the world!"

"Master rest assured!"

Liu Rusu said a word ~ ​​ ~ Su Hang didn't say much, just turned around and exited the space with Yang Jian.

Outside the space, Su Hang and Yang Jian were standing on the edge of the deep pit, the atmosphere was a little frozen, and both of them were abnormally anxious.

"How can there be such a presence under the Kunlun Mountain?" Yang Jian's voice shook slightly when he spoke.

Su Hang did not answer, but fortunately let himself see the diary, otherwise, when those extraterrestrial creatures awakened, I was afraid that the world would be in chaos.

It can be said that Su Hang was able to discover this hidden danger in a timely manner.

If this matter is not dealt with well, there will be endless troubles, and Suhang only hopes that Liu Ruxu and Hong Yun can get it done. This is why he brought Hong Yun and Liu Ruxu here.

After reading the diary of Liuyun Divine Emperor, Su Hang knew that the crisis in this place was not something he could handle, so he brought Liu Rusu to them.

If even both of them can't figure it out, Su Hang doesn't know what to do. After all, he is still too weak now. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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