Super Study God

Chapter 1334: The gods welcome!

"His old man was here to come to you. When I passed the Tongtian River, I just met the Lianzhao Coalition Army. I came to you quietly. Brother Dijiang, brothers and sisters, follow me to Tongtianhe Come on, so as not to confide the rhetoric and turn black and white in front of the Master!"

Zhu Rong said anxiously, and was about to pull Dijiang directly.

Everyone seemed to have lost their mind. After hearing it, they were all ready to leave, but at this time, Xuan Ming suddenly thought of something.

"Brother Dijiang, don't worry, be careful of fraud!" Xuan Ming said.

When a few people heard it, it was like a cold pot of water was poured into the head, and they suddenly woke up.

Yeah, the Allied Forces are in Tongtianhe right now. They go so hurriedly, in case of fraud, how is it good?

After all, they haven’t seen Yu Zhurong for a long time. It is not clear whether Zhu Rong has invested in the Quanshou side. In case Zhu Rong has invested in the Quanshou coalition, it is not impossible for him to come to cheat them.

"Hum, wait..." Zhu Rong was angry when he heard this, "I kindly came to report to wait for Er, but Er waited still suspected me. Forget it, I won't say more to you, Brother Dijiang, I should say I’ve already said that, so I’m gone. Then I’ll blame the old man, and don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

Having said that, Zhu Rong turned to leave.

"Brother, be slow."

After all, Dijiang has been the eldest brother for many years, and quickly reached out to stop Zhurong.

Zhu Rong looked back and looked at Dijiang.

Di Jiang paused and said, "Brother Shi, don't worry, go with you for your brother."

"Brother Dijiang."

Xuan Mingji shouted, it seemed that he never thought Dijiang would agree to come down.

Di Jiang waved his hand, "You lead your own people and retreat into the Cangwu Abyss to stay. I followed Brother Zhu Rong to the Tongtian River and saw the Master."

What kind of meeting with the Master, this thing is full of evil spirits, beware of fraud.

Xuan Ming Dao, "Brother Dijiang, I and the other five races live and die together. Since you are going to go, then I must be going."

"Since the return of the Master, I of course have to go to Kneeling, otherwise what is the system?" Shebi corpse said.

Tian Wu said, "Yes, we will die together."


Di Jiang listened to this and looked at the determined expression on the faces of these brothers. He couldn't help but feel moved in his heart, knowing that they were afraid that they would go alone and go into danger.

"Okay, die together."

Di Jiang laughed three times, "Where is Xingtian?"

"The disciples are here."

A teenager jumped out and saw that the man was naked with his upper body, wrapped in a leather scarf around his waist, carrying a giant axe on his shoulder, his muscles were strong, and a moving muscle mountain was alive.

"Retreat the five-family coalition into the Cangwu Abyss. Within three days, if I hadn't returned, I would immediately inform Brother Jumang that the troops would not move, recuperate and recuperate, and hide the light and keep the shadows hidden. With a cry.


The teenager got the order and retreated immediately.

"Alas, I belong to the Pangu family. When will it become like this, and we will be suspicious of each other and quarrel with each other, and it is no wonder that his old man will be angry."

When Zhu Rong saw it, he couldn't help but sigh, his body rose with flames, and he stepped on two red flame fire dragons.

Dijiang shook his body, showing the appearance of a demon soul. The human face was a bird with red scales, four wings and six claws, and one flap. His body disappeared instantly.

This speed can be said that even some monks in the Heavenly Realm are difficult to match. At the peak, a wing is a mile away. It can be said that in front of this absolute speed, it is only a thousand miles away in a moment.

Tianwu roared, and also showed the appearance of the demon soul. A giant tiger with eight faces, no match for majesty, directly hit the big camp. With a wave of mountain shaking, it soon disappeared on the horizon.

At the same time, Xuan Ming and She Bi also showed their respective appearances and quickly caught up.


In this ancient world, the demon was so angry that it was really no longer a person, and a demon was no longer a demon.



Thousands of miles away, Tongtianhe.

The army of three million monks, in that battle, almost cut off the entire vast river.

The flags flutter, and there is no end to it. This is not three million ordinary people, but three million monks who are really down-to-earth.

It should have been a drum of war, thunderous and murderous, but at this moment, millions of troops, but stagnation, stopped by the Tongtian River, camped on the spot, and no longer moved forward.

The river is surging, rolling eastward, the roads are endless, and there are countless vicissitudes of life, but the moments of time are tens of thousands of years. The young faces of those days, now, all of them have become one-sided heroes.

On the river bank, before the military account, between the sky and the earth, only Su Hang stood proudly, already kneeling in front of him.

Behind the river was surging, looking at the strange faces in front of him, Su Hang's heart was really mixed.

Eyes swept, kneeling ahead, including the accompanying co-workers, there were twenty people, all with their heads buried, daring not to raise their heads, let alone speak, sweat falling from their foreheads, ticking On the ground, the scene of millions of people could only hear the surging river and the sound of the wind blowing the flag.

"Who is it?" Su Hang said for a long time.

Everyone shuddered and didn’t dare to answer. For a long time, a thin old man knelt a few steps forward, barely raised his head, "Return to Master Zun, this morning, the bombarded Heavenly Man returned from Taihuang Mountain, and took his brother to take Kowloon Yu went to meet him."

When the old man spoke, his voice was trembling. He was almost careful. He watched Su Hang's expression more carefully.

After a systematic investigation, the person did not receive it. Su Hang listened and did not move, but just kept a cold face, "Who are you?"

"Disciple Panzi, visit Master, and the disciple can see Master Tianyan again in his lifetime. Really, really..." The thin old man quickly leaned over and kowtowed. At this point, Panzi was crying.

Everyone besides heard this and shed tears.

I don’t know if it’s true feelings. When Su Hang sees this, he feels more angry in his heart, "What are you crying for? What are you doing Can I still have this Master in my heart?"

"Disciples and other sins are very serious, and ask the master to respect and punish."

The crowd shouted together, although the soldiers in the rear were unknown, but they also followed the kowtow. The scene was extremely spectacular.

"It's such a serious sin." Su Hang snorted coldly. "There are all those under my door, all for me."

"Disciple Qiangliang, see Master!"

"Disciple Zhu Yin, visit Master!"

"Disciple is too young, see Master!"


One by one, two steps before kneeling, famous, unknown, no matter Su Hang has heard it or not, all of them are kneeling first, there are twenty-one in total.

Earlier, I heard Zhu Rong Gong Gong said that the disciples he adopted that year can live to this day and still break out of some famous halls. There are thirty-nine people here, accounting for twenty-one. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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