Super Study God

Chapter 1335: After the autumn!

"For more than 30,000 years, you are one by one, it is really good." Su Hang said indifferently.

The people buried their heads and did not dare to talk at all. Although the Soviet Union had only taught them a few days, the master was completely distant and unattainable in their impressions. They were adopted in various places. They had been sick or starved tens of thousands of years ago, or they were eaten by monsters and beasts.

Therefore, after tens of thousands of years, they still have awe in their hearts.

"Only on the way, I have heard about what you have done on the way here. It is your merit to be able to carry forward the Pangu family, but at the moment, you are in disagreement with the door, facing each other with swords and soldiers. I am disappointed." Su Hang's tone was plain, but everyone on the scene could hear it. His words were full of anger. "You have made such a big battle, you have swayed millions of teachers, and you have a lot of momentum. What are you going to do?"

Everyone swallowed a sip of water subconsciously, and said, "Returning to the Master, more than ten years ago, the battle of the Black River, the joint forces of the five tribes of the Dijiang clan, the number of killing my clan was tens of thousands, and the disciples had no choice. .

"Yes, Master, Emperor Jiang, as a master brother, relying on the name of Master, became independent of Pangu II, and his disciples didn't accept it."

"Master Zun is still alive, and his Emperor Jiang dares to call the Second Pangu. Isn't this a curse of Master Zun? These traitors do not deserve to lead Pangu."


You said, I said, everyone seemed to be in full swing, shouting one by one.

"Huh, I'm upside down and black and white, so hateful."

At this time, a scream came from the horizon. Su Hang looked back and saw that a figure had come quickly, but it was a giant beast with four wings and six claws.

The monster fell to the Tongtian River and turned into a dignified middle-aged man.

The man glared at Kuizi and others like a full of anger, and his words were powerful.


When he saw Dijiang, his pupils shrank, and his face was slightly unnatural, as if he did not expect Dijiang to appear here.

Di Jiang's eyes swept, and quickly gathered on Su Hang. After seeing Su Hang clearly, he was stunned for three seconds, then suddenly he seemed to wake up and knelt on the ground.

"Dijiang knocked on Master, and Tu'er came late, begging Master to forgive sins." Dijiang knelt on his knees, trembling all over, not knowing whether he was excited or scared.

Su Hang glanced coldly, several lights and shadows crossed the sky, and turned into human figures, but they were later Zhu Rong and Xuan Ming and others.

Compared with the speed of Dijiang, the speed of a few people is different, so it is a little late.

When looking at the situation in the field and the familiar and tall figure, one by one kneeled down next to Dijiang.

"Okay, are you here yet?" Su Hang sneered. "Why? Do you still want to fight? If not all perform with me, I would also like to see how you killed and killed."

"Disciples don't dare."

The disciples screamed quickly.

Su Hang snorted and looked at Dijiang. "Dijiang? You juniors, you all said that it was your fault. Do you have anything to say?"

Di Jiang heard the words and lowered his head a bit, "Disciples are guilty, please ask Master to punish."

This attitude of confessing sins is very good. This Emperor Jiang is smarter than others and sees the situation clearly.

"Master Zun does not listen to these people's nonsense..." Xuan Ming couldn't see it, and wanted to help Di Jiang argue.

"Enough Sister and sister." Dijiang hurriedly stopped, and asked Su Hang to blame, "Which is right and wrong, Master has his own lessons, Pangu's disintegration, and became the situation today. As a brother, I should bear the responsibility , To blame."


Brother, there is indeed a brother's mind, and others are ashamed to hear it.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "A slap didn't make a sound.

After that, Su Hang swept across the crowd.

"I'm waiting for the frontier to expand the territory, the credit is not small, but the credit is not overwhelming." Su Hang said sharply, "say, how do you want me to punish you?"

Everyone shivered, "Disciples, wait for Master to send them."

"Okay, I'll wait under the door first, take the flag down, wait for the culprit to be cleared up, and wait for the accounts with Ill after the fall." Su Hang took a deep breath and said.

"Master Xie."

Everyone took orders, but at this time they were all relieved.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public. One or two people are guilty. Su Hang can also be punished directly. But if everyone is guilty, this punishment must be weighed.


Everyone had never imagined that their master would suddenly appear here, knowing that the three-family coalition forces, such as Wanshou, were three million. Pangu's unified.

Now, the emergence of Su Hang completely breaks this situation. The leaders are all Su Hang's disciples. Master, who came forward to suppress it, how many people dare to move?

At night, in the camp.

Su Hang sits on the throne, and more than 30 disciples stand under the tent. One by one, the kind of natural majesty exuded from Su Hang makes them have to fear. Many of them are It was later learned that Su Hang returned and arrived in the afternoon.

"How many less?" Su Hang asked.

Dijiang is the eldest brother and immediately said, "Return to Master Zun, thirty-nine brothers and sisters, thirty-six are here, and there are still three of them. The younger brother Ju Mang is in the Mu nationality, and the younger sister Hou Tu. I've sent someone to invite, I believe it will come soon, as for the younger brother..."

Speaking of which, Di Jiangzui paused.

At this time, Caizi continued, "Brother Brother Lusheng went to meet the heavenly bombers, and I believe that he would come back soon."

Speak carefully, for fear that something went wrong.

Su Hang nodded You don’t have to be so nervous. Since the teacher said that he will not be held accountable for the time being, he will not be held accountable for such crimes. What bombarded heavens are provoking on all sides, how much do you know about this bombarded heavenly people? "

"Master said very well, it's all blame for the bombardment of the heavenly man. If he were to confuse the devil, would I wait..."

"This person is clever in his words, his character is extremely inferior, and he is a master. If he is not this person, how can we wait for each other."


As soon as Su Hang got his head up, everyone immediately exploded and set fire directly to the bombarded heavenly man. As soon as the bombed heavenly man was not from the Pangu ethnic group, he was not present at the moment. One by one, he wanted to escape. Responsibility, haven't they dumped the pot?

The words were fierce, and each one was filled with righteous indignation, as if the bombardment of the heavenly man was really a sin and a terrible one.

"If it weren't for your desire, how could it be provoked?"

Su Hang said, everyone had nothing more to say, one after another ashamed. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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