Super Study God

Chapter 1336: Second place Okami!

At this time, Emperor Jiangdao said, "According to the disciples' knowledge, this bombed heavenly man came from under the gate of the Taihuang Mountain, and he was magical and unpredictable. I believe that Brother Zhuzi they should know more about this bombed heavenly man!"

Panzi was named, his body trembling, and he was busy dequeuing, facing the Su Fairway, "If you return to Master, this bombed heavenly man is a disciple of a mysterious expert in Taihuang Mountain, and this expert, According to what he said, he is a strong man in the heavenly realm, and he is unique in the world. That Taihuang Mountain, even the Nuwa Clan of the Huangshan Mountain, should be afraid of him very much, and the disciples under his door are even more outstanding. The skill of bombing the heavenly people is afraid. It's not waiting for me."

"Brother Brother Shou has been there for quite a while, and should be back soon. Master, please wait, you should be able to see the bomber in the sky tomorrow." Qiang Liangdao said.

At this time, Minzi seemed to think of something, and immediately said, "Yes, Master, along with the bombardment of heaven, there is also a woman, who is said to be his sister, now in the camp. Does the Master want to see, The disciples will then capture her."


Su Hang listened, paused, and then waved his hands at the pan, instructing him to go down and invite others.

Under the door of Taihuang Mountain, I would like to see what is sacred.

Mindful of his understanding, Panzi immediately retreated with Qiangliang, and he was obviously going to get people.


Night, cool, this ancient world, a little bit more barbaric, a little bit more crisis, in addition, everything seems better than the future.

To the east, the edge of hundreds of millions of mountains comes out, and the golden light flashes in the sky. Nine golden long dragons dragged a huge sedan, swept out of the deep mountains, and went straight to the west.

The sound of Longyin shook Shino all trembling, which was really majestic.

Among the dragons, the four people sat opposite each other, and they were staggered.

"This time we have two seniors to help out, and the big event can be expected, come, and receive a cup of respect for the two great gods first."

The person speaking was a middle-aged man in a golden robe and a graceful and elegant man. The anger of Jin Ge was inadvertently revealed, and his momentum was quite compelling.

But the two men sitting opposite him, despite their thin appearance and weak posture, were not affected at all by the shocking momentum of this middle-aged man, still talking and laughing.

The two picked up the wine glasses, and one on the right smiled lightly, "The chief patriarch of the village received a heavy speech. Although our two brothers and sisters practiced in the mountains all the year round, they also listened to Master Zun's guidance on the world. There are many ethnic groups, and the human race has risen. The Pangu clan is the first in the world. Among the many clan of the Pangu clan, the master said that he most admired him.

"Oh?" When he heard it, his eyes lit up for a moment, "Really said what Master Zun said?"

The harvest was a little excited. The two masters, but the existence of the Heavenly Dao Realm, can be proud of such an existence. What an honour.

A person on the left laughed, "That's natural. How can I talk nonsense and say something unpleasant? Today's Pangu's is already scattered sand, and can enter the eyes of the family, except for you, the patriarch, That's the Emperor Jiang's."

Hearing this, Kuang Shou was obviously tense, and it seemed that he was anxious to know, who he and Dijiang had in the eyes of Taihuangshan, who had more weight.

The man went on, "Master said, but unfortunately the character of Emperor Jiang is too kind. Such a person has less impetus to separate the territory and expand the land. The Patriarch Patriarch is different. If Pangu is in your hands, It will surely become more magnificent, and because of this, the Master will allow me to wait for the Brother Tian to go down the mountain and help the Patriarch to help."

When I heard it, I was overjoyed, "Respecting the teacher is really great wisdom, and the great sage. I won’t disappoint his old man. I have two great gods to help me. I will definitely put an end to the emperor Jiang’s coalition. It's a unified world."

"Hahaha, it's really good to take the patriarch." The two laughed.

"Hey, hello, patriarch, two brothers, you have a good chat, but you have forgotten me?" At this time, a quiet voice came from the side.

But it was a fat man sitting next to Kuang Shou. He was tall and tall, but he looked like he was in his twenties, but his appearance was not complimentable.

Fat face, big ears, thick nose and small eyes, smiled eyes are smaller, just a look, you can feel a bit treacherous, as the saying goes, a face of adultery, I am afraid that is the case.

"Oh? Hahaha..." Suddenly heard it, and after a short pause, he laughed, "Yes, yes, and there is also a bombardment of heavenly people, how can I forget the Master, you, come, drink, drink ......"


After the talk, several people laughed and picked up the wine glasses to drink with each other. The atmosphere was really unspeakable harmony.

Drinking wine and holding back the laughter, the humane on the left said, "Yes, Brother Tian, ​​the younger sister followed you down the mountain. Why didn't you return this time?"

As soon as these words came out, the person on the right also took a smile and looked at the heavenly man.

That said, "The two brothers didn't know. She didn't go down the mountain, she didn't see the world. After going down the mountain, she felt that everything was fine. I ran a few times. I finally found her back. I wanted to take her back to Taihuang Mountain, but she refused to live or die. There was no way. I had to leave her in the army. This time it was better. With the help of two brothers, she would not dare to be naughty. ."

Speaking of this little sister, the two brothers in front of them couldn't help smiling a little smile on their faces.

There are countless people who know him. Naturally, at a glance, he can see that he is a little bit strange.

The celestial **** laughed jokingly, "You don't know the patriarch, the two brothers Lin Lei and Lin Feng, and my little sister and sister are green plums and horses, and they love her very much. It is very蓐听Now, an expression that was only a moment away now, "So it turns out, the so-called hero loves beauty, and the girl in the red cloud is a real beauty, and the two great gods must also be true heroes. "

They preached and said that the two were blushing a little shyly.

Suddenly looked at each other and bombarded the heavenly gods, and smiled secretly in his heart. Can there be fewer beauties under the mountain? As long as you can do what you want, are you afraid that these two people will not use it for yourself?


The Jiulong of Jiulong paddled the night sky, and laughter came from the sky from time to time. The four people in the sedan were looking forward to a beautiful future at the moment, which was really beautiful.


When drunk and confused, the heavenly man inadvertently glanced out of the sedan chair, and a meteor flew from the night sky.


The heavenly man paused for a moment, pinched his fingers, and his face was a little shocked, and most of them woke up with a drink. r

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