Super Study God

Chapter 1340: Is this a threat?

Everyone looked at this scene unexpectedly and had no idea what the two men were doing.

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently, taking care of himself, and sat down on a stool next to him, with a very graceful gesture.

"For me, the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what the name is, but if you call me Xiaoxuan, I will still be very moved!" Lin Xuan said.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "No, you are not Xiaoxuan, Xiaoxuan is innocent and innocent, not like you!"

Lin Xuan smiled, "How is it like me? Isn't it naive and pure in Brother Su's heart?"

Brother Su's cry was a bit ironic. However, after listening to Dijiang and others, he actually took a breath of breath. This one actually wants to become his own master, so is this his master... …

Everyone was a little bit upset. It turned out to be an acquaintance. Some of the worries were gone, and the waist could be straightened!

"Innocent and pure?"

Su Hang listened, and was a little bit crying and laughing. At this time, it was already completely certain that the Lin Xuan in front of him was his younger brother Lin Xiaoxuan.

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently, "I haven't seen you for more than 30,000 years, I can't think of it, I can meet you again here again, and I still live so healthy, I am very relieved!"

In this remark, Suhang felt a bit wrong when he heard it.

"Aren't you?" Su Hang also smiled indifferently, "I didn't recognize you at that time, it was my eyes, if I wanted to break my head, I couldn't think of it, would it be you?"

Lin Xuan looked at Su Hang, "I want to come now, I regret it, right? If you wanted to kill me at that time, I was afraid that I was really no match for you!"

Lin Xuan's words are really not a lie. After he was rebuilt in that year, although he had reached the terrifying Heavenly Realm Realm, he was not easy to estimate the strength of the Soviet Air, so he would flicker the heavenly Realm peak. To tempt.

Facts have proved that his temptation was correct, as strong as Dao Jie, but he could not resist Su Hang's move. At that time, he was not much stronger than Dao Jie and his followers. If he had rushed to Su Hang, It can be said that there are really many evils.

"Oh, such a thing, it can be said from your mouth, it is really strange!" Su Hang heard this, and couldn't help laughing. The magnificent road, the master of this world, had feared himself. "You today If you can show up here, you must have a certain degree of victory?"

After listening to Su Hang's words, the hearts of all the disciples such as Di Jiang became tight again. What does that mean? Is it true that the relationship between Master and this person is not harmonious?

At this time, Lin Xuan smiled and said, "I came here today, not to fight with you!"

"Oh?" Su Hang paused. "What are you doing here? Will you just chat with me to find me?"

Lin Xuan paused, pointing to the Sky Monster bottle at the hand of Su Hang. Haihan, hand them over to me. After I take them back to Taihuang Mountain, I will definitely discipline them!"

Just for this matter?

Su Hang didn't believe it and was surprised. With the respect of his avenue, he deliberately ran this trip in order to return his two disciples?

Su Hang hesitated and said, "Other things are easy to say, but this matter, I can't answer you!"

Beside, the eyes of Hongyun's eyes were already wide open, and they were all filled with fright. What on earth did this person exist, so that his master should be so low-profile.

Moreover, his master, was actually rejected by him!

However, Hongyun is only surprised now. He dare not say more, and dare not blame Su Hang as before.

"Oh? Why?" Lin Xuan looked at Su Hang lightly.

Su Hangdao, "It would be a scourge to keep these two people. If they die, they can live a lot of people!"

Su Hang is very clear that these two in the bottle are the two plague gods of the later generations. When Pangu II, these two men cultivated to the level of Heavenly Venerable Realm, which will bring great disaster to the heaven and earth creatures.

Although there is no contradiction between Su Hang and later generations, and these two people seem to have learned well in later generations, they are absolutely certain that they caused a huge disaster.

So, since the two of them fell into their own hands, Suhang will certainly not easily let them go. If they can, before they do not grow up, strangle them to the bud, but a great merit!

At this time, he listened to Lin Xuan Road, "However, you should also know that if the two of them die today, I am afraid that many people will die!"

The tone was faint, and his face was even smiling, but almost everyone in the room felt a chill.


Is he threatening? Threatening that if he did not let go of his two apprentices, he would kill everyone present? Even more people?

Su Hang frowned and secretly weighed his mind. The Lin Xuan in front of him, but the body of the road, although it was only restored to the heavenly realm, it is definitely not comparable to the ordinary heavenly realm.

What's more, he hasn't even reached Tianzun Realm yet. With the power of counterattack, he might be able to hurt him, but he might not want to hurt himself.

He dared to come here today, enough to see that he was somewhat confident and confident, but he was able to sit down and talk to himself, and it was enough to prove that he did not have complete confidence to get himself.

"More than 30,000 years ago, in Shaoyu City, I don't know if you can remember your elder brother?" At this time, Lin Xuan spoke again.

Su Hang nodded Of course I remember, in the restaurant, you killed the young son Yu Shao! "

"Rare brother, you still remember, unfortunately, there is no Shaoyu City now, oh no, it should be said that as early as 30,000 years ago, after you left, Big Brother, there will be no Shaoyu City anymore!" , Lin Xuan said something inexplicable.

Su Hang listened, and his brows twisted into one. The meaning in this statement could not be more obvious. He was clearly telling Su Hang that more than 30,000 years ago, the Shaoyu tribe caused him, and he will Shaoyu Shi's destroyed the city.

Again, this is a threat.

After pondering for a while, Su Hang asked, "Taihuang Mountain was originally a retreat of Tianjizi, but now it is occupied by you. What about Tianjizi? But you are also hurt?"

At that time, when Tian Jizi left Chaos Mountain, Su Hang felt that he was too fierce. When he talked about it today, he asked.

"Heavenly machine?" Lin Xuan smiled. "Why did Brother think of me so badly? The old guy was afraid of something and ordered him to do nothing. I didn't have any interest in killing him, just cut it off. He took his immortal bones, smoked his immortal muscles, and fined him to practice in Taihuangshan's room!"

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