Super Study God

Chapter 1341: 1 life for 1 life!

The expression on Su Hang's face was black. What sins could Tianjizi have? It was so cruel. He was the first in the world, and he became a gang of fellows. This is probably more cruel than killing him directly?

"Actually, he doesn't know how happy he is now. Although the cultivation is gone, at least I promised him longevity. There is no wind and waves on Taihuang Mountain, and there is no fighting. He doesn't know how much he likes the present. Day!" At this time, Lin Xuan said again.

When he finished, he looked at Su Hang, "Here is the truth, can the elder brother give my two inferiors to the younger brother?"

With so much forehead in front, I was actually telling Su Hang that I’m not the one to provoke. If you don’t let people go, I can’t guarantee what you can do!

Su Hang was also hesitant. The person in front of him was always shocked by the flash of light and flint in his mind. He was regarded as the ultimate opponent's supreme avenue. His current reliance is only the counterattack ability given to him by the system.

Whether this ability can be done or not, he also said that if there is a conflict for those two people, with Lin Xuan's heart, more than 30,000 years ago, they could kill people and destroy the city in one thought. Crazier.

Lin Xuan was so determined that he wanted these two people. It was unwise to start a conflict at this time. Su Hang carefully weighed his mind.

The atmosphere in the tent was almost frozen, and the strangeness reached the limit. Di Jiang and others also saw it. This person is indeed a bad comer. This situation is afraid of being triggered. Once this level of fighting is fought, I am afraid that these people will have It became cannon fodder.

Although they don't know how much energy their master has, and how high the realm is, but now, he has put him at the same height as this Lin Xuan.

For a long time, Su Hang's clenched fist was loosened, and there was a smile on his face, "Well, the person you want, I give you, but..."

Speaking of which, Su Hang paused.

"But nothing, elder brother though." Lin Xuan said directly, he seems to have expected that Su Hang will not be so easy to compromise, and will definitely talk to him about the conditions.

Su Hang closed his smile and pointed his finger to the red clouds and Wang fried next to Lin Xuan, "One life for one life, you have to save your two disciples. Yes, but you have to use the other two disciples to change. You can take it away, but you have to leave them both!"


The celestial bomber sat on the ground, like a toad, and saw Su Hang pointing at himself. When he said something like this, the whole person was stupid and couldn't say a word.

"Master, how can this be?" Hongyun was also shocked, a little unbelievable, this person dared to make such a request to his master.

She believed that her master would certainly not agree to such rude requests.


Di Jiang and others took a breath of gas. This was to make the conflict even bigger. They thought that the Soviet Union would just drop the donkey and return the person. It would be fine. A rude request.

Want two disciples, change two disciples, what is this? Anyone who has changed will not agree, where does this leave her face?

At this moment, Su Hang and Lin Xuan faced each other, and did not know how many times they had confronted each other.

"Okay, I promise you!"

The words stirred up a thousand waves, Lin Xuan said a word, everyone froze for three seconds, and then completely froze.

Everyone looked at Lin Xuan in disbelief, especially the Heavenly Man and Hongyun, and they couldn't believe their ears.

Exploding the heavenly man was like being hit by a huge blow, his mouth wide open, and his tight body suddenly loosened, as if he had accepted his fate, he dared not say a word.

"Master, you..." Hongyun looked at Lin Xuan and was speechless for a long time. How could Master promise him? In Master’s mind, are you and Brother Biantian not comparable to Fenglei and the two brothers?

Master must be joking, yes, it must be so. How could Master compromise with this person? This is not scientific at all.

Watch it, the ending will definitely be reversed. Master must be angered now, and it will definitely erupt immediately.

Hongyun thought so, and his thoughts became more and more firm. After all, which child would believe that his parents would abandon himself?

Unfortunately, the result of the matter seemed to far exceed Hong Yun's imagination. Soon, the cruel fact shattered her beautiful wish.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, Lin Xuan would agree so readily, which made him a little surprised.

Without saying a word, the mouth of the demon bottle slanted, and the two figures rolled out instantly.

It was the two brothers Lin Feng and Lin Lei, who were all scorched black, as if they had been roasted by fire, both of them had fallen into a coma, but obviously still alive.

In the demon bottle, there are three disasters in the morning, noon and night, and the Su Hang intentionally killed them. The day they had just been in the bottle will naturally not be better.

Lin Xuan was also quiet, and with a big sleeve wave, he caught Lin Feng and Lin Lei in his hand and turned directly to go.

"I have another question to ask you!" At this time, Su Hang stopped him.

Lin Xuan looked back to Suhang.

Su Hang took a deep breath, "Are you still Xiaoxuan?"

Lin Xuan paused, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Is this important?"

"Of course it is very important. You still owe a lot of people an explanation. Do you know how many people shed tears for you after you leave?" Su Hang said it was very uncomfortable.

Lin Xuan hesitated and said, "You should be very clear, why am I going, I have not let anyone down, nor sorry anyone, what I have experienced is not what you can know now..."

Su Hang heard the took a deep breath and only felt that Lin Xuan still had something to say.

"Then tell me, are you Xiaoxuan?" Su Hang asked.

"You think so, then it should be!" Lin Xuan said indifferently, apparently did not want to answer the question of Su Hang directly.

Su Hang sighed in his heart and said, "Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that some people have asked me before, let me and you make a big deal and a little thing, I originally refused, but now, if you tell me, You are Xiaoxuan, and you can call me Big Brother, I accept..."

At this moment, this is the heartfelt remarks of Su Hang. Previously, he did not know that the avenue was Lin Xiaoxuan, let alone Lin Xiaoxuan is now Lin Xuan, so he directly rejected Yin Yu'er's kindness, but now, everything is clear, and Su Hang is happy He is peaceful.

In the final analysis, there is still a bit of love between the two. Now that they are able to face each other, if they can make peace, there will be no more things in the future.

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