Super Study God

Chapter 1377: Happy friends!

That chanting sound, every corner of the whole existence, Su Hang, they are strong, ears and ears, as long as you have the heart, you can clearly hear a needle ten miles away on the ground.

The sound, which appeared exceptionally abrupt in this silent night, did not need to be probed by consciousness at all, and he could hear clearly what it was.

"Why? Restless?" Su Hang looked at Xue Qi amusedly.

Xue Qi returned his eyes and walked to the side of Su Hang. He sat down on the stone and said, "I'm so angry. I'm still holy in this village. I can't think of such a nest, just that old patriarch, what kind of cedar nuts, There are nine wives in the special code. Are you willing to believe it? Do you really doubt that his old arms and legs can be shaken?"

"Are you envious? Or jealous?" Su Hangdao said.

"I will be jealous of him?" Xue Qi's voice raised a decibel and pointed at his nose. "Hang Brother, do you think I will be jealous of him? He is a bad old man,

What is it that makes me jealous? "

Su Hang smiled, "That's not necessarily, you're much older than him in terms of age, and you still call others bad old men. Others have nine wives, do you have them?"

"I..." Xue Qi sagged for a while, and then said, "I am called pure-hearted, unlike the old man, who behaves in the daytime, but does everything at night."

"Others haven't committed adultery, what's the problem with you?" Su Hang smiled bitterly. "There is no entertainment in this mountain. At night, every family is closed and closed. Let's go to bed, it's too early, you Someone has to find someone to have some fun? Besides, you don’t know rabbits, you know some creatures, they are very hungry, it’s instinct, it seems that you didn’t take it seriously. After class."


Xue Qi was dripping with sweat and couldn't think of his vomiting. In the end, he was preached by Su Hang.

"Look at people's red clouds, why is it not like you?" At this time, Su Hang patted and patted the stone next to him. "Sitting down, the two of us haven't seriously talked about it for a long time."

"Who is the two of you?"

Xue Qi gave a glance to Su Hang, but he still sat next to Su Hang. It was a long time for Su Hang. For him, it was even longer. For tens of thousands of years, I never expected to have a chance to reunite with Su Hang. Xue Qi naturally has countless words to talk about.


In this way, the two big men, under the sky, in the village of the temptation of temptations, suppressing the share of the heart, chatting about the past.

After a difficult night, it was so slow to pass, mostly Xue Qi was talking about Su Hang listening. This kid seemed to wish to tell Su Hang about all his own experiences over the past tens of thousands of years.

Unconsciously, early in the morning, the sun shone into the mountains, coating the entire Cangshan with a golden layer, which looked like a giant fried chicken, which was very tempting.

Last night, the sound of artillery fire in the village continued one after another. It lasted for a long time until it was almost dawn, before it was able to stop. It is really impossible to understand how these mountain spirits and wild monsters have such good energy.

It was dawn, and the fresh mountain air still had a somewhat ambiguous hormonal breath.

The two chatted for a night, a little sleepy, and prepared to return to the house for a while. At this time, the door of the side yard opened, and the red cloud came out carefully with a copper basin.

When he saw Su Hang and Xue Qi, Hongyun also had some surprises, "Master, did you get up so early?"

Su Hang smiled,

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay." Hongyun smiled embarrassingly, his face flushed a little, and he was going out of the courtyard with the basin in his hand.

Seeing her look, it was really weird to sleep well last night. With her ears, how could you not hear those sounds? Since you hear the sounds, most of them will be curious. For a normal person, he will definitely use God If you want to find out what you will see, you can think of what you will see.

It's hard for this girl too. I was afraid that I would be restless all night last night?

After all, it's a woman and a junior, so Su Hang can't make jokes like Xue Qi.

"Yo, it's very sensible today. Waking up early in the morning, you all know to wash your uncle's face?"

Xue Qi saw Hongyun coming here carrying the basin, and his body appeared in front of Hongyun in a flash, and the copper basin in Hongyun's hand fell on his hand.

Xue Qi smiled, "Thank you so much, Red Cloud Girl, I haven't slept this night, and I want to wash my face away from sleep, this basin of wash water, I will enjoy it first, and you will give your teacher one more Go for a new one."

This kid is a little bit uncomfortable with Hongyun, and intends to rectify her embarrassment.

"Eh, you, you, why are you guys robbing everything?" The red cloud panicked, and hurried to Xue Qi, trying to grab the copper basin from Xue Qi.

However, Xue Qi was a little stronger than her, and she was prepared early. Where could Hongyun be snatched back again, only moved in one footstep, and had already entered her own room door, and closed the door directly.

"Hey, you are a wonderful flower..." Hongyun stomped silently, almost scolding.

"Oh, lying trough, what kind of stuff is this?

Suddenly, a loud cry came from Xue Qi's room. Then, the door opened and Xue Qi rushed out with the basin in his hand.

His face was wet, obviously he had just washed his face in a hurry, but at this time Xue Qi's face was extremely spicy, and he could not see the extreme expression. Standing in front of the stage, even the facial features were twisted.


As soon as Hongyun looked at it, he couldn't help but smiled, pointing at Xue Qi, with a trembling smile, and leaning forward and back, "You, you fool, that's the night fragrance of this girl."


Su Hang heard Hongyun's words, and almost didn't get choked. He cast two sympathetic glances at Xue Qi.


Xue Qi was like being struck by The whole person was stunned, until the basin in his hand fell on the ground with a loud sound, and the water in the basin spilled a foot.

"You, did you take Yexiang to wash your uncle's face?" Xue Qi couldn't believe Hongyun.

"Who said." Hongyun finally stopped the laughter. "I got up early in the morning and poured Yexiang. I didn't expect to be robbed by you stupid guy. What's not good, robbing this thing, you are a big pervert. "


Xue Qi collapsed, "You are a bad woman, I will kill you!"

Anxious Xue Qi, the whole person jumped like thunder, and chased toward Hongyun violently. The angry expression really wished this woman could be torn apart.

"Yeah, Uncle saves life."

Upon seeing this, Hongyun yelled and hurriedly turned away to escape. This was not her fear of Xue Qi. The key was the night fragrance of this guy. Hongyun was afraid of being stained by him.

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