Super Study God

Chapter 1378: The wolf king is here!

One chased, one escaped, and the flying chickens in the yard jumped.

Su Hang shook his head rather dumbly. This is really a pair of best.

He is more and more affirmed that Hongyun will stir up with Xue Qi in the future. The so-called happy friends, perhaps this is the case.


"The Snow Rabbit family, the wolf king is here, and he hasn't come out to kneel?"

Su Hang was about to return to the house. At this time, there was a deep drink in the air, just like a thunderstorm, and the whole valley was shaking.


Su Hang frowned and looked up, only to see a cloud of black drifting rapidly towards the direction of the mountain village.

Footsteps are everywhere, and all the demon in the village are alarmed,

Many people hurriedly gathered towards the entrance of the village, obviously something was wrong.



The entrance of Yingxue Village.

The old village chief, Xue Songzi, was a little sleepy and sleepy. Apparently he was just awakened from a beautiful dream, surrounded by a lot of people, and he was very anxious looking at the dark cloud that was drifting near.

The black cloud hovered in midair, and above the cloud, several figures appeared, but a few giant wolves.

He was the first one, covered with black, like a giant tiger, covered with black air, his back and wings, and his fangs appeared, his eyes were fiercely twisted, and he looked majestic.

"Ah? It turned out that it was King Mo Wolf who arrived, and the old cedar tree was really far away." The cedar tree was startled and quickly bowed.

I saw that the giant wolf transformed, covered with black mans, and then turned into a werewolf strong man with blue fangs.

This person is no one else, it is the leader of the wolf clan, the wolf king Mohan, the peak of the little demon king realm, but it is a little stronger than the cedar son. No wonder the cedar son will be like this.

Mo Han lowered his eyebrows and looked down at the cedar nuts. His face was cold. "I disturb the grandfather of rabbits. The gossip is elegant. Momou came here today. In the name of the dog king, he came to the snow rabbit family to give orders. ."

"Oh? Dog King?" Upon hearing the name, Xue Songzi was startled, looked up at Mo Han, and asked cautiously, "I don't know what the dog king asked?"

Mo Han looked proud and completely a realistic version of the minion. He first arched his hand toward the side of the mountain, and then said, "The dog king has orders, and the Snow Rabbit tribe will immediately offer twenty young and beautiful female demon. This king should be taken back to Wukou Mountain without error."


The cedar son's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was already a mess underneath.

"Why? You won't?" Mo Hanju was condescending, his voice chilling even more.

Xue Songzi frowned lightly, "Dare to ask the Wolf King, my Snow Rabbit family has no entanglement with the major forces in the grassland. Why did the Dog King suddenly let the Wolf King come to me to be a person here?"

"Well, how can you ask the dog king?" Mo Han drunk sharply, his eyes widening.

Cedar son was obviously very scared when he heard the name of the dog king, and now he said carefully, "Wolf King, we welcome Xuexue Village, there are just a few people, and we can't give so many young women at once. You should also know that my Snow Rabbit family has rules, and women cannot marry..."

"It's not a marriage, it's a delivery." Mo Han's eyes were a bit ruthless, arrogant and arrogant, "The dog king said, if your grandfather refuses to turn in the woman, it will do.

By handing over the Immortal Order, you can avoid all kinds of misfortunes. "

Ascending order?

Cedarson frowned, and immediately looked at Mo Han doubtfully, "What is the Immortal Order? Wolf King, what are you talking about?"

"Hehe." Mo Feng laughed, "Don't stop pretending, Lord Rabbit, a celestial order is left on the ancestors of your Snow Rabbit family, which you think is confidential, but the dog king already knew that today, before you, Yes, there are three choices. First, immediately hand over 20 young and beautiful women, second, hand over the Immortal Order, and third, if you don’t choose the first two, wait for me to go back and tell the dog king, the dog king will Coming in person, annihilating your Snow Rabbit family."


All the demon in the village were shocked and discolored when they heard these words, and the cedar nuts were shocked.

These three choices made cedar nuts extremely embarrassed. Over the years, they have been very good. How can they be suddenly targeted by the jackal family.

This jackal family is a robber on the grassland. They are evil by nature, just like a rogue. Once they are stared at, the character of the jackal family will not achieve their goals and will never stop.

It has been peaceful for so many years, and today, it seems that the hare of the Snow Rabbit family is coming.

"There is no time to think about it, Lord Rabbit, this green grassland, no one dares to be an enemy of the dog king. You can’t, I can’t. Even the sheep and cows have to weigh. When the dog king comes, it’s not like it. This king is so good to talk."

Mo Hanju was condescending and looked indifferently at the rabbit family below. His eyes seemed to be looking at a group of ants. In his eyes, these people seemed to be a dish ready to be enjoyed at any time.

The Snow Rabbit family can not give him a face, but this time he was ordered by the dog king. The survival of the Snow Rabbit family is all in his mind. This feeling of controlling the life and death of the family really makes him. So obsessed.

"Who is acting here?"

However, at this moment, there was a loud drink in the sky, and immediately, Mo Han felt an inexplicable threat, and quickly looked up, and there was only one big foot approaching his eyes.


There was a loud noise.

Mo Han screamed and fell directly from the cloud. He fell to the ground with a loud bang.

With the face on the ground first, half of the body was planted in the soil, leaving only two legs exposed on the ground.

"Boom Boom..."

The remaining black wolves also fell quickly, kicked off from the cloud, and fell heavily in front of the village. They didn't even scream, but I was afraid that they would die.

Everything happened so quickly and suddenly, everyone looked at this scene in Then I looked up and saw a pair of young men and women, slowly falling into the sky, one red and one white, Like a pair of people.

Isn't that the two guests who came from the village yesterday?

Many people recognized it. The two people who appeared suddenly were really the two guests who just came to the village yesterday. The village head Lord Tu'er said they were demon gods. Is the demon **** so strong? Turned the Wolf King on one foot?


Hongyun stood next to Xue Qi, looking at Xue Qi's dragging look, couldn't help but flicked his lips, think about this guy, he had just washed his face with Yexiang, it was really stupid.

However, this guy is pretty cute.

"Ah? Two demon gods, this, this..."

After recovering, Xue Songzi was obviously terrified. The two actually killed the Wolf King. Although they were very popular, the Wolf King was behind the Dog King!

"Don't thank me, just a few miscellaneous fish." Xue Qi flicked the hair in front of his forehead. It was very elegant, but there was a little taste in the elegant.

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