Super Study God

Chapter 1382: The monument in the lake!

Xue Songzi quickly said, "Return to the demon god's words, this rising order, indeed there is this thing in my family, but it is handed down from generation to generation by our ancestors. Our generation guards it from generation to generation, which is regarded as an inherited thing."

Speaking of which, the cedar son paused and said to Su Hang and others, "Senior demon gods, please come with the old deceased, the old deceased take you to see..."

Su Hang and others glanced at each other. The cedar nuts were really honest. They just asked curiously, and they took the initiative to take them to see.

It was also curious to say that Su Hang nodded, and a group of people followed the cedar nuts and left the family house. Under the leadership of the cedar nuts, they walked directly to the lake by the village.

When he came to the lake, the cedar nuts stopped. The lake was really big and beautiful enough. The wind blew through and rippled on the lake.

"Grandpa Rabbit, didn't you take us to see Shengxianling? Why did you come by the lake." Little Grey Grey Mohan said beside him.

Xue Songzi sighed and looked at the broad lake surface, "My Snow Rabbit family lives by the lake for generations, and the ancestors have not left us any legacy. These eighteen miles of lake is our life."

"Don't make those useless." Xue Qi wanted to kick this old thing into the lake.

The cedars accosted and quickly said, "The so-called Shengxian Order is actually at the bottom of the Shili Lake."

"Say what you said earlier." Xue Qi rolled his eyes and said to Mo Han, "Little gray, go down to the bottom of the lake, and pick up the rising fairy order, let me and your uncle take a good look."


Mo Han responded and asked a fierce man to plunge into the lake.

At this time, the cedar son said, "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, the old can let it out."

At this time, not only Xue Qi, but even Mo Han wanted to kick this old guy into the lake.

I saw that Cedarwood came to the far side of Shili Lake, stretched out a finger, and gently made a cut in the palm of his right hand.

Blood ran out of the palm of his mouth, and the cedar nut stretched his right hand forward, and a few drops of blood slipped from his hand.

Tick, tick.

The blood fell on the surface of the lake, only a small circle of ripples swelled, and soon disappeared.

Everyone stared at the lake, and with just a few drops of blood, what could be done?

"Wow la la..."

When the cedar nuts withdrew their hands, the lake suddenly shook, as if there was a barbarian coming out of the bottom of the lake.

From the middle of Shibali Lake, a series of ripples oscillated towards the four directions, forming waves rapidly, one wave higher than the other, and the movement was terrifying.

At this moment, everyone's eyes gathered in the middle of the lake, and a sharp object slowly separated the water from the lake and burst up from the middle of the lake.

The thing was getting higher and higher, and Su Hang and others could not help but be surprised. After a few minutes, the lake slowly calmed down. Looking at the middle of the lake, there was already a huge stone monument almost as high as the surrounding Cangshan.

Standing tall and magnificently magnificent, it almost cut the entire Shili Lake in half, plus the part immersed in the lake, this stone monument really does not know how tall and how big.

This is a bluestone stele with a giant character engraved on it, which is the word "sen" in Taikoo.

The vicissitudes of ancient times and the invisible coercion made everybody speechless. I never imagined that there was such a presence at the bottom of the Shili Lake.

"Grandpa Rabbit, would you tell me, this is what the Immortals Order?"

For a long time, Xue Qicai said first, but he, like Mo Han, called up the rabbit.

Xuesongzi looked back and smiled awkwardly, "Senior Demon God said it well, this is the Shengxianling guarded by my family."

"What a joke?"

Xue Qi didn't believe it. "Should the Immortal Order be a token? This is clearly a stone tablet, and it's such a big stone tablet."

Xue Songzi smiled bitterly, "This is indeed the Ascension Order. The ancestor said that this Ascension Order is the key to open the door of time and space. With it, it can break the void and land on a place called the Immortal Realm. It is said to live there. With some powerful monks called immortals..."

"You said, the fairyland?"

Hearing the cedar nuts, Su Hang froze in his heart, as if he thought of something.

Xuesongzi nodded and said quickly, "This celestial order was left by my clan's ancestors. According to the records of my clan, the ancestors used to be the favorite of a superpower in the fairyland. Later, I don’t know what the reason was because of this. The super powerhouse left this ancestral ancestral order to the fairyland."

"The ancestors sealed this order at the bottom of the lake before he died. Only the blood of the Snow Rabbit family can unblock it, but since the ancestors, no descendants can crack the secret of this order. You have also seen, This makes it huge, heavy and unmatched, no one can shake it..."


At this time, Hongyun suddenly faced Su Hangdao, "Master Uncle, what he said is the fairyland, shouldn't it be the Kunlun Realm you are looking for?"

Listening to Xue Songzi, Hongyun couldn't help but think of the Kunlun God Realm that Su Hang had been looking for before, and intuitively told her that there was no connection between the two.


Su Hang was undecided, and looked up at the huge stone tablet in the middle of the lake. If it was really related to the Kunlun God Realm, it was really nowhere to be found.

At this time, Xue Qi patted the cedar nuts on the shoulders, "Old man, no wonder you are so generous, willing to show us this This thing is so great, even if it is here, it is not afraid of anyone I can grab it."

Xue Songzi smiled embarrassedly, "Although my Snow Rabbit family guards here for generations, this rising immortal actually doesn't need us to guard at all. After so many years, there have been many covets and want to find the fairy through it. To gain more power, but it’s a pity that no one can take it away. Later, it slowly stopped, and I don’t know where the dog king heard this news, alas..."

Beside, Su Hang is also somewhat speechless, a stone tablet, a legend that does not know whether it really exists, placed in this world, just like an unknown treasure, it is indeed very attractive, but the most painful in the world The thing is that the treasure is clearly in front of you, but you simply don't have the ability to take it away.

"I'll try."

The voice of Hongyun came beside him. Without saying a word, Hongyun had already emptied, and instantly came to the top of the huge stone monument. With his hands protruding, he turned out a pair of giant claws that covered the sky, and directly grabbed the stone monument.


Hongyun sipped, trying to pull the stele out of the lake. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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