Super Study God

Chapter 1383: Borrow 1 to use!

However, the reality seems to be a little bit different. Hongyun soon discovered that even if she exerted the strength of the whole body, it was difficult to shake the stone monument. The stone monument seemed to grow together with the earth, no matter how much she used The strength is still.

"Yo, what? No?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, but it was Xue Qi. As soon as Hongyun looked up, he saw the nasty face of Dang Er Lang.

"Not yet to help!" Hongyun tweeted him.

Xue Qi shrugged his shoulders and didn't care about Hongyun. He reached out with his right hand and shot a tree vine in the palm of his hand, quickly entangled the huge stone monument. Red Cloud also reapplyed the old technique, and the two of them worked together to pull the stone monument out.


"Brother Hang, this stele is weird. I can't use it. Let's go check it out!"

After a while, Xue Qi and Hong Yun both came back and said to Su Hangdao a little disappointedly. Even though the two of them worked together, it was difficult to shake the stone tablet. Even the lake water was not enough to see how the stone tablet was. Heavy.

Right now, it is only the Suhang.

Su Hang nodded slightly, "This stone monument is sealed by rules. You are so hard to shake it with brute force!"

"Rules? What rules?" When the two heard it, they were all intrigued. On this stone tablet, there are rules still sealed?

"The rule of power!" Su Hang said, "It is a kind of power rule, do you know what is the reaction force? When you are close to it, you are already one with it, how much power do you use, the stele gives You have as much power as if you grabbed your hand and wanted to lift yourself up..."

"So it turns out!"

The two of Xue Qi suddenly realized that it was the same reason, and it was really difficult for them to be there for the nine cattle and two tigers, and they were all useless. If it was not for Su Hang to wake up, they were afraid that it would be difficult to shake it for a lifetime. Block stone.

"Master, how can I get it out?" Hongyun asked Su Hang.

Su Hang smiled indifferently, "It's very simple, as long as you have the ability to break the rules, then all the rules can be like nothing in your eyes!"

After that, Su Hang took a paw in the air and grabbed the stone tablet.

A dark cloud quickly gathered above the lake, and a giant claw that covered the sky broke from the dark cloud and grabbed toward the stone tablet.

Following Su Hang's gesture, the giant claw quickly grabbed the huge stone tablet.


In the faint, everyone seemed to feel that something had suddenly broken open, and then a scene that made everyone open their mouths appeared.

Just now Xue Qi and Hong Yun could not shake the stone monument. At this moment, it actually moved. Just like a mahjong card, it was quickly pulled up by the giant hand from the lake.

The turbid waves rolled, and the stone tablet quickly showed its true body, and was caught in the air by the giant claw.

The lake water was mixed with mud and kept flowing down from the stone monument. Then, the stone monument shrank rapidly as it shrank, and the giant claw evolved by Su Hang disappeared quickly.

The stele quickly became smaller, and as if it was being pulled, it flew towards Su Hang. When it fell into Su Hang's hands, it was only three or five inches long, one or two inches wide, and narrow at the top and bottom, just like a token on the same side. .

Xue Qi and others could only look at this scene in amazement at the moment, and did not expect that Su Hang was so casual at first.

Su Hang put the token in his hand and turned to Hongyun, saying, "Don't look at the rules so strongly, all the rules have loopholes, it is impossible to be perfect, as long as you pay attention, you can find the loopholes in the rules, However, the best way is still strength. Use strength to break the rules, save time and not bother!"


The power to break the rules!

Both Hongyun and Xue Qi looked at Su Hang, and there were some ups and downs in their hearts, but it was easier said than done, harder to do, and the power to break the rules. What kind of power was that?

There is no doubt that Su Hang can say this, which proves that he certainly has this power, but, in terms of them, it is simply out of reach, at least in a short time, it is impossible to achieve.

The wolf king Mo Han has been shocked by the means and words of Su Hang. His uncle, who really exists as a demon god, this method can be used to heaven!

"Snow Chief!"

Su Hang didn't pay attention to everyone's eyes, but turned to Cedars and looked at it.

Xuesongzi then came back to him and hurriedly bowed and bowed, "What did the senior demon **** command?"

Su Hangyang raised the smaller stone tablet in Yang's hands, "Is this what you said about the Immortal Order?"

Cedarwood nodded quickly, "Yes, this is the thing!"

Su Hang nodded slightly, "So, can you lend me a few days to study!"


Cedarwood paused, and didn't know how to answer the call. This thing was inherited from other peoples. It was always at the bottom of the lake. Originally, he didn't think that Suhang could take it away, so he was bold. He led Su Hang and others to come, it was really unexpected, it would be like this.

He wants to say no, but does he dare? In front of me, all of them are big, and you can kill yourself with one hand!

"Grandpa Rabbit, my uncle asked you, don't you refuse?" Mo Han hesitated when he saw the cedar nuts, he immediately glared his eyes, and his fierce teeth were exposed!

The cedar nuts grunted under the gulp!

"Little gray, civilized Don't be scared!" Xue Qi said.

Although it seems to be warning Mo Han, it is more like warning of cedar nuts.

"Yes, father!" Mo Han shrunk his neck and turned to Cedar, said, "Grandpa Rabbit, we have some kind of friendship, you should know that this thing is in your hands, it is a disaster, it is better to pay Give me uncle, you know, the dog king is now staring at you, do you think you can escape? Dog king is not as good as my uncle to speak, not to mention, there are other groups."

Su Hang did not stop Mo Han's remarks. This thing may have something to do with Kunlun God Realm. He must definitely study it carefully. If this cedar nut is a wise man, he should know how to choose it.

Cedarwood obviously hesitated for a long time, he was very clear that his arms could not be screwed on his thighs, no matter what choice he made today, the result would not be shifted because of his will, things had already entered the hands of the strong man, he no longer has that ability To get it back, what he can do at most is to take this opportunity and ask for some benefits.

It took a while for the cedar to seem to have made the decision, "Senior wanted this celestial order, and old age should be given by both hands, but, just in case the dog king came to ask for it, the old age couldn't come up with anything, the Snow Rabbit family I'm afraid it's dangerous." To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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