Super Study God

Chapter 1387: Dare to be rude to this king!

rule? Has the talent of the jackal family reached the level of regulation?

"Drink!" The king of dogs growled, without a word, just grabbed it with a paw.

In an instant, Xue Qi felt horrified, as if being stared at the back door by something. Fortunately, he had been guarding for a long time, and blinked subconsciously.

A gust of wind passed by!


The sound of tearing clothes, standing more than ten meters away, Xue Qi only felt a cold back, touched his hand, the back of the pants had been ripped off a layer.

Luckily, Xue Qi froze, but fortunately he just hid fast enough, otherwise, I'm afraid I've been taken out of my **** by this guy now.


Xue Qi was furious, his pants were ripped, and he almost showed his broken heart. He had already seen Hongyun smiling, and he was a master anyway. How could he tolerate such a thing?

At the moment, Xue Qi shook his fist hard, and there was real fire. His steps moved lightly, flashing in front of the dog king like an electric light. He punched directly and fiercely and hit the door of the dog king.

This time, the dog king didn't seem to react at all, standing dumbly, watching Xue Qi's fist smashing, and his pupils contracting extremely quickly.

Perhaps he is still thinking, his talent and secret skills, has always been unfavorable, how could he miss it?


Xue Qi's punch was so strong that the dog king was like a shell, and the whole person flew out.

Straight into the cliff next to it, the trembling rocks rumbled and kept falling.

"Humph!" Xue Qi snorted, flew into the mountain wall, and quickly flew out again, holding the dying dog king in his hand, puffed, and threw it on the field like a dead dog.


All the dogs around, seeing this scene, they went crazy instantly, a group of crazy dogs, in order to save their king, no matter what, no organization, no discipline, instantaneously rushed to Suhang Xue Qi and others from all directions, then Posture is like a zombie out of the cage.

Even Xue Qi was taken aback by this posture. Imagine what kind of mood a person rushed towards himself in the face of thousands of evil dogs.

However, it was really just a surprise, and then a grin appeared on his face, "For many years of practicing the big dog stick method, it finally came in handy today!"

However, when he was preparing for a big fight, he suddenly discovered that everything around him was instantly still.

Some jackals leaped from the ground, the whole dog was stuck in the air, and some still retained the posture of running on the ground. The angry expressions were completely stuck on the face.

It was as if someone had pressed the pause button, everything was still, and there was still silence around them, even the slightest sound and the slightest air flow could not be felt.

"Stunned what to do, take the dog king and go!"

At this time, Su Hang's voice came from the side, and Xue Qi recovered, and everything around was still, but only a few of them were able to move freely.

Xue Qi quickly grabbed the dog king and followed Su Hang. Several people disappeared quickly.


It didn't take long for the time and space in the valley to finally return to normal. Those still pictures suddenly moved. The wild dogs rushed in from all directions to gather together, but the enemy disappeared instantly, so a wonderful head-on meeting was staged. The dog bites the dog.

That scene was really spectacular.

When the dogs awoke from the blood in their heads, where else was there, even their dog king was gone, and the valley quickly became a mess.



On the top of Wukou Mountain, the dog king was thrown to the ground by Xue Qi, "Brother Hang, you aren't authentic, I'll just compare it with him, what are you doing!"

Undoubtedly, it was definitely Su Hang that had just intervened. If it were not for Su Hang, he would definitely not win so easily, which made Xue Qi a little uncomfortable.

Su Hangdao, "If I don't do it, you're afraid it would have gone all the way!"

"How is it possible!" Xue Qi was very dissatisfied. "I was just careless. Where could this dog be my opponent?"

Su Hang gave him a blank look, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. Just now Xue Qi and the dog king had a war, which can be said to be really dangerous.

The layman looks at the lively, the layman looks at the doorway, Xue Qi is in it, maybe he doesn’t notice much, and even thinks that his realm is slightly higher than that of the dog king, and thinks that it will win. I'm afraid of losing.

Because, Su Hang can feel that what the King of Dogs just did has already involved the level of rules.

The rules, although only a little bit involved, are enough to gain an advantage in the battle, especially the realm of Dog King and Xue Qi are not far behind.

Therefore, in that situation, Xue Qi wanted to win. I was afraid that it would be difficult, and it is very likely that he would lose. The result of losing would only be terrible. Because of this, the Soviet airlines would only shoot, and the provincial Xue Qi wasted there It's time.

"Hang Brother, this plagued dog's digging technique is more than your skill, and it's too cruel!" To be honest, Xue Qi was a little bit afraid.

Xue Qi said, of course, it was Suhang’s millennium killing, which was also a rule, but it was much more subtle than the dog king’s skill. At least the millennium killing has become a rule, and the dog king’s digging technique is just It's just a touch of rules.

But when it comes to blood and blood, the Soviet Union's thousand-year killing is really a little witch compared to the dog king.

"This dog family can dominate the grasslands, and the inheritance of talents is certainly not weak. I remember that Master said that if you want to borrow the power of the rules, you need to have Heavenly Realm. Alas, it is a pity, why should you help him, Master?" At this time, Red Cloud Road.

Xue Qi's black line all over his face, "You woman, your heart is too bad?"

"What are you talking about?" Red Cloud is like a furious wake him up! "

Su Hang hurriedly interrupted and directly commanded that the two of them would quarrel as soon as they met, and they were really not a family and would not enter the door.

Xue Qi glared at Hongyun, without a word, with a stroke of his right hand, a large mass of water was condensed from the air and directly splashed on the face of Dog King.

The dog king was just fainted by Xue Qi, punched in water, and soon woke up.

Perhaps he hasn't figured out his situation yet, Gou Teng jumped up and caught someone trying to bite.

"court death!"

Xue Qi snorted, and then explored with his right hand again. A tree and vine shot out, quickly entangled the dog king with a sturdy body, and his body in the air fell suddenly, and a real dog eating **** fell, letting people watch It hurts.

"You, who are you? Dare to be rude to this king?" The dog king struggled hard, but to no avail, he could only look at the people in front of him with anger and ferocity. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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