Super Study God

Chapter 1388: This is Kunwu?

At this time, Mo Han stood up and stood high, raising his eyebrows and exhaling, looking at the dog king with a look like looking at the ants, "Dog king, I can't think of you today too? You are not a dog three smile? I don't know if you are now Can you still laugh?"

"Huh, little wolf boy, you are arrogant enough, when the king is out of trouble, you will destroy your wolf family." The dog king snarled.


Mo Han roared loudly and stood out with a swift blow, pulling a big-eared scraper directly on the dog king's face, "Destroy my wolf race? It's ridiculous, do you know what these three people standing beside me exist?" ? The predecessor of my wolf family, this, my uncle, the existence of the demon emperor realm, it is you, a small jackal family, dare to say that I destroy the wolf family?"

Mo Han's eyes are extremely fierce, like he's going to chew the dog king and eat it. I have to say that this guy is really bloated. If he put it in the past, how dare he say that, let alone give it to the dog Wang had a big ear scraper.

"Demon King?"

The dog king was stunned by Mo Han's slap, turned back, looked away, his eyes fell on Su Hang.

Mo Wang, the wolf king, retreated to the side, and Su Hang walked over. The invisible imperative made the dog king lean back.

"Don't be afraid." Su Hang laughed. "We came to you without any malice, but there are some things I want to ask you."

The dog king swallowed, and at this moment, he could clearly feel that the man in front of him was very strong and his voice was confusing, making him afraid to respond at all.

"Predecessor, senior is really a predecessor of the wolf family?" For a long time, the dog king sighed.

How can a wolf race, a second-rate race, have such a strong aura? When did the master of Demon Emperor Realm appear on the grassland?

"It doesn't matter." Su Hang waved his hand. "I asked, you answered, the answer is good, I let you go back and let you continue to be your dog king, but if the answer is not good, then I will give up Your skill, throw you to the wolf clan to do the coolie..."

The dog king listened, and his pupils shrank suddenly. In the past, such words were all he said to others. He could never imagine that he would also be threatened by someone this day, but this person has always spoken, always prestige. He, only fear, only fear.

"Senior, please, Ben... the puppy must know everything." The dog king said quickly.

This attitude is very satisfying, but the wolf king Mo Han is full of contempt. This is different from the original self. Dare to love this dog king is also a counsel.

Sure enough, someone with a big fist will be afraid of you, and if you take care of such a fierce existence, you can control it.

Su Hang did not turn around and directly said, "How much do you know about the Shengxianling?"

"Sheng Xian Ling?" The dog king froze for a moment.

"Don't pretend to be stupid, but you told me to go to Cangshan Snow Rabbit Clan to get the Immortal Order." At this time, Mo Han said a word, blocking the dog king's mouth to be stupid.

In the heart of the dog king, the wolf king Mohan can be hated to death. If time can go backwards, he dares to ensure that this wolf pup will not survive this morning.

Forced by the majesty of the Soviet Air, the dog king hesitated and said, "Return to the predecessor's words, this rising fairy order, the puppy is not very clear, only know that it is the inheritance treasure of the snow rabbit family, and the key to a mysterious world. It was left by the ancestors of the Snow Rabbit family. For the specific information, I am afraid that the Snow Rabbit family knows best. Seniors may go to the Snow Rabbit family to ask..."

The dog king spoke very earnestly, even sweating on his face.

Su Hang smiled a little, "Your ball is round enough, I just came from the Snow Rabbit Clan, and I went straight to get some useful information from your mouth, but I don't want you to know more than the Snow Rabbit Clan. Little, your answer makes me very dissatisfied. There is no way. It seems that I can only abandon your skills and send you to the wolf clan for hard work..."

"No, senior."

The dog king was startled. He could hear that Su Hang's words were cold and he was not joking with him at all. He cried and said, "Puppies really only know these..."

"Okay, I'll ask you again." Su Hang paused. "The world connected to the Shengxianling is Kunlun God Realm?"

"Kunlun Wonderland?" The dog king paused and shook his head quickly. "The puppy doesn't know."

Su Hang frowned, "Have you ever heard of Kunwu Mountain?"

The dog king's face was confused, and he shook his head again. "The puppy has never heard of Kunwu Mountain."

"I don't know what to do if you ask me three times." Su Hang, with a black face, intuitively told him that this dog must have been concealed.

The dog king has always been sensitive to danger. He has just felt the killing intention from Suhang. Now the dog king shudders and hurriedly said, "Please ask the senior to ask, please ask the senior to ask again."

Su Hang's frowned eyebrows stretched slightly, "Okay, let me ask you one last question. What else do you know about Shengxianling?"

Isn't this the first problem?

But this time, the dog king dare not say no more, even if he really doesn’t know, the editor has to compile one, two, three, and pretend to know, otherwise, the dog king believes that the three words are exported, and he never It will be better.

"Puppies really know something that others don't know." For a long time, the dog king only shyly said a word.

"Say." Su Hang spit out a word lightly.

Dog King said, "Actually, our dog clan's ancestors once had some friendship with the snow rabbit clan's ancestors. A few days ago, the puppies looked at the ethnography and found that there are some records of the Shengxianling in the ethnography. Among the Wukou Mountains, there is the entrance to the fairyland, and the key to the entrance is the Snow Rabbit Clan's Ascension Order. Therefore, the Wukou Mountain was also selected by the ancestors as a family land..."

"The entrance to the secret realm is on this mountain?" Su Hang froze for a This is useful news, but I don't know if the dog king's words are true.

At this time, Hongyun leaned over, "Uncle, is it the Wukou Mountain that you are looking for?"

"How is it possible, Kunwu Mountain is Kunlun Mountain, what is it like Kunlun Mountain, I have seen it, but it is an excellent blessing place of Feng Shui, how can it be as barren as these Wukou Mountains, and that this mountain is big enough, but The mountain trend is not like Kunlun at all..." Xue Qi immediately objected.

Hong Yun gave him a blank look, and then looked at Su Hang, but Su Hang frowned slightly, as if thinking about something.

"Hongyun said, it is not impossible." Su Hang pondered for a while, said, "The mountain range trend can be said, hundreds of millions of years, the sea can become a mulberry field, not to mention a mountain, no need to tangle here. "

It seems a little reasonable to say this, Xue Qi listened and thought for a while, but there was no objection. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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